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Posts posted by bangkokpoppys

  1. Thinking a couple of things here:

    1. The local Thai branch didn't make the car and will also want to see a happy customer.

    2. This kind of catastrophic fault will be reported to Germany HQ as they are infrequent.

    3. BMW is a quality registered company meaning it is compliant with a number of ISO standards. The basis of any quality system is that any written a complaints must be recorded and responded to. May be useful to find the QA Directora name in Germany and write to him a registered letter and copy the local branch.

    4. Only a detailed knowledge of your model's design will allow for accurate postulation on causes...all else will be noise for you.

    5. The Service manager in most euro car companies tend to be top notch, as they are the "glue" that keep the workshop operating. Usually the best trained. They are your best trained and your best friend.

    6. Make sure you are confident in the explanation of the root cause. Keep rejecting their suggestions until you are completely satisfied.

    I am sure that you will solve all problems and get an answer you are going to be happy with and eventually enjoy your beaut car.

  2. The end is near for the Shins - but whats to follow - no ones knows.

    keep watching Kiev, that should provide some clues.

    in security commentary, it is noted that without a visible, viable major alternative to Dems and PTP (I know there are other smaller players out there) - the path to peace will be unpredictable and unpleasant. Either the smaller players will need to bandy together and become popular and Mr Fixit's, or the Dems will keep chasing the Shins and around we go like a typhoon, drawing in debris for collateral damage. good name for a film.

  3. Is there a prize for the worst joke ever?

    A couple were indulging in some post coital conversation....

    Her: "I heard some of the neighbours talking today and they said that you are a pedophile"

    Him: "Wow!"

    Her: "Darling, why do you look surprised?"

    Him: "Do you know what pedophile means?"

    Her: "I think so"

    Him: "Oh you are so clever, that's a big word for such a little girl"

    That must qualify.

    Yellow jersey!

    A bit like:

    How does Michael Jackson know what time it is to go to bed?

    When the little hand touches the big hand.

    I'm outta here!

  4. Not sure if anyone can assist but would be grateful for thoughts and advice.

    We will be relocating back to Aus in July. We would like to bring our maid back with us for a month to help us set up again and also to take her on a bit of a holiday with the kids so she can see another country.

    I would apply for a tourist visa, maid's stats are:

    1. 36 years

    2. 12 year old child not living with her

    3. unmarried

    4. work history with us 2 years

    I am aware of knock backs of maids visas in the past from friends. Would greatly appreciate any thoughts or tips and suggestions.

    Will she have a reason to return? Future job prospect?

    Short answer is yes - she wants to live in BKK and continue the same work. She will likely be employed again with a different employer when she intends to travel over with us.

  5. Not sure if anyone can assist but would be grateful for thoughts and advice.

    We will be relocating back to Aus in July. We would like to bring our maid back with us for a month to help us set up again and also to take her on a bit of a holiday with the kids so she can see another country.

    I would apply for a tourist visa, maid's stats are:

    1. 36 years

    2. 12 year old child not living with her

    3. unmarried

    4. work history with us 2 years

    I am aware of knock backs of maids visas in the past from friends. Would greatly appreciate any thoughts or tips and suggestions.

  6. The real issue here isn't the sexuality of the parents at all. There are many people who are raised by 1 piss poor parent that couldn't give an s**t. 2 fathers who both love you dearly? Fine.

    The issue here is that there are 1,000,000s of children all over the world who are already born but will live their lives in homes never knowing the love of a parent. These 2 (and many, many others like them including infertile hetero couples) could really make a difference but make this choice. That is what I have a problem with.


    However still right for anyone to have their own kids ... The dichotomy of life in this great world we live in.

    And Thailand is full of more contradictions than most countries as beautiful as it and it's people are.

  7. Taking the family to Khao Lak and am wondering if it is worth while hiring a car for sightseeing purposes, struggling to get much info on this.

    We are flying into Phuket then was thinking to pick up a 4x4 there. Us there much to see around the area?

    Thanks for your TV-wise suggestions in advance.

  8. I can only wonder what good would be done for the kingdom if all of the energy and time and other resources used to protest, analyse, report, second guess, third guess, avoiding traffic and protest sits, the grieving of families who have love ones lost or injured - the whole impact - can you just imagine the possibilities that this country could have experienced over the past six months?

    All of the above if equalized somehow is probably equivalent to 2 new schools, a major hospital, an upgraded highway etc.

    Life is short.

  9. My girl is from university. Her friends all seem to approve and see the idea of dating a foreigner positively (exotic/romantic/etc). BUT: the ones I've met, including my now girlfriend, were definitely shy and wary, and perhaps easy to scare off. Keep in mind that girls at that age will have had very little exposure to foreigners, you maybe first they've ever met. Some of them may not have had much exposures to guys at all. And a lot will be unconfident in their English skills (speaking thai helped me a lot). But I don't think there is an attitude of 'foreigners = bad guys'. Not what i have seen. Most haven't had enough contact or exposure to the west to make that kind of judgement. It's more a case of 'these guys are so alien and different'. That's just my experience, I teach english at universities also.

    "the ones I've met, including my now girlfriend, were definitely shy and wary, and perhaps easy to scare off."

    Probably best not to tell them about Thai Visa. "Shy and wary" could easily turn to "scared silly" if they peruse a few typical threads.


    Agree and would like to add that - also due to Thai Visa posts - shouldn't the faring be the one who is wary and almost scared silly??!!!

  10. Nothing could be sadder than this article and I hope the family don't get to read the description of the body and what happened to it.

    I'm a keen cyclist and ridden across a dozen different countries. I miss my sport and hobby, however nothing excites me about riding much here. I'd prefer to remain alive. I like to think I am a pretty good rider with lots of experience, but none of that protects me from the alcohol, drug and sleep deprived or just plain crazy drivers. I'm needed for my kids.

    Full respect to others doing it and long may you spin those cranks safely.

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  11. My first job was working in an orange juice factory, but I got canned ...couldn't concentrate.

    Then I worked in the woods as a lumberjack, but I just couldn't hack it, so ...they gave me the axe.

    After that I tried to be a tailor. It was a so-so job, and I guess I just wasn't suited for it.

    Next I tried working in a muffler factory but that ...was exhausting.

    I wanted to be a barber, but ...I just couldn't cut it.

    Then I tried to be a chef -- figured it would add a little spice to my life but I just ...didn't have the time.

    I attempted to be a deli worker, but any way I sliced it, I ...couldn't cut the mustard.

    My best job was being a musician, but eventually I found ...I wasn't very noteworthy.

    I studied a long time to become a doctor, but I ..didn't have any patience.

    Next was a job in a shoe factory; I tried but I ...just didn't fit in.

    I became a professional fisherman, but discovered that I ...couldn't live on my net income.

    Thought about becoming a witch, so I ...tried that for a spell.

    I managed to get a good job working for a pool-maintenance company, but the work was ...just too draining.

    I got a job at a zoo feeding giraffes but I was fired because I ...wasn't up to it.

    So then I got a job in a fitness-center, but they said I ...wasn't fit for the job.

    Next, I found being an electrician interesting, but the work was shocking and I ...was discharged.

    After many years of trying to find steady work I finally got a job as a historian until I realized there was ...no future in it.

    My last job was working at Starbucks, but I had to quit because it ...was always the same old grind.


    just checking to see whether you have done a lot of wedding speeches…!

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