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Posts posted by sitti

  1. my wife was getting drinking water out of machines near house till i watched machines over time people would come regular to empty machines of money

    i have never seen on both machines anyone over past 12mts change filter or clean maybe clean middle night// or have best filters in world // or no filters

    or maybe have super secret filters western world dont know about yet also how was it everyone drank town water and never hurt anyone years ago

    but through scare tatics the largest companys in the world now own the bottle water industry coke cola pepsi chang singa cheers allan

    Unless you watch the water machine 24 hours a day, how can you possible be sure that no one ever change the filters. It takes only a few minutes. I have water machines in sukhumvit. Our machines are absolutely clean and many people (including myself) are drinking water from it. Owners are supposed to change the filters at least every 6 months. I have my people change filters in our machines every 4 months since so many people are using it. But I'm sure there are dishonest owners who never change the filter and clean the machine.

  2. If there is an election, Taksin's people will win again and new era of corruption will start. Taksin couldn't buy votes from wealthier and educated Thais in bangkok, but these people are minority. People in the other regions are poorer and less educated, unforetunately, these people are the majority. So Taksin can always buy majority of votes in Thailand if election process remains the same as before.

  3. I travel with a laptop bag that weighs in at over 13 kilo, the laptop and power brick alone weigh over 7 I was challenged once and when I removed the laptop and power supply they realised I could never get it below 7kilo and there was no way the laptop was going into checked baggage so they abandoned any challenge they were thinking, I travel light no other bags or luggage only - happened once in over 60 flights

    If a bag fits in the overhead locker what's the problem = I've seen people boarding flights with two small cases and a pile of other %%%%% unchallenged

    In saying that this guy should have been arrested and thrown off the plane and banned from travel - a rude mouth piece

    The main problem is the weight. During very heavy turbulance and emergency landing, overhead storage can pop open. Bags in it could fly and hit someone in the head real hard. It does happen time to time.

  4. I would rather buy from authorized store with genuine manufacturer warranty. Besides selling price on ebay is hardly any cheaper, and you could get hit with big import duties. If an item is defective, hassle and fee of shipping it back, and wait weeks replacement or refund. Not worth it.

  5. Surely as always, there are 2 sides to this topic. A few (very few, both local and internationally) are happy with the investigation the "sound" evidences and everyting surrounding the case. Then there are MANY that are not, these are the facts also resulting a British officials summoning Thai representatives, more than 100,000 signatures in an on-line petition; (...).

    Anyhow as with any doubt in any scenario be it privately, in business or public is it not logic that you show the doubting opponent that he is wrong? Even more if it is very easy?

    Easy in this case means: Have the DNA-Match of the suscpects independently verified!

    Not hard at all - right?

    To me the categoric refusal to do so tells a lot!

    I hope the lawyer the suspects is strong and connected enough to dare to make this request! However my hope goes to the Social Media and the British observers to get this finally done.

    So keep posting and let's spread the word wherever possible!

    "...more than 100,000 signatures in an on-line petition..."

    "...keep posting and let's spread the word..."

    As only 0.15% of the Great Britain signed the petition, a very good indication of how many people actually care if you listen to the posters here, you are going to very much have to keep spreading the word.

    Very true. This is the reality. Just like any other crime case in the past and thousands of online petition, soon people will completely forget and start talking about something else. If people do really care, do the petition and protest offline.

  6. Does anyone here know if the general has a formal education?

    Because most foreigners here with personal interaction and experience with so called educated Thais know that is just not the case. The Thai higher learning institutions are mostly substandard and lacking any real world credibility.

    That said, it appears our dear general may never have had a formal education outside the sorry excuse for the Thai military. And of he did attend university here on Thailand then it explains a lot.

    Has anyone ever seen his cv?


    Not very relevant. Just becuase one had higher education doesn't make him always right. People with Phd aren't always right and high school dropouts aren't always wrong. Many stupid terrorists that get caught so easily had higher educations in the US and UK. In this kind of case, experience is more important. And don't forget, not anybody withmoney can just become the general. Many people have money. Just like what Byran (from movie Taken) said "I can tell you I don't have money... but what I do have are a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you."

    I would rather take people with long proven experiences than fresh grads with only papers.

