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Posts posted by GaryB1263

  1. 33 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    You don't have to have "intent" to be guilty of a crime in killing someone.


    There's "reckless disregard" that also becomes criminal, such as when a drunk driver gets into a fatal crash. They didn't intend to kill the other person, but the law and civil society determines that they acted with reckless disregard or negligence that led to the loss of life.


    In this case, it would seem there was plenty of negligence and reckless disregard to go around.



    I know it TallGuy. But putting these men in jail will change nothing.

  2. On 7/7/2017 at 4:04 PM, tolsti said:

    Ozztraileer Plus is back this afternoon. SciFi channel are still away chasing the ghosts and supernatural beings that Americans below the age of 5 still believe in. 


    The sad loss is the updated Fox News!!.... Where is Dr Manny when you need him?


    Ps.. Scifi never found any ghosts... you can all rest calmly.

    No bigfoot either. lol

  3. 2 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

    I do not believe that is a retail type bank so probably no personal accounts allowed.  But, when I make my transfer from US Chase, it goes thru that branch first, then transfers to Thai branch.

    Thanks for clearing this up BKK.

  4. 4 minutes ago, noahvail said:

    500 square meters at a time? This single-operator machine cleans 15,000 per hour! 


    I have heard of these machines. How many of these could they buy for the price of one submarine?

  5. 7 minutes ago, churchill said:

    Article .. '4 ideas that could reverse the biology of ageing'



    In the end, the first ever anti-ageing drug likely to reach the market will be one we’re already familiar with: metformin. It’s used to treat diabetes, has been around since the 1950s and is used by tens of millions of people.

    In animals, metformin extends lifespan and maintains health, while population-wide studies show it reduces cancer risk. Metformin is thought to work by turning on an energy sensor in cells called “AMPK”, which senses situations of low energy and alters metabolism in response.

    The effect of metformin on health and lifespan in older, non-diabetic individuals is currently the subject of the TAME trial in New York. If successful, this trial may lead to the first ever “gero-protective” or “anti-ageing” pill, which would be taken as a widely-used prophylactic by the older population.'


    more https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2017/04/living-forever-can-we-reverse-the-biology-of-ageing?utm_content=bufferc710b&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer

    It would be nice if it works.

  6. Great advice guys. That's what I was wondering exactly. So I went to YouTube and just likeKevc said. I give it the royal treatment. I separated the case and give the buttons and case a soapy. I cleaned the circuit board with a rubber gently in an up and down fashion. It works like a new one.


    I would have bought the factory original also if I had to. Thanks Topt.


    Anyone that know's the procedure with the soapies and the rubbers would be a hero in most bars. I couldn't help notice the remote in a bar this afternoon was disgusting. 


            Thanks Everyone.

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