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Posts posted by Stradavarius37

  1. Tell you what - Come over to Boromratchachonani Road (Pinklao-Nakhon Pathom Road) where they are repaving. There are NO lines at that road, and haven't been for a month. Then try driving on it, with those giant ass two trailer trucks barreling through. Then you will realize that they do follow the lines so some extent, even if they are mere guidelines, its better than nothing.

  2. I was talking with a young lady the other day. I had on a pair of nice pleated dress shorts and a newish golf shirt. She felt the material of the shorts and shirt, looked at me and said "you handsum man."

    Thats great pal. Im sure right after you both discussed the merits of pleats you celebrated with a game of connect 4, before doing the konga down Soi Bintabaht, ringing every bell on the way to the Hitlon Disco, where you spent the night dancing like a drunken dad at a wedding.

    Finishing off with the 3000 baht ST.wub.png

    3000 Baht - Are the Japanese here? (3 minutes, 3 inches, 3000 baht)

  3. I take it your pro euthanasia on humans too ? I know i am but think we are in the wrong country for that. Back home they do give that service, and on fox news (USA) they say we kill off all the old people (screwed image not true). If i ever get something terminal id hope to be put out of my misery.

    I'll do it!!!

  4. So the nurse are not happy

    So lets take benefits form the doctors and give it to the nurses

    I wonder if the doctors will be happy after this

    What brilliant idea

    I agree - this has to be one of the stupidest ideas ever...Its not like doctors at public hospitals are rolling in money. Most of them have to open their own clinics or freelance at private hospitals just to get by.

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