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Posts posted by wealth

  1. Inspections Uncover Rot, Corruption At Thai Rice Warehouses (DPA)

    By Khaosod Eng.


    BANGKOK — An inspection ordered by Thailand's military junta of rice stored in warehouses under a failed multibillion-dollar subsidy scheme has revealed rot and corruption, reports said Sunday.

    Inspectors found rotten and weevil-infested grain, along with evidence that large stocks were replaced with old or inferior grades.

    Corruption under the previous government's rice-pledging scheme was one of the main reasons for the May 22 coup d'etat.

    ML Panadda Diskul, chairman of a sub-committee reviewing the inventory, said a large quantity of rice was discovered to be missing in just the first two days of the inspection, the Bangkok Post reported.

    He said military and police teams will visit about 1,800 warehouses nationwide to inspect registered stocks of 10 million tons.

    Panadda said some rice sacks bore code numbers that did not match documents provided by the warehouse owners, raising suspicions that pledged rice had been replaced with old or inferior rice bought from mills at lower prices.

    He said some of the warehouses were in a disorganized state, stacked with low-quality rice or rice mixed with other substances in an apparent effort to make inspections more difficult.

    In a message on his Facebook page, Panadda expressed frustration that the shoddy management of the scheme had badly affected the country's farmers.

    The Yingluck Shinawatra government launched the rice programme three years ago after promising to subsidize rural voters that helped her win the 2011 election.

    But the scheme was plagued by corruption from the start, with billions of dollars in losses, unpaid farmers and Thailand losing its rank as the world's leading rice exporter.

    Source: http://en.khaosod.co.th/detail.php?newsid=1404632692&section=11&typecate=06


    -- Khaosod English 2014-07-06

    what are "mixed with other substances"?

    When I bought a 5kg of white rice pack for dog food months ago it turned hard after it went cold. Almost like concrete. It's still in the market. I was smiling to myself and thought I could make bricks out of that rice, maybe good for isolation.

    I bought Jasmin rice and found it's taste and smell is very different from rice I bought years ago.

    One can see the strange touch of colouring when not hidden by the package.

  2. hope they check the rice in the market too. There's something very wrong from my experience. Never had this crap before, a time when you could trust a brand. I'm almost certain that some rice sold here as Thai rice is not from Thailand.

    Some checking in warehouses have been stalled because of so many irregularities in an attempt to obstruct

  3. I'm myself not a fan of brand name items. When I buy I always cut out the brand labels. But to almost criminalize the use for certain groups is outrageous. Don't forget that 80% + is used for branding/marketing.

    Still, it's just a car, a bag, a watch etc..

    What about phones then? Do you think all the monks and nuns use 500 Baht (retail price for TelGo, 2 Sims, camera, video, bluetooth ...) phones?

    LV, Porsche and others are happy of getting free ads, because of people like you. Ferdinand Porsche rejoices in heaven right now.

    You're right with Toyota and unbranded bags, but the principles remain the same for all and in general. There are many monks and nuns who have cars, phones, bags, watches and they eat branded food products.

    Who and why shall that all be judged.

    It tells me more about people, their greed and judgements than about the nun who didn't hide.

    It also appears strange that she was the only one sporting a bag in the picture as if it was on purpose. Normally most of females and nuns have bags in about the same position her bag was. When it was a stunt then all present that time have part in that "guilt". Someone could have said a word about it. Or maybe she was just delivering other stacks of money from donations?

  4. did she ask for that stuff? Then it would have been under "wanting" category. This would be probably wrong.

    I guess it came to her and that is alright. Blessing often come in strange ways.

    Most who blame and judge her should start thinking again. Is it the price-tag that bothers you and is it something that you want and is out of reach for you? Hidden jealousy? Greed?

    She got a few bags, a car, watches - and tell me now is there anything wrong with that? These are everyday items in our communities. And don't forget a nun is nut under the same vow as a monk. The vow of poverty is largely misinterpreted.

  5. For months now I see locals cleaning rice from black bugs and dried white larves or whatever that is. This is a grain by grain task. Funny to watch.

    But shouldn't this damaged rice be out of the market. It should never have reached the consumers.

    I find it very difficult to find decent quality of rice in the market.

    • Like 2
  6. BTW, this lady brings in millions and millions of donations. Is that wrong too? Or shall money donations be stopped altogether as well? According to your understanding it should be so, because of the vow, - wow.

    You wouldn't twist my words, would you? I never mentioned any money she may have brought in, yet you accuse me of saying I want them stopped. Asshat, much?

    If the woman was true to her vows, she would pass ALL donations (including Porsches and designer handbags) on to the temple. Whether the vow of poverty is wrong or right, she assumed the responsibility to 'live the life' when she took her vows. If she doesn't agree with the rules of conduct, she should join some other organization that favors her behavior. Why are you even taking her side? Argumentative, much?

