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Posts posted by sitti

  1. Are you trying to say this was not a Thai-built building? Are you seriously suggesting that a Thai electrician would have been able to fix the problem?

    If you are indeed electrically trained, you will certainly have looked in horror at the incompetently installed electrical systems in most Thai buildings.

    Well, if he had called pump manufacturer and have them send their technician, he would have much better chance of making it work again.

    Not sure where you live but you must only have seen some old buildings. All newer buildings built by reputable companies are fine. My houses are perfectly fine. My apartment and condo buildings are fine, tenants never complained about this. I very frequently visit many new housing/building/hotel projects, they are all just fine. Any truly qualified electrician can get this basic job done right.

    Before jump to conclusion and point fingers at Thai as usual, why not point them at this farang. It was his fault that, obviously, he did not switch off the main. He was about to take shower. He attempted to repair at that moment. He was not careful.

    I really hate to burst your bubble but go look in the roof/crawl spaces of these wonderfully wired homes/hotels and condos you will see the real truth about the quality of workmanship. In Thailand as ever "Out of sight Out of mind"

    I can't say anything 100% for sure with the other buildings but believe me all my houses and buildings are absolutely fine. Not only I hired expensive specialized consultants and third party inspections, I also personally inpsected and photographed every step of constructions for all my buildings and homes.

  2. Are you trying to say this was not a Thai-built building? Are you seriously suggesting that a Thai electrician would have been able to fix the problem?

    If you are indeed electrically trained, you will certainly have looked in horror at the incompetently installed electrical systems in most Thai buildings.

    Well, if he had called pump manufacturer and have them send their technician, he would have much better chance of making it work again.

    Not sure where you live but you must only have seen some old buildings. All newer buildings built by reputable companies are fine. My houses are perfectly fine. My apartment and condo buildings are fine, tenants never complained about this. I very frequently visit many new housing/building/hotel projects, they are all just fine. Any truly qualified electrician can get this basic job done right.

    Before jump to conclusion and point fingers at Thai as usual, why not point them at this farang. It was his fault that, obviously, he did not switch off the main. He was about to take shower. He attempted to repair at that moment. He was not careful.

  3. So why are they buying it at the vending machine? It is obvious that they only have 10 or 20 baht available to buy fuel. That by definition means they are not flush with cash. The petrol station won't allow them to spend so little, so they use the vending machine. The company who own the vending machine know this. Why else would they place one so close to a petrol station? You don't think charging 45% more is not profiteering?

    If you are starving and you only had 20 baht in your pocket but a loaf of 20 slices of bread in a shop is 50 baht but they will sell you one slice for 10 baht, what do you do? You buy the 2 slices for 20 baht of course. Now is the shop owner just having a good business opportunity or is he or she exploiting your situation?

    There are plenty of vending machine located in villages far away from petrol station. It is the matter of convenient locations. The one you saw just happen to be near the petrol station.

    You are now mixing up so many things. First, petrol station and vending machine are completely different. Totally different bases of comparison. Second, this is quantity based pricing. Companies own petrol stations buy petrol in very very large quantity, so naturally they get to buy at much cheaper price per litter. How much individual vending machine owner can possibly buy at once. Third, you need to consider how much profit you can actually make from each transaction since each customer only buy in very little quantity. Also don't forget the operating costs, rent for space if any, and cost of purchasing a vending machine. Demanding vending machine owners to match the price with petrol station just isn't reasonable. Lastly, this is a buisness for profit after all, not charity or non-profit organazation. Bringing up starving people isn't a fair argument, is it. It is not even relavent. Why don't you go to any bakery store and see how they all set the price. The value of whole bread is much better than what you get from buying each sliced bread. All businesses want to sell quick in larger quantity and clear the stock asap becuase there are costs. If you slowly sell your product bit by bit, that will be more costs for your business.

