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Posts posted by rene123

  1. A writen and notarized will needn't be expensive or too involved, but it does bring some peace of mind if you own anything of any value, including money. I don't own much here in Thailand, but I have a small, notorized will that says if anything happens to me then everything here goes to a trusted Thai friend. I also have a will back home in Canada that gives everything I own to my sister in England.

  2. Why would anyone plan to settle anywhere without experiencing the place first hand.?

    And to then start getting "pointers" from Chiang Mai expats........well it dafter than my jokes.

    What you said is good advice, even with your sarcasm. Too many people visit some area on holiday and then think they would love to live there. My advice for those wanting to move somewhere else is to always visit the chosen area in the worst possible season and the worst weather. That might give you a different perspective. Rent is relatively cheap in Thailand if you spend some time looking. Stay for 6 months or a year and you'll have a better idea what it would be like for a long term.

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  3. As I said, it was just a spur of the moment trip and I didn't leave myself enough time to see all that the area has to offer. I was only gone for about 3 or 4 hours. I usually try to stop and see as much as I can everywhere I go, but not on this trip. I have a friend who only likes to ride and he never stops for anything. If I stop for photos he is 10 km ahead of me. I also mentioned that I intend to take another trip there and start earlier to see more of what the area has to offer. Or, didn't you read that part of my intial report, and you only looked at the negative, as per usual for thaivisa.

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  4. Like CBR250 said, it's easy to get around and it seems to have all the amenities to survive, but I would find it pretty boring unless I had lots of interests to keep me occupied.

  5. Friends had been telling me about this nice ride, and yesterday afternoon I indulged myself on a spur of the moment trip. I began the ride at the south end of town from the Hang Dong road. I can say I thoroughly enjoyed the scenic ride into the mountains on my little 125 scooter. There was no trouble at all and the scooter was fast enough in the hills. I just had to pull over and let tail gating vehicles pass me. I don't like vehicles following so close because if I make a mistake they won't have time to stop. And, they usually pass on blind corners.

    The road was in good shape and with few pot holes. There were lots of hair pin turns in the hills, but none of the broken bits on the corners like there are on the Pie to Mae Hong Son road. I stopped in Samoeng for an ice cream at where else...... the 7-11 shop! Those shops seem to be the mainstay for all of Thailand. Beining way out in the "sticks", the village kind of surprised me by its size, and it has a hospital, a post office, and a big impressive bank. I saw a sign that says it is 170 km to Pie, so I imagine there is a route through the mountains to there. I'll save that for another trip.

    The 30 km run from the junction near Samoeng (1269 & 1096) to hwy 107 (Mae Rim) was delightfull and mostly down hill. The only problem was late in the afternoon there was lots of traffic with the usual tail gating vehicles and everyone passing on blind corners. I tried to stay well back so as not to be involved with an accident. I just pulled over and let the faster vehicles pass me. The traffic from Mae Rim back to Chiang Mai was heavy, but the little scooter can sneek by all the stopped trucks and cars. All in all it was a great afternoon and I'll do it again. But, I'll start earlier and stop to take in more attractions.

  6. Many marriages between couples of the same age turn into business transactions when the flower of the intial attraction fades and dies. I don't think it's anyones business other than the couple involved. Too many nosy hypocrites want to mess in somebody elses affairs. I hate hypocrites with a passion. They are mostly jealous slimeballs. If a wealthy old woman wants to have her toy boys then I say go for it.

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  7. Thank you for the warning, Realthaideal. They better not mess with this red head. I have a mean right hook and a nasty disposition when I get mad. Thankfully I never get drunk and I'm always aware of what is around me. And, I seldom carry a purse. I found out a long time ago they are too easy to leave somewhere.

  8. I'm not entirely certain that you do it if you don't actually enter Myanmar. I think at the MaeSai border crossing you could get your passport stamped as leavingThailand at immigration office, but then before crossing the bridge and entering Myanmar you could go back through the booth, and back into Thailand, where you would get your passport stamped again to start your new visa. I know there isn't any set length of time that you have to be officially out of Thailand. It would certainly be worth a try and it could save you the 500 baht entry fee into Myanmar. Unless you have something specific you want to buy in one of the hundreds of markets, then there isn't much sense entering the country. I don't know why Thailand doesn't just simplify the program and save the money for Thailand.

  9. This unseasonably warm weather is especially bad news for the Thai blanket industry, and charity organizations everywhere who now can't find anyone to take their yearly supply of new blankets.

    That sounds typical of the short sighted thinking here. The cool weather will eventually come and then all those who need blankets will be struggling.

  10. I have both a Nikon D7000 and a Nikon AW100. After using both extensively I use the little Nikon AW100 far more often. The video on it is amazing and I can take it under water when I go diving. The close up mode is fantastic and I can virtually place the lens within a cm of the subject. For about $500 including a couple of batteries and a 16 gig card, I can't ask anything more of a camera. The D7000 shines when I need some variation and an instant response. But, the size of an SLR makes it a bit awkard for every day use unless you are on a photo shoot. And, in video mode the AW100 is more accurate in focusing. Video mode in the D7000 takes a bit of getting used to and more care is needed in getting the focusing correct.

