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Posts posted by Stradavarius37

  1. One thing to never go cheap on is a mattress...the other is shoes. You spend half your life in one, and the other half in the other.

    Go to HomePro, or the like, get yourself a nice name brand quality mattress. Your back and bones will thank you. And you can then thank me...

    • Like 1
  2. After paying those ripoff artists for 10 years, we finally gave them them boot. Their customer service is a sham, and the internet gives me any tv channel i want to watch - streaming for free.

    Also, they came to collect their dish, and my wife wouldn't let them have it. She can still use it to watch the free to air channels, and said that she purchased the dish, when subscribing 10+ years ago. You should have seen their faces when they put their ladder away, because my 5 foot tall wife was yelling at them in the front yard...priceless. Next step - ditch True internet and true phone.

  3. Stradavarius37,

    I'm sorry but your understanding of English is incorrect. I am passing information on that has been given to me by someone else (in this case Mr Ayling's father). The information could well be wrong, but that doesn't make me mistaken, as I am only the messenger. If you received a letter through the mail delivered by a postman, and the information in that letter you either know or believe is wrong, that doesn't make the postman mistaken. I am just the postman. If the postman delivers the mail to the wrong person, then he is mistaken. The information I have passed on was intended for anyone (and the family want as many people to know about this as possible) so therefore, again, I am not mistaken. What i would be interested to find out is how the experts on here both know and can prove that they are right on the issue - believing something does not necessarily make it so, and the Aylings were told by the UK police, much to their and my surprise, that the UK police do have jurisdiction to investigate in Thailand as the death occurred in the UK. If any of you who say that this is mistaken have evidence to back up their claim that this is mistaken, please present it. If not, shut up.

    Your charm is showing my friend.

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