    Now this starving person and bread example you brought up. 20 slices = 50 baht and 1 slice = 10 baht. That is 400% difference. Ok, I'll still go along with that to make my point. What if the shop has always been regularly selling each slice of bread for 10 baht, before starved poor person walked in, do you still have problem with their pricing. Even if the shop regularly sell only a bag of 20 slices, if you remove 2 slices to sell to starved person, that bag will become your loss becuase you can't sell it to regular customer with 2 missing slices. As a business, you need to sell each slice at higher price to make up loss or extra cost.

    If you are running a business, you need to set the price that customers are willing to buy your products and make profit. So this self-serving small pump business is doing just fine. There are lots of customers, and owners are making profit.

  4. Yes it is a great business opportunity to rip off poor people if it is true they can't afford the 40 baht minimum charge at the petrol station (Which is less than 100 metres from this vending machine). I would not congratulate anyone taking advantage of poor people to make a profit.

    That's not right. I don't even see any part of this business is remotely close to ripping off the poor. It's all about choices and how much you see value in a little convenience. Nobody is being forced to buy from that vending machine. Price is clearly listed. If they don't like the deal, they can always go to that petrol station less than 100m away.

    They really are that lazy/stupid, please don't put it down to the very few who don't have the 50 Baht minimum purchase at the gas station. I'll give you two examples:

    There is 2 pumps for motorbikes at the Shell gas station in South Pattaya. Why do most of the Thais fill in V-Power instead of normal petrol? This stuff is 8 Baht dearer and has virtually no benefit. Do they wanna look fancy? Do they believe the marketing stuff? Or are they just too lazy to pay attention to it?

    Example number 2: From what I observe, more than 90% of Thais hanging out across the road from Family Mart on Beach road will buy their water from the mobile bicycle guys for 10 Baht instead of walking 15 meters to the minimart. That's a 43% higher price compared to Family Mart. Why is that? I can only see it as extreme laziness, I have no other explanation for it. Even the girls with only 20 Baht in their pocket are still to lazy to go there.

    And why is it that they work for 30 Baht an hour, yet to go home from work they'd rather take a 40 Baht motorbike taxi than walking 15 minutes?!

    Are you really this stupid and cheap. What is wrong with what and where they choose to buy from? How much each individual make and how one choose to spend their earned money is none of your concern. There are many people choose to buy from small/street vendors instead of bigbox retailers for various reasons including supporting little local businesses. Are you suggesting that everybody who are riding bike taxi make only 30 baht an hour? They are using the bike taxi because, very obviously, they can afford to. Without these people you call lazy/stupid, small local businesses will be out of job.

  5. The number of this kind of petrol vending machine are growing. That means there are demands for it and manufacturers are making money from it. If you see people are buying from those vending machines, there are demands and vending machine owners are profiting from it. "another piece of illogical Thailand?", that shows your character, doesn't it. You failed to see this as a business opportunity, and you actually think you are smarter than them? Obviously some thais are smart enough to have different logic, saw an opportunity, and turned it into a profitable business.

  6. Regardless of whether or not you have an access to online banking, it is your responsibility to pay credit card bill on time. You know there is still a communication device called telephone available in all countries. You could have called the bank and fulfill your responsibility. And since you have been using your credit card for quite a while, you should know when the due date is.

  7. What a sad old man!!

    Like most Thais he don't realize, that there are consequences for your actions!!

    Your little sister will hopefully get the punishment, she deserves after costing the taxpayers more than 700 billion baht!!

    And before starting to worry about your sisters sentence, may I suggest, you get your sorry backside back to Thailand and start to serve your own sentence!!

    "Like most Thais he don't realize, that there are consequences for your actions!!"

    Amazing point of view here at the hub of sex tourists, serial over-stayers and visa abusers who think they are above the law and should never be accountable for their behavior ... not to mention all those who whine about blowing all their money on women and then portray themselves as victims rather than admitting their behavior was to blame for the inevitable consequences. Farang-ness means it's never your fault. Everything can be blamed on Thais.

