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Posts posted by MrY

  1. I also find it exceedingly hard to believe!

    As I have been living in Thailand for 13 years, shopped all over Thailand except for the deep south and nothing like the OPs story has ever happened to me.

    Let me rephrase that, "has never happened to me where fix prices were posted" In Pattaya I would ask a vendor "how much" many times I received a high price quote, never said a word put the item back and left.

    Also in 13 years never had anyone say,"Farang price is more"

    I am not implying that it could not happen, but to be as wide spread as some say it is on this forum and I take issue with the OP's statment "every single incident that has happened to almost every Farang here"

    Eight (8) different posters stated that has never happened to them, at least five of them are long time residents of Thailand, and aside from the very vocal anti-Thai poster that champions the OP , the majority sentiment is that it has not happened to them.

    As it has also never happened to me, I would have to side with the majority opinion!


    More statistical evidence:

    I have spent more than half of last twenty years in Thailand, and this kind of thing has occurred (aside of government or tourist business systematic double pricing) about yearly. I have to agree it has much depended on the partners I had each time. For example, with my ex-wife they would often try suggesting she should "share" the perceived wealth of her rich foreign husband, and she always let them quite vocally know how bad they had misjudged her. Later, one gf occasionally mentioned something like this happening, but never confronted any shop owner. Another gf "candidate" I caught making deals right in front of me, unaware I understood. My wife now (and for several years) on the other hand never gets these kind of suggestions, I guess they don't take her as the type that would be receptive to such deals.

    So, much depends on who you are with, and whether you or your wife are perceived as being potential targets for this kind of BS. But it does happen all the time.


    Where is your "statistical evidence"?

    I will attempt to not be negative in addressing your post.. The "facts" that you state are simply stories about what your partners told you, not something you saw and know as a fact.

    I was single in Thailand for quite a few years and as Beetlejuice stated I am able to negotiate my own way in Thailand I being a long time resident in Thailand know for a fact a few things.

    1. I know the price of Tee shirts I purchased to be 180 baht, XX-large, in Pattaya I would pick up a T-shirt I liked and the vendor would say 450 baht, I simply put the shirt back and leave, No Sale!

    I have been here a long time and have a good idea of how much items I use cost, If a person lives in a Tourist center Pattaya, Nana, Phuket, Chaing Mai etc. you will always run into a vendor quote of a high price because many tourist do in fact pay more for items.

    2. Once I moved out of the Tourist cities and moved to rural Thailand I shop in mostly the same stores. Most vendors know how much I purchase and I get great customer service. It is a fact that anyone who chooses to live in the Tourist areas of Thailand will be quoted a higher price for an item.

    Just my Two cents!


    Oh no, no statistical evidence.

    Just "my two centavos" about your "8 poster majority".

    And I stand erected, it should have been "statistical evidence" [in quotes] so you would have known they are "just stories", weighting in on the subject by sharing our experiences.

    Thank you for sharing your stories.

    Carry on.

  2. I also find it exceedingly hard to believe!

    As I have been living in Thailand for 13 years, shopped all over Thailand except for the deep south and nothing like the OPs story has ever happened to me.

    Let me rephrase that, "has never happened to me where fix prices were posted" In Pattaya I would ask a vendor "how much" many times I received a high price quote, never said a word put the item back and left.

    Also in 13 years never had anyone say,"Farang price is more"

    I am not implying that it could not happen, but to be as wide spread as some say it is on this forum and I take issue with the OP's statment "every single incident that has happened to almost every Farang here"

    Eight (8) different posters stated that has never happened to them, at least five of them are long time residents of Thailand, and aside from the very vocal anti-Thai poster that champions the OP , the majority sentiment is that it has not happened to them.

    As it has also never happened to me, I would have to side with the majority opinion!


    More statistical evidence:

    I have spent more than half of last twenty years in Thailand, and this kind of thing has occurred (aside of government or tourist business systematic double pricing) about yearly. I have to agree it has much depended on the partners I had each time. For example, with my ex-wife they would often try suggesting she should "share" the perceived wealth of her rich foreign husband, and she always let them quite vocally know how bad they had misjudged her. Later, one gf occasionally mentioned something like this happening, but never confronted any shop owner. Another gf "candidate" I caught making deals right in front of me, unaware I understood. My wife now (and for several years) on the other hand never gets these kind of suggestions, I guess they don't take her as the type that would be receptive to such deals.

    So, much depends on who you are with, and whether you or your wife are perceived as being potential targets for this kind of BS. But it does happen all the time.


    • Like 2
  3. Sorry, but I find this incredibly difficult to believe.

