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Everything posted by thaipo7

  1. How about the $40 million the Chinese paid Biden? Secret balloons flying over the US. Drones over the east coast.
  2. Yeah - We are so much better under the corrupt Marxist Democrats. Drain the Swamp.
  3. Tug - you back again with your idiotic remarks. Disappear again. You were not missed and will not be missed.
  4. Yep - You only believe the Marxist news and propaganda heard on the mass media. Does it have to be billions before a stop to this practice in needed? Idiot.
  5. We know, Biden was the best, right Tug? Your mouth has not worked well over the period of time I have seen you posts. Too far Left.
  6. Yeah, a little difference than talking to Sleepy Joe.
  7. What? He is getting the outcome he wants. Your the one who had never considered the outcome of the Corruption going on.
  8. I have many years with 3BB. Never had a problem with them in speed of repair work or keeping the Internet running. Can't say the save with Verizon in the US at a much greater expense. One time was down for 5 days. Just like being in a third world country but paying US prices. Don't talk about speeds either.
  9. Dismantling of the Deep State and corrupt government is good but you will never understand. You thought Harris was articulate. You thought Biden was the best. No much to take from what you say. How much money is spent with no accountability. How much money has been given to Leftist causes than only seek to destroy the USA. Time to end this. Trump has been brilliant so far this time around. The more people like you complain shows that Trump is doing the right thing. 77 million voted for this.
  10. My last two renewals were for 5 years. This renewal, I could only get a two year license. Not more than 90 days on my Visa. Also, why is Immigration involved in getting a license renewal? Why are no receipts issued for the 500 Baht for the letter Immigration? Is the 500 Baht split between Immigration and the Driver's License department heads? If no receipt how is the flow of money accounted for?
  11. You can't get through to a Leftist. If we could there would not be any. Mental problem as I see it.
  12. He is finally doing the right this for kicking Trump from the site and the $417 million he spent on Democrats in the 2020 cycle. What happened to the 15 million Democrat voters between 2020 and 2024? Were they actually there?
  13. Why are you a Democrat in today's world. You a Marxist Socialist? Just asking. This is what the Democrat Party has become.
  14. Why would there MOT be an election? Has the Left told the truth on anything?
  15. You can always tell how well Trump is doing. The more crap from the Left means Trump is doing the right things. Bet on it.
  16. Is Ukraine in Israel? Is Israel the only friend in the Mid East. Stupid Leftist remark. No sense in what you said.
  17. Too bad he was too late for a Biden Pardon.
  18. Tug baby - your back. Haven't wised up during you absence. I guess pre-emptive pardons are OK for you. After all this protects Biden's ass from all his wrongs by pardoning every person that knows about Biden.
  19. Way too many accidents like this. A Thai I know ran into the back of a parked farm tractor. Was not killed, but his suffering for life is not good.
  20. you support a guy who frees people who tried to overthrow the government. Were you disappointed that they didn't hang Pence? Sad. Trump is exactly what the US needs at this time. Just like when Reagan came to power. Tyranny in America is finished. You are so ill informed. Name one person charged with Insurrection. Just one. There was no insurrection.
  21. You're right. Biden was the worst ever. 50 years at the Government teat and still won't let go.
  22. The Left can not use Trump or Republican without saying 'far right'. When is the Right going to call the Left what they are. The Marxist Left.
  23. He and the crime family should be made to account for all their wrong doing.
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