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Posts posted by sitti

  1. ???? of course when FX doesn't work in your favor,  it's always thailand's fault. 


    What do you think Western countries especially US have been doing, particularly after Covid started. They have been printing $hit load of money like crazy. That IS the real manipulation. Now they are starting to face the consequences of it. Cough, cough, inflation 


    Why Baht still remains strong? Thailand didn't print money like crazy. They mainly issued bonds and  country's debt still remains below 60% of GDP. 

    • Thanks 1
  2. Want to know the difference? Western countries had taken the path of making wearing masks no longer mandatory and that lead to where they are today. Now they've reversed that decision. Thailand didn't take that path. 


    And all those football fans attending the matches packing into stadiums without wearing masks, those had to be great spreaders and contributed to current figures. 

  3. I don't think THB will go much lower than this. Right now we're in strange time with Delta Covid, where everybody is going for Dollar safe-haven. Having vaccines more accessible around the globe as time goes by, eventually this Delta worry will ease down. That's when USD will come down. Looking like Dollar Index is already topping out, it will drop soon enough. Looking at attached chart, I don't think USDTHB will go higher 33.50 THB. Even if it did, I think it will be temporary and will quickly resume it's downtrend and drop to pre-pandemic level.


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  4. 27 minutes ago, Russell17au said:

    don't even think about court because you will lose. I saw this happen 4 years ago and the farang lost big time when he thought that he was in his home country and took the Thai tenant to court for breaching a contract. This is Thailand and not your home western country and things happen different here.

    You're being too biased there. Just because farang lost his case, that doesn't automatically mean court was unfair. I've done lawsuits in Thailand, and I won. It's case by case. Contracts are not above the law. There laws that protect tenants, including farang tenants. I'd say he didn't do enough of his studies.

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  5. I own multiple buildings and here is what I've done with my tenants (Thais and foreigners) since last year. When tenants asked for lowering their rents because their incomes are substantially reduced due to covid. Before I offer anything, I always first explain to them that we also have expenses to pay, what they're asking is outside of signed contracts, and will have negatively impact on us. Depends of how much they ask for but I mostly offered them 50% off for 3 months with one big catch. They have to sign another contract. That contact is if they still couldn't pay 50% or full rent after 3 months, they will vacate in timely manner without protesting in any shape or form. I had my attorney drafted it btw. So far, all tenants who couldn't pay left without much of troubles or having to go through a court for eviction process.

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  6. I eat at a restaurant every day and I never had any problem finding quiet restaurants. There are plenty of them all over the place.


    It's not fair to the restaurants complaining about loud music. That's how they run their business. If they've been around for quite sometime and still in business during this time, obviously they are doing something right, and there are customers who like loud music keep coming in. If you don't like it, it's not right place for you and should go else where. Those restaurant owners shouldn't change anything just to satisfy a few customers and risk losing rest of their regular customers.

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  7. 10 hours ago, keith101 said:

    The current population of Thailand is 69,915,243 as of Saturday, February 27, 2021,  so 63 million doses is less than 50% not more but this is typical Thai math's that we see here everyday .


    ???? that would make your comprehension of current events isn't any better, but this is typical farang that we see here (especially at TV) everyday. Your 69,915,243 people, you included babies, younger children, and people with various illness who aren't eligible for vaccination for obvious reasons.

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  8. I think soon there is going to be discussions and some sort of travel new bubble agreements (with vaccination) with each nation. In my opinion, among of first countries could come to such agreements with Thailand would be China, Japan, ASEAN, New Zealand, and Australia. EU, UK, US may have to wait longer.

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