    I have had store and market stall vendors trying it on with me on goods that are not priced, but never in my whole 30 years in Thailand had anything so blatant as a store owner chasing out of a shop demanding extra money for priced up items because it was bought for a farang, plus how did the staff member at the beautician’s know the OP`s wife was married to a farang if he was not there? Unless this particular staff member had psychic powers?


  4. OP, see what you did?

    You criticized all the TV members that are regularly out in public in the state you described, and consider it their right. All these BS Don a Top Hat, Wear a Tuxedo, Iron Your Undies attempts at sarcasm are just that, BS. You just rocked the boat and upset the apple cart, that's all.

    If you don't believe me, here's the proof: No-one has mentioned any Shinawatras in this thread.... biggrin.png

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  5. "However, 14% says they would try to stay away from HIV patients, whom have been described as "disgusting" by 2% of the respondents. 4% say they feel disgust toward AIDS patients."

    Such enlightened, empathic and heart warming views. Lets hope they stay safe, hey.

    I was surprised at such a low % for these. Humans are instinctively disgusted by things that are harmful to them.

    w00t.gif Yeah, alcohol, cigarettes and unhealthy foods come to mind...

  6. So the OP is involved with a Thai girl of 16 possibly younger. Step away now mate.

    blink.png Tongue-in-cheek, I hope...

    ...but my general impression is that this thread has really brought out some of the worst. And it's not the child molesters.

    I read the OP and then the whole thread and don't see anyone posting anything that would raise the suspicion of peadophilia, but I see the Pedo Squad running wild. Most don't even seem to have a clue what peadophilia actually is.

    It is as if an OP asks what the speed limit on Thai highways is, and the replies were along the lines of "Why do you intend to break the law? Criminals like you speeding drunk through crowded marketplaces and killing children while on the run from the drug police should be shot and then jailed for life and gang-raped by other inmates".

    ..and pre-emptively: I'm in my forties, married to a woman in her thirties, and find her young enough for my tastes.

    • Like 2
  7. Really? Nobody checking for these things now?

    They only check AFTER something happens. No need to check before because everything is fine. whistling.gif

    In this case, correct. Flat spotting a tire is usually where the troubleshooting starts. Normally you just don't get unlucky enough to skin a tire all the way down until it blows, though.

    • Like 1
  8. The pilot can't lock one wheel. So an ABS failure on the failed assembly is more likely, since the other tires look fine (without being able to see all around the tires). A bit of investigation is warranted.

    Correct. It is not possible by pilot error alone. Requires a brake system component malfunction to go with it. Or no pilot error, just "normal" heavy braking and component malfunction. In any case quite common. This is how you would find out about a brake system problem, usually. Check anti-skid fault codes, check wheel transducers, check brakes for freedom of rotation, check anti-skid valves, check wiring for damage, etc. If nothing found, replace and bench test anti-skid controller. Nothing in this incident is directly implying poor maintenance (even though that is probably also true).

  9. Not a specialist in the field, so just asking:

    doesn't the picture show that the burst occurred on an area where severe abrasion had taken place? Like if the brakes had been applied before landing instead of while in contact already, meaning the wheel was blocked during contact?

    Absolute bullshit.

    May I ask why, if it is so "absolute" for you?

    The wheel could have been locked on touchdown, due to a combination of poor technique (pilot nervously applying brakes early due to landing long, etc.) and a failure in the anti-skid system, but not by one factor alone. If the wheel was locked due to brake system failure alone, it would have stayed locked all the way to a full stop (and would have blown up before coming to a stop). No bullshit in the above, just normal curiosity.

  10. If the wheel was locked by defective brakes how come we can see the site of the blow out? Just asking and seeking an intelligent answer.

    For example, if brakes were applied heavily too early on touchdown (before wheel spin-up signal, 50-60 knots or so) and locked wheel protection not working. The wheel would then start rotating freely once the pilot released the brakes after landing roll.

    Or same kind of scenario with heavy breaking during landing roll and anti-skid not working.

    THAI officials said it was not a burst but just the tyre deflated after landing.

    I didnt know deflated tyre could make a noise of loud explosion .. another lies from officials to save their faces ? This kind of tyre issue happens very often . no need to cover up .

    As an ex pilot heavy landing or debris on runway, no need for all the I don't know armchair sleuths.

    Heat generated by the tire can cause a tire to "deflate" in this manner even without this kind of visible damage. A long taxi distance at heavy takeoff weight, followed by a rejected takeoff at high speed will do the trick, for example. Stay clear and wait for about 10 minutes. Goes off like a stick of dynamite...

    BTW, judging by the picture, we're not looking at damage from debris or simply a heavy landing (could be a factor though).

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