    Well, this is Thai Visa News, where bravest farangs behind a keyboard engage in thai bashing pissing contest for "Like"giggle.gif

  8. Many people don't realize that Thailand is quite a wealthy nation. Only thing holding back this country is the government corruptions. Despite of massive corruptions, businesses here are still going surprisingly fine. Once Thailand manage to eradicate all corruptions and have true elected government (not by money), Thailand's economy will rapidly grow to unprecedented heights and most likely become economic power of SEA.

  9. The whole pricing scheme in Thailand is crazy, in a city where the minimum wage is 300THB they have 200 to 300 USD a day hotels, 20M TBH condos, 5 USD drinks at night. Even in the country Rai of land can run into the 100's of thousand THB.

    Are you crazy? Those businesses aren't targeting the customers with minimum wage. Why would low income thai people who earn only the minimum wage need to stay at $200 to 300 a day hotels. Can low income Americans who live paycheck to paycheck afford to stay in Ritz Carlton or purchase luxurious condos in their own country? We live in the world of free market.

    Your comment does not make the pricing any less ridiculous. When costs are lower prices should be lower. People come here for a cheap holiday and don't want to blow their spending money on accommodation and pay the same for a beer here as they do at home. Bottom line, these businesses are not even targeted to the average wage earner in Australia or The USA.

    Luxurious accommodations/services/items are always expensive no matter in which country you stay. They are business for profit. it is take it or leave it deal. As long as there are demands for it, they will charge the customers as high as they can. Since they are still in business and continuing to expand, they are obviously targeting it right. Holidays in Thailand don't have to be expensive. I've never stayed in any so I don't know how good or bad but they are plenty of cheap hotels. Thai beers are relatively cheaper than import beer.

  10. The whole pricing scheme in Thailand is crazy, in a city where the minimum wage is 300THB they have 200 to 300 USD a day hotels, 20M TBH condos, 5 USD drinks at night. Even in the country Rai of land can run into the 100's of thousand THB.

    Are you crazy? Those businesses aren't targeting the customers with minimum wage. Why would low income thai people who earn only the minimum wage need to stay at $200 to 300 a day hotels. Can low income Americans who live paycheck to paycheck afford to stay in Ritz Carlton or purchase luxurious condos in their own country? We live in the world of free market.

    ....or how can these low income Thais and Americans get healthcare, when all the doctors and hospitals are chasing the big money?

    Low income Thais always can go to public hospitals regardless of their ability to pay. But they have to wait hours, and up to months if patients require surgery. I have never been to some smaller private hospitals in other cities, but the most reputable big name private hospitals in Bangkok do have fair pricing structure. However those hospitals are already expensive to begin with. I spent 4 days at Samitivej Sukhumvit. My total bill was 450,000 baht (thai/farange same price). My room and services I received were first class. I think it was well worth the price and still far cheaper than the US. In the US, if you have no adequate insurance or at all, hostipals will rape you to the extent where average people may have to file bankruptcy.

  11. The whole pricing scheme in Thailand is crazy, in a city where the minimum wage is 300THB they have 200 to 300 USD a day hotels, 20M TBH condos, 5 USD drinks at night. Even in the country Rai of land can run into the 100's of thousand THB.

    Are you crazy? Those businesses aren't targeting the customers with minimum wage. Why would low income thai people who earn only the minimum wage need to stay at $200 to 300 a day hotels. Can low income Americans who live paycheck to paycheck afford to stay in Ritz Carlton or purchase luxurious condos in their own country? We live in the world of free market.

  12. It's like so many things in Thailand. No-one really knows the rules so they make something up. The poster who negotiated the fee down from 500 to 200 is a fine example. You have to argue for everything. I went into a Bangkok Bank branch near Pantip to get a new passbook as the one I had was full. They told me I had to go to my own branch in Silom which was too late to get to that day and meant a long trip back from the suburbs the next day. I asked why why why and of course they had no logical answer, and eventually a manager gave me a new book. Probably to get rid of me.