    I just checked the Nikon AW100 on Amazon and the price is showing as $199. Is this the same camera you're talking about? I Assume not because yours is $500.

    It would be the same camera. I bought mine shortly after they came out and when the prices were higher. The list at that time was about $300, but with Canadian taxes, a 32 gig memory card and 2 extra batteries it came to $500. It you can get it for $200 that is a good deal. It's still a great camera and it will be a long time before I need to replace it with something better. I've still got a bunch of expensive "paper weights" in the old film type format. I've even got film for them that I'll never ever use again.

  11. Let me read this right. You did something really, really stupid and now you don't want to pay the penalty? You got away back home. You should be thankful for that and got off light. Forget the motorbikes and whatever else you left in Thailand. You got off lucky. It you need help you won't get it from an internets site. Just throw more good money after bad and hire a Thai lawyer to suck a little more out of you. You could have wound up dead.

  12. does this thread have to get a mention every time it rains.

    Yes. I might not know it had rained if people didn't say.

    Also, it's Chiang Mai. What else would we post about, other than food?

    Oh so true, Winnie. biggrin.pnglaugh.pngclap2.gif

    But what about line-ups at immigration?whistling.gif

  13. I live in the same neighborhood as the OP (near Wat Chang Kian) and I can verify that in this area, the bombs that rattle windows, and the other misc. noisemaking seems to go on day and night for days anytime there is a festival, even one of minor importance.

    There is a technical college not far away, maybe this explains things.

    Really some of it approaches what could be termed autistic behaviour.

    Pre-teen and teen boys repeatedly throwing ping pong bombs on pavements at synchronized intervals. Boom........Boom......Boom......Boom.....ad infinitum ad nauseum.

    Really I don't mind festivities and fireworks. But not at 3 AM, and 4 AM, and 5 AM......

    I've made more than a little noise in my life, and don't mind little boys being little boys. I was one once myself.

    But my mother would have twisted my ear off and sent me to bed without supper had I carried on like the little miscreants in this neighborhood do.....tongue.png

    And again, it can be a specific problem for certain people depending on where they live. If I had a pet dog then I would be sorry for it hiding somewhere to get away from the excessive sound. And, as Mcgriffith pointed out it can be worse in some areas than others. Also, if I had a young baby who kept getting awoken I would be pissed off.

  14. More rain again this evening, but not enough to get soaked when I went for a walk. It was actually quite pleasant. At least it wasn't like the cold rains I get back home in Canada. For those I need a parka, a rain coat, a hat and an umbrella. Oh, and a pair of gloves. Tonight I just wore old shorts, a light jacket over my blouse and rubber sandals that wouldn't be ruined if they got wet.

  15. First all, I think I have the right to be critical, and if some fine souls in this forum disagree, and in addition, tell me to get out of here, than I have the same for them. I did not start this topic with the intention of criticizing the whole Thai culture. If some in this forum saw it in my post, then they should go back to school for basic english class. For about a week, and especially for the 3 days of Loy Kratong, it was a noisy war zone here for 24 hours. I DON"T LIKE IT. and I wonder if the Thai people like it, because as I wrote, it was a Thai woman who told me she won't go out because it's dangerous. This is the gist of my post.

    If you understand this argument, you're welcome to give me your humble opinion,. If, as some of you, you don't understand what I wrote and asked, put earplugs to both your ears and elsewhere. Enjoy the weekend, and thanks to those who wrote about their opinion, even if it's different than mine.

    Oh you poor thing. Just little misunderstood you. And hiding your feelings and expressing them through the straw woman of a Thai woman who allegedly doesn't like the holiday. How about the millions who do, have you considered them? Shouldn't that answer your question? You argument sucks as much as you undoubtedly do. YOU DON'T LIKE IT! How sad! If the noise is too much for you, go to your padded room.

    That is a little harsh, TheVicar. He is entitled to his sad opinion just as you are entitled to yours. Personally, I enjoy everything in life and can find the good in everything. That way I am always happy by choice.

  16. First all, I think I have the right to be critical, and if some fine souls in this forum disagree, and in addition, tell me to get out of here, than I have the same for them. I did not start this topic with the intention of criticizing the whole Thai culture. If some in this forum saw it in my post, then they should go back to school for basic english class. For about a week, and especially for the 3 days of Loy Kratong, it was a noisy war zone here for 24 hours. I DON"T LIKE IT. and I wonder if the Thai people like it, because as I wrote, it was a Thai woman who told me she won't go out because it's dangerous. This is the gist of my post.

    If you understand this argument, you're welcome to give me your humble opinion,. If, as some of you, you don't understand what I wrote and asked, put earplugs to both your ears and elsewhere. Enjoy the weekend, and thanks to those who wrote about their opinion, even if it's different than mine.

    I think you are taking the answers too personal, Yabiaomer. Disregard any nasty comments by anyone who says them on any topic. That is their problem, not yours. You are entitled to your opinion just as others are entitled to theirs. There are always more than one way to look at any subject.

  17. Looks familiar. What's his name?

    It used to be "Frank" but now it's "Francene"

    I had an afternoon nap and woke up to the explosions. I didn't know if I was in Syria or Baghdad. Thankfully, it was good old Chiang Mai.

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