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Posts posted by delgarcon

  1. 3 hours ago, transam said:


    Are you looking for........:clap2:.............Or a pat on the back..?

    People like you just don't understand that we ALL know what you can do if you are dodgy and a chancer, but me, I like to sleep at night, not look at the floor under the letterbox every morning..........:intheclub:

    If you ever get nabbed, we will never hear about it here..........😋

    You should be fully aware that I was answering a question with fact.

  2. 10 minutes ago, superal said:

    Are you saying that the HM gov will accept a down loaded signed copy of a life cert ? I thought that the signature had to be an original which is signed on the original life cert form . 

    Work it out superal. You download a copy, print it, get it signed and return it to your partner in crime who then puts it into the brown envelope and posts it.

  3. For those of you that are already living here, as far as the uk gov is concerned, youve missed the boat I'm afraid. For those who are thinking about retiring in Thailand, here's some advice on how to keep your pension up to date.

    1) Keep your UK bank account open to use for the payment of your pension

    2)You need an address where HM Gov can write to you (a family member, an ex wife who still loves you😄 for example) who will e-mail you the correspondence, particularly life certs, which you can download, print and get the local pharmacist, for example,to sign and stamp.

    3)You have 16 weeks from the date of the letter accompanying the certificate, to return the certificate IN THE BROWN ENVELOPE, which your co conspirator must keep and post when he/she receives the signed cert from you.

    4)Keep a record of the dates of correspondence in case you get a letter from HM gov asking you where you have been living for the last year. You have to tell them you were in Thailand when you were sent the L.C. for example.

    I don't believe that you will be asked for proof of where you were living (I wasn't), just make sure you don't drop yourself in it. Remember that the Pension service is very busy and that they're not going to waste time chasing a few quid. In 12 years I've never been asked why some of .my life certificates have been signed in Thailand.

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  4. Top of my list is Barbados. I spent the best part of 2 winters there, before I came to Thailand and I loved every minute of it. Fun people, great night spots and restaurants, a fantastic climate and  beautiful beaches that you could, very often, have to yourself. On both occasions I rented inexpensive apartments for 2 and 3 months and if circumstances had been different I'd probably be living there now.

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