    Actually they are right. You have to go to your branch where you opened an account to get your new passbook. And other branches shouldn't be giving you a new one. All my banks (SCB, kasikorn, bangkok, krugsri) tell their customers the same. Does it really matter why? They are only following the rules and banking regulations. I think you were being such a pain for them so they just gave you to get rid of you. Now that you have different branch on your new passbook, if you ever encounter any serious problem with your account such as fraudulent withdraw, you may have to run around and deal with extra complexities get things sorted out.

  13. It is very difficult to judge anything from this short simple article. However, police officer is killed. I'm not judging the brit driver or anything, but naturally any driver would claim he is not at fault. This brit driver was speeding, an officer is dead, and extent of damage to his car, these facts are more than enough to put this man in very very bad position. One of their fellow officers is dead, I'm sure they won't go quite easy on him.

  14. An advice to the Thais commenting on Facebook.

    You should be more concerned and examine your culture and habits before being so upset about 2 naked people.

    Look into the domestic violence, rape of minors, abandonment of children and families and other wrongdoings, happening daily in your country and then start worrying about this.

    Hypocrisy, comes to my mind.

    Well, this sure applies to TV members as well. I'm very sure your country too have plenty of sick criminals. And look at you and others commenting on Thais commentings on Facebook. ooops that includes myselfwai.gif.pagespeed.ce.ptXUXgG4cAx1lGI2wn7

    This isn't your country. This is Thailand, Thai people's country. It doesn't matter how much you don't like what Thai talk about the farangs. Those 2 idiots have no right to behave in such way, and there is nothing you can say to justify it. If your behavior is considered inappropriate, as guests to this country you must accept it and respect their rules. If you don't like it.....you know what to do.

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  15. As expected some people here want to blame everything on Thai, but it doesn't matter whether or not rider cut in front of him, in this case Police will determine that Brit is at fault. It is very obvious that he was driving above the speed limit. Just like every other fatal crash case, they will conclude that if the Brit had not broken any traffic laws/regulations (speed limit in this case), he would had enough time to apply brakes avoid the collision. When a car got into an accident with motorcycle or pedestrian, it will almost always be driver's fault. Unless if you can prove that you didn't violate any traffic regulations and there was nothing can be done to avoid it, which is very difficult. All drivers including Thais and farangs always violate something, especially driving above the speed limit and cross solid white line.

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  16. I can see the way they dress can be a problem at temple, especially a lady. Anyway, it doesn't matter whether you agree or disagree with local's complaints. We all come from different backgrounds, and have different beliefs and world views. I am sure those 2 didn't mean to offend anyone at all. It was just part of their daily exercises. Howerver, these farangs tourists are in Thailand as guests. It is a common sense that once you are in foreign country, you must respect their rules and culture. If you accidently did something inappropriate, you should stop doing it again and apologize.

    agreed, if someone warn you, but Thai rather took pic and cowardly complained on social media.

    And what do you think happening here at ThaiVisa on daily basis. All those posts with pics and complaints (often bashing)...

    I am afraid I did not get you.

    I am a ThaiVisa poster, 2 days ago I saw a man chasing a dog with a stick in the park because he did not like to be barked at, I know the dog I feed him daily and he has never attacked anyone, everybody loves him.

    I stood up to the man and when he became confrontational I started to approach him very closely. He walked away.

    I did not take pictures and complained online.

    I also once warned some teenager fishing in the park pool with a big "NO FISHING" sign, when they refused to leave, I called the park attendant who called the police.

    No online bashing that time too.

    Very good. You don't but many others here do. That is what I was talking about.

  17. I can see the way they dress can be a problem at temple, especially a lady. Anyway, it doesn't matter whether you agree or disagree with local's complaints. We all come from different backgrounds, and have different beliefs and world views. I am sure those 2 didn't mean to offend anyone at all. It was just part of their daily exercises. Howerver, these farangs tourists are in Thailand as guests. It is a common sense that once you are in foreign country, you must respect their rules and culture. If you accidently did something inappropriate, you should stop doing it again and apologize.

    agreed, if someone warn you, but Thai rather took pic and cowardly complained on social media.

    And what do you think happening here at ThaiVisa on daily basis. All those posts with pics and complaints (often bashing)...
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