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Posts posted by sitti

  1. I can see the way they dress can be a problem at temple, especially a lady. Anyway, it doesn't matter whether you agree or disagree with local's complaints. We all come from different backgrounds, and have different beliefs and world views. I am sure those 2 didn't mean to offend anyone at all. It was just part of their daily exercises. Howerver, these farangs tourists are in Thailand as guests. It is a common sense that once you are in foreign country, you must respect their rules and culture. If you accidently did something inappropriate to upset the locals, you should stop doing it again and apologize.

    • Like 1
  2. All very nice!!

    But where are the foreign tourists, who actually creates an income for the country??

    All respect for local tourism, but it is just moving the money from one pocket to another!!

    Article clearly states

    "Both Thais and international visitors have been flocking to various tourist destinations in Thailand"

    Plenty of foreign tourists dropping money here as we speak.

    • Like 1
  3. Thailand, TAT, really has no idea what they are wishing for.

    Unruly and rude Russians and Chinese, neither were educated with commonly accepted behavior. All gets worse ! People from all over the world stay away from them.

    I personally watched a group of Chinese visiting Switzerland. Many hotels in Turkey refuse Russians.

    TAT, I hope you are reading this. There will be days coming that you are begging Westerners to come and vacation in Thailand even offer expats ownership of land and businesses to tell friends and family to come please visit.

    What is the point of that since westerners spend far less money than Chinese. Many western tourists aren't exactly problem-free either. The real quality tourist everybody want the most is not westerners, but Japanese. Of course the amount of Japanese tourist is a lot smaller than Chinese, but they are very polite, least likely to cause any problem, and spend money.

    If thailand ever allows ownership of land to foreigners, most will be bought by Chinese at higher price.

  4. "We feel a responsibility to ensure that people of Thailand have the possibility to get the quality treatment that they need.."

    Then...How about doing something about getting quality doctors in rural areas to replace the ones who appear that they received their training from a school that advertises in the back of comic books. Right next to the ad for X-Ray glasses?

    I don't know if you'd like to work for less money, but most people including doctors would want go to where they get paid more, a lot more.

  5. We are pointing fingers at wrong people. The main source of problem is not the drivers, but the taxi companies. They charge too much rental fees from the drivers, and they also have quite harsh policies especially returning the car on time. My driver used to drive a taxi. He said all his hard work, he often made only a 200~300 baht per day after rental fees and gas. They want customers as much as possible but need to watch where they go. They can't afford to get stuck in too much traffic, or go somewhere far where they can't expect customer on the way back. They also need to consider the time it takes to refill the gas and return the car on time, otherwise they pay the penalty.

    Next time when you get refused, don't take it personal. They are only trying to make a living under harse condition.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 billion cash. Jesus... how they counted that many just in a few hours? I mean this is like a 10 squar emeter room full with bank notes. And how can someone who is smart enoguh to get 1 billion baht stupid enough to simply store it in his house..

    Of course you can't count every single note in a few hours but you can easily estimate with simiple basic multiplication. Where else you are going to store 1 billion dirty cash. There are plenty of reasons why criminals don't use banks.

  7. My employee brought me a letter addressed to formal tenants, Australian couple, rented a room at one of our properties. They lived in Thailand for several years and I believe they already returned home months ago. The letter is a collection for their credit card debt. They left behind owing SCB over 200,000 baht. This is exactly why things keep getting harder for foreigner to apply the credit card.

    Of course, we are not resposible for their debt in any way. And I don't expect anything would happen but I think I will trying sending this letter to the address they wrote on the Lease Agreement.

  8. What a sad story

    So when is this girlfriend being arrested?

    Even if this happened in the US, UK, Japan or any other country, I seriously doubt police can find anything to have a case against her. In the eyes of law, he just willingly gave her the money. Unless there are any contract or documents to prove otherwise. Zero evidence on what this money was supposed to be spent on and his words against her words = no case.

    Without any form of protection on his investment, he blindly gave his money to the bar girl. THE BAR GIRL. That says it all.

    He probably gave most of his money. Felt very miserable, upset, and ashamed. Kept drinking to the extent he died from alchohol poisoning. Losing money and then alchohol. Sounds like a typical case happens worldwide. No conspiracy here.

    • Like 2
  9. This is my second year in Thailand. So far nothing serious. Well I miss online shopping (Amazon) experiences, a lot cheaper luxury cars and easy access to credit in the US, but I find many things are better and happier in Thailand. My biggest problems here are business related, which happens with all companies in all countries.

    If you want scam and getting ripped off, please go live in the US, especially California. You'll see the real scam in much larger amount at government level. And don't get serious ill in the US. Hospitals and insurance companies will rape you.

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