  7. Well just as expected. I can't believe there some people here at TV actually believed something will change when they read yesterday's article of UK police coming to Thailand. Everything is already on rail track. This is just a political show to satisfy political interests for both sides. Just like every other incident happens in any part of the world, eventually people and media will lose interest and thing will quietly die down. Case closed.

  8. It is very simple. As long as you have the right paper work, you have absolutely nothing to fear from the authorities. Only you know for sure what documents you have and you don't have. If you don't have what is required by the law....in my opinion 20,000 baht is pretty cheap price to pay instead of facing the trouble. I don't know what your situation is but if you don't have the paper work, until you make everything right, they can come back again sometime in the future.

  9. Nothing is going to change much. UK police have no authority outside of their own country. They can only work within what Thai authorities allow. Pretty much what going to happen is Thai police will give the brits some tour, show some evidences, let them re-verify the evidences, take some of their opinions, and at the end they will agree with Thai police on most things. Case resolved. Basically just a show to satisfy interests of both sides. Nothing more than politics.

    you are brain-dead, my friend... just watch... and don't bother us with your nonsense...

    :-) Yes, just watch

  10. Nothing is going to change much. UK police have no authority outside of their own country. They can only work within what Thai authorities allow. Pretty much what going to happen is Thai police will give the brits some tour, show some evidences, let them re-verify the evidences, take some of their opinions, and at the end they will agree with Thai police on most things. Case resolved. Basically just a show to satisfy interests of both sides. Nothing more than politics.

  11. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Scum probably got back most of the original amount already. How generous to forgive the interest after the poor lady immolated herself. alt=bah.gif>

    Scum? If I give you a credit we together grown up sign a contract. Which has a high interest rate because the risk of not getting the money back is high. Later you don't pay your part and I am the scum??????

    No one forced her into borrowing the money. And 400.000 are surely not because she was starving and need some pork to eat together with her rice.

    If you are a small farmer 400.000 is a lot money.

    Yes Scum. There is no risk of not getting the money back as the loan is secured with a deed for the land. The high interest rates should be illegal as it is in civilized countries. You surely do not know why she obtained the loan but you sit in judgment. Yes Scum...that is spelled [enter your name].

    No, not really scum. it is one kind of business. Don’t be so naïve, there is always a risk in lending money. Just because having a land for collateral, it doesn’t mean the loan is 100% secured. In order to take the land, you must go through long and costly process. Can takes months to a few years before your case goes to court. Currently court is overwhelmed by so many civil cases. No land owner would just nicely handover the land. Even after you have the land, it is still just a land. You have to find a buyer with the right offer to liquidate it, assuming that land is worth buying. Good luck with that. In reality, no lender would want a piece of land over the interest. That is the whole point of lending money. And don’t forget, why do you think she could not get a loan from any real bank in the first place. Because banks considered her as high risk, not credit worthy, and her land is not worth taking risks. She knew what she was getting into. She agreed and signed a contract. Still she failed to fulfill her obligation.

    Yeah yeah, in perfect civilized world, at lot of things should be illegal. Insanely high medical bills that force people to go bankrupt, bailing out Wall Street for their failed money which could have used that money to save people from losing their home, allowing pentagon to spend a trillion dollar on something they knew we don’t need, and this high interest rates……either you can just deal with it or you can’t.

  12. I am sorry to hear what happened to you. I lived in many countries and totally understand how frustrating immigration process can be. However, you have made one big mistake. You didn't research it yourself from beginning, and you can't really blame all on the school. I believe this applies to most countries. In the eyes of immigration law of any country, it is applicant's responsibility to make sure you have the right documents and correct information. Even if they were prepared by school, visa service or attorney, it is your fault. Also this may sound suck but it is still your fault if immigration officer incorrectly processed your application. Because, once again, it is applicant's responsibility to make sure you have the right documents and correct information.

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  13. I don't have much interest in this case and didn't read most of its articles, so I don't really have an opinion whether it's BS or not. But what is with all these hateful generalization toward thai? Some are literally taking advantage of it to promote hate. Read between the lines of some articles (written by...who? and who knows how accurate they are), quoting from it, and make speculations and accusations from it is just laughable.

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