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Posts posted by MrY



    I found I drank significantly more when I lived in the states because quite honestly the alcohol and beer selection is far superior to anything Thailand can offer. Singha, Chang, Leo is utter garbage. Typical higher end spirits are rare in Thailand and when you find them they are quite pricey. With that said I seldom drink here but I do have former colleagues that regularly travel to Thailand and they mule over a nice 750 of Vodka, Tequila, Rum for me. So my collection is growing quite well and I enjoy them sparingly.
    There is nothing wrong with drinking alcohol. It has been around for thousands of years. Its the people that can handle it or have zero self control that make it a big deal. I love a top shelf spirit "Neat" out in the sala.

    Same with any other drugs.. there is no problem using drugs.. only those who loose control and damage themselves are a problem.
    Its the persons body and he / she should be able to do with it what he / she wants as long as you don't cause problems for others.

    Beer in the USA superior. You must to be joking. All the common and most drinked beers in the US are terrible. Among the worst in the world



    I hate to tell you (no I don't) but beer culture is alive and well in the States. Brewpubs and microbreweries all over the place. Some 20 years ago what you said was still largely true, but now it's Ale, Ale, Ale, everywhere. Of course the most beer consumed in the States is still crap, but an endless selection of quality traditional and/or innovative brews are available. And I don't think JAFO meant just American beers when he was talking about the selection of beers available. Below is a link to a place I visited on my last brief visit to Florida. 60-70 beers on the menu, plus specials. Where in Thailand (other than my cold room) would you find something like that...?



    • Like 2
  2. What's the alternative? Marrying a drunken, philandering, violent loser earning a pittance with the IQ of an artichoke.

    Wow, here we go again, the obligatory Thai male bashing from Thaivisas high class expat forum users.

    I have seen many many similar threads from you Kurnell, where you seem to have a specific need to express your need for putting down Thai people, and Thai males in particular.

    It is clear that you got your ego hurt during your childhood and now feel the need to stay here in Thailand so you can somehow repair it.

    I recommend you see a psychiatrist.


    Hmmm. Though exceptions do exist (all of your Thai male 'friends', for example), I'll have to side with kurnell on this one. Vast majority of regular Thai guys (as harmless as they might otherwise be) are worthless when it comes to relationships.

  3. I need an advice...

    ...I have access to guns (glock 19) and poison so it would be easy for me to kill the dogs...

    crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif You might be beyond advice, some other kind of help maybe...

    I was gonna suggest pepper spray, but since you've got it, just turn it around 180 degrees and squeeze a good 10 seconds with eyes wide open. it will help see the light... biggrin.png

    • Like 1
  4. the violent sea waves on the Andaman Coast at present were due to strong winds that resulted from seasonal monsoons, and were unrelated to a tsunami

    Well reasoned, dear Watson.

    the fault line that can trigger a tsunami was located far enough for Thailand

    The fault line that created Boxing Day tsunami that killed 2500 foreigners and "2500" Thais is still within inches of where it lied back then. Sure the storms are of more concern to them. The tsunami was in 2004, the storms are now.

  5. good news with luck the Thais might clean up the mess the US made of this wonderful country during there RnR visits way back.

    Get real! Spread Eagle is the national bird of Thailand. Don't blame the ornithologists for it's prevalence...

    • Like 1
  6. From the OP: "I have a current job, but am always willing to consider a more rewarding or more professional school. However, the current batch of recruiters have been just pathetic."

    You complain about a lack of professionalism, but you are prepared to break your current contract if you can get more money somewhere else. Don't you consider the damage you do to your school, students and fellow teachers when you break a contract? You signed your current contract, and you agreed to its terms and conditions.

    Can't agree more.-thumbsup.gif

    I can't agree more with the OP, but not with these hip-shot assumptions. I am also always on the lookout for a better contract [but in a different field]. The key word is 'contract', limited term employment. Not a word was said about breaking contract nor honoring them terms therein. You find a better contract (or better yet, the elusive permanent position), advise your new employer of you date of availability, give notice to the current employer and move on.

  7. I am on a very popular island right now. It's literally a ghost town. Incredible. Bands playing to empty venues. Not a person there enjoying the music. I feel sorry for the locals.

    Indeed - I have been called a fool for saying this would happen too. And much sooner than many may think possible.

    I've seen some mock 'empty threats' of leaving LOS, and I'm putting my money where my mouth is.

    I'm in KL for a visa to go back one more time, so I may get my belongings, and then I am off...

    I think I'll check back in with this site for entertainment purposes, from time to time in the next couple of years.

    And I'll of course add my visa experience to your blog when I find out the results of that.

    Ladies and gents, there are other hot countries to explore (some with no ridiculous property / aircraft ownership laws too), also with nice beaches... Just a shame there is not a national sport of Muay Thai there also (the original reason for my coming to LOS).

    This visa & military mess is going to hit the Thai everyday people so bad - Patong was a joke last Sat night. Not been in a year and it was a shadow of its former self, in terms of numbers of people.

