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Posts posted by sustento

  1. 2) At some point in the future your gun is made illegal and the gov't knows where to come confiscate it

    Surely if guns are made illegal (by a legal process obviously) then law abiding gun owners in the US would be willing to give up their guns. That's what 'law abiding' means - obeying the law.

    The second point is considered important to some people, a paranoid delusion to others. The first type of people do not believe that government - which is just a collection of (corrupt) politicians and civil servants - is some all-powerful, infallible, magic cure-all for all of society's ills. The second type of people believe that there is nothing to fear from government because they are great at what they do (despite decades, centuries of contrary evidence).

    Then there's the third type of people who rather more realistically believe that government is neither totally corrupt nor knights in shining armour but a mixture of the two together with many good men and women who try to do their best for their country. If you want to see an example of a country without goverment Somalia is a good example.

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  2. There are ironies here on several levels. Firstly the French intervene to rescue the Malian population, many of whom are Sufi Muslim from an ideology as evil as Nazism, namely hard line Wahabism as practiced by Al-Qaeda or the Taliban. Now in trying to save Mali from 'Hard core Sharia law', as the BBC referred to it France fears a domestic backlash from Al-Qaeda sympathizers living in France, and has thus gone on an elevated anti-terror alert.

    So in a nutshell by trying to save a former colony from a 7th century strand of Islam they are fighting against rebels, some of whom likely come from France itself or other western nations, enjoying 21st century lifestyles. Perhaps a look at French immigration policy may be an idea, not to mention an analysis of how people living in French society hate it so much that they would prefer to turn the clock back 14 centuries.

    More likely the French intervention has a lot to do with the simple fact that most of France's electricity (78%) is nuclear generated and most of France's uranium comes from neighbouring northern Niger courtesy of French (Areva) owned and operated mines. In northern Niger there is the same potential powderkeg of disenfranchised northern Tuaregs, supported by Gaddafi over the years and ripe for cordinated insurgency.

    Also more sadly, Hollande needs a foreign policy success after the screw up of the attempted hostage release assault in Somalia.

    Thirdly the Legion knows this part of the world pretty well having had a fair share of excursions throughout Western Africa over the years.

    Aren't facts refreshing? smile.png

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  3. If they were serious about it, they would deport all africans and deny new visas.

    How about just deporting those who are breaking the law and leaving the rest alone? Or is this mass deportation to extend to the inhabitants of other continents too? Every time a Swede breaks the law they deport all Europeans?

    That would need a working judicial form in Thailand. But they should not have allowed into the country from the beginning. So better deport all and apply the law strictly on the new applicants. What has Europe to do with Africa?

    It's a continent in the same way that Africa is. It contains many sovereign nations just as Africa does. There is a difference between countries and continents just as there is a difference between drug dealers and those who don't deal drugs.

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  4. Tragic as it is it looks to me like another case of neglegent bad behavior resulting in a tragedy that the shooter didn't intend and is probabbly sorry about and wishes he had not been so stupid as to discharge his gun without thinking of the possibile results.

    He doesn't look 'sorry'; smug I'd say. It is this type of thinking that has the justice system in the state it is regards bad people not getting punished. Regardless of premeditated or accidental, the guy needs to be swinging from a rope.

    If you don't understand the difference between 'accidental' and 'premeditated' you really aren't qualified to make pronouncements on justice systems.

  5. The red-top UK press never let the truth get in the way of a good story. They don't need somebody on the ground, they can concoct 'the true and shocking front-page story" back in the press room.

    The Times, Independant and Guardian, who all covered this on their front pages, are red tops? That's news!

    Who said that these 3 Newpapers didnt cover this story on their front pages ?

    They ain't redtops .They are classed as broadsheet.

    The Times and the Independent are actually tabloids and the Guardian is a berliner. The only broadsheet daily in the UK is the Telegraph.

  6. Look, I've said my piece and I'm out of here. The last time the Brits got into trouble Churchill begged for help from the US and he got it. He got it in the form of boys who already knew how to shoot by hunting, farming, and generally growing up around guns.

    The next time you guys need help, and you will because you've become such weak liberals, I hope the US refuses it and lets you go against the EU on your own. The EU will try to swallow Britain which is in trouble enough as it is.

    Good luck.

    The last time anyone successfully invaded Britain was 946 years ago...

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