    And it is going to get much worse.

    Bye 'yall...

    I feel ya. It's a major issue holding back quality tourist from coming to Thailand. And try to buy a football team. Ha! It's made practically impossible.... annoyed.gif.pagespeed.ce.EWbqpZ7s0b.gif

    • Like 1
  8. Makes me laugh on this forum when people casually drop that they hang out with "Upper Middle Class Thai's"

    What because they work in a bank or an office they're upper middle class lol

    If the Thais in question are related to royal and or high ranking military personnel, spending spring at their holiday home in the Cotswolds and get their mail delivered to large regal apartments in a Chelsea/Kensington mansion house then maybe I'll believe you hang out with upper class thai's

    You got your classes mixed.facepalm.gif

    Back to class! biggrin.png

    Not really. Unless the poster was referring to the 'American' upper middle class

    Upper class, as in mostly inherited wealth/position, no need to work for living.

    Upper middle class, as in highly educated [,or at least well paid,] professionals with comfortable household incomes.

    Your definition may differ, but the poster was referring to to two different classes.

  9. One has to wonder why a person who didn't feel threatened or inferior to Thais find such a need to constantly try to paint a negative light on Thais and Thailand. If somebody really felt Thais were inferior there would be no reason to say anything unless you are the type of person that needs to constantly remind everyone that you are smarter than the retarded kid down the street. Many of the comments here seem no different than an insecure man being jealous of a handsome and well built male and needing to comment that the male is surely gay.

    If I didn't think Thailand was exceptional then I would be a fool for building a life that included living here.

    That is only true if you consider Thais to be the retarded kid down the street and feel that they are beyond critique due to their true inferiority. If you believe them to be more than that, then your argument seems to lose weight rather quickly.

    Many, if not most, of the issues many of us discuss, have averse effects on Thais, not only in the present sense, but going forward. Refusing to take corrective actions, especially on a governmental level, because you refuse to see yourself as anything other than exceptional, can result in dire consequences.

    Your second argument, which actually has no logical connection to your "retarded kid down the street" argument, is called jealousy. And while it may be caused by insecurity, I doubt many people wish any of the things that are wrong with Thailand upon themselves.

    While Thailand may be exceptional in many ways, it's seriously screwed up in many ways as well.

    What I always find somewhat amusing is that, in many ways, it is us who benefit from Thailand's woes. If the people who write comments which you find to be exhibiting an inferiority complex were, at all, self-interested, they would shut their mouths and let Thailand drive the bus off the cliff.

    Very well articulated, Sir!

  10. Makes me laugh on this forum when people casually drop that they hang out with "Upper Middle Class Thai's"

    What because they work in a bank or an office they're upper middle class lol

    If the Thais in question are related to royal and or high ranking military personnel, spending spring at their holiday home in the Cotswolds and get their mail delivered to large regal apartments in a Chelsea/Kensington mansion house then maybe I'll believe you hang out with upper class thai's

    You got your classes mixed.facepalm.gif

    Back to class! biggrin.png

  11. I bet she can name the 15 principles of democracy which automatically makes her smarter than 99.9% of red shirt supporters!

    Well done to her and under a democratic umbrella she is allowed to have an opinion.

    Unless the red shirts have made opinions that don't suit their agenda illegal now?

    Don't answer that one Chalerm!!!

    This was not really a subject that interested me, except for wanting to know what passes for 'beauty' these days in Thailand. They certainly seem to like their beauty queen quite featureless... tongue.png

    Then this "15 Principles of Democracy" caught my eye, and I had to sift through the pages to see the replies since there is no such thing.

    And for 5 pages TV posters made tools of themselves by commenting on the subject as if such a set of rules existed... w00t.gif

    Depending on how you brake down the curriculum (and that's where you would most likely find "Principles of Democracy" or something similar), you may come up with 5, not 15!

  12. Increasing her social status by hooking up/marrying a farang?

    That upgrade happens only if said farang allows her to buy a huge dog, which then drags her around the moo ban twice daily.

    Tell me more about this "huge dog" phenomenon! I own two of the [possibly] biggest 'monster' dogs (actually they are quite loveable and docile out in public) in Thailand. A breed I dreamed 25 years of owning. Never know/heard about this being in related to upward mobility in Thailand. Sounds like the comment is related to a personal experience? Just curious.

  13. you dont know a lot about Thailand or its culture do you, Most respectable Thai women would not be seen dead with a foreigner.

    Strange! I have lived in Thailand for over 10 years and traveled around quite a lot. What I hear everywhere in Thailand from women is can you help me find a farang husband. I usually say that I can not help you, but why not find a good Thai man. The answer I always get is I do not want a Thai man again.

    I concur. Despite Thais being on the 'shy' side due to the perceived language barrier, there has been a fairly common request in in one way form or another over the last 20 years. More common if your current partner is seen as having 'found' you as prize, less so if she is seen as a 'proper' girl (whatever that means to the individual in case). Just a reality in a developing country. (Whatever your opinion now, at least it was when I arrived fairly poor.)

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