    As for quoting the Christian Bible, and you didn't reference your quote so I don't even know if it is genuine (probably not), she is Buddhist (did you miss that part? You seem to have with your continued references to Christianity) and not subject to Christian teachings.

    3 John 1:2New King James Version (NKJV)

    2 Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. John

    Jesus said;

    "Give, and it will be given to you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, they will pour into your lap. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return." — Jesus (Luke 6:38).

    -- so far to that ...

    I recommend to read the book of Thomas, brother of Yahushua and you will see that this is very close to the real teachings of Lord Buddha. It was taken out on purpose. Many other things were distorted(wittingly and unwittingly), but they couldn't erase all traces to the spiritual benefits of truth.

    As for now, Buddhism is in general more mature in spiritual realms than Christianity.

    Back to that lady. It's her choice and hers only to take it or give it away. Nothing and nobody can change that. I think she would be more helpful when she quits now and does her social work more efficient. But then again, it's her choice and that depends on her soul and it's calling for that experience.

  7. Hello, a nun, with 'disciples' and 'followers'? Making her expensive 'presents', like a 6millions Porsche (my guess is that car's worth much more)?Who 'forced' her to accept such presents, couldn't she have those people give the money to the temple, or sell it by herself and donate the money for good works? Or, does she like these luxury goods so much she could not part from them, maybe she even chose all of it by herself (my opinion)...? Sorry, nun Sherry, you were, and are, hurting Buddhism indeed, for the gullible who still believe there's anything clean left in it in Thailand, except for some really, truly, poor communities of 'mountain monks'! Money, greed, corruption...

    Thank you for saving me time. You exactly expressed my opinion.

    about 2000 years ago a so called "Jesus" was riding a donkey to Jerusalem. For that time being a very luxury and expensive thing to do.

    Now I understand why they killed him.

    Was he riding a Porsche brand mule or a taxi mule? Did he have a Louis Vuitton bag as an accessory? Did he drive a Porsche mule every day or, just on this one occasion, take a taxi mule to fulfill prophesy? What has Jesus to do with this woman's blatant display of the trappings of wealth when she has sworn to live a life of selfless poverty? The nun took a vow of poverty but didn't seem to be following that vow. I would say to her, "Hypocrite, much"?

    I guess it was a Palestinian brand donkey with no licence to walk into Jerusalem and got confiscated.wink.png

    A vow of poverty is wrong and religious and serves a controlling spirit rather than the truth. As Yahushua said, "so shall you prosper(materialistic) as your spirit prospers".

    BTW, this lady brings in millions and millions of donations. Is that wrong too? Or shall money donations be stopped altogether as well? According to your understanding it should be so, because of the vow, - wow.

  8. Hello, a nun, with 'disciples' and 'followers'? Making her expensive 'presents', like a 6millions Porsche (my guess is that car's worth much more)?Who 'forced' her to accept such presents, couldn't she have those people give the money to the temple, or sell it by herself and donate the money for good works? Or, does she like these luxury goods so much she could not part from them, maybe she even chose all of it by herself (my opinion)...? Sorry, nun Sherry, you were, and are, hurting Buddhism indeed, for the gullible who still believe there's anything clean left in it in Thailand, except for some really, truly, poor communities of 'mountain monks'! Money, greed, corruption...

    Thank you for saving me time. You exactly expressed my opinion.

    about 2000 years ago a so called "Jesus" was riding a donkey to Jerusalem. For that time being a very luxury and expensive thing to do.

    Now I understand why they killed him.

  9. she'd better enjoy her blessing. She can still continue as a BODHISATTVA. It's all about jealousy. Hope she keeps her Porsche Cayman.

    A BODHISATTVA IS an ordinary person who takes up a course in his or her life that moves in the direction of buddha. You're a bodhisattva, I'm a bodhisattva; actually, anyone who directs their attention, their life, to practicing the way of life of a buddha is a bodhisattva. We read about Kannon Bosatsu (Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva) or Monju Bosatsu (Manjushri Bodhisattva), and these are great bodhisattvas, but we, too, have to have confidence or faith that we are also bodhisattvas.

    Most people live by their desires or karma. That's what the expression gossho no bompu means. Gossho are the obstructions to practicing the Way caused by our evil actions in the past. Bompu simply means ordinary human being--that is, one who lives by karma. Our actions are dictated by our karma: We are born into this world with our desires and may live our lives just by reacting or responding to them. In contrast is gansho no bosatsu, or a bodhisattva who lives by vow.

    The life that flows through each of us and through everything around us is actually all connected. To say that, of course, means that who I really am cannot be separated from all the things that surround me. Or, to put it another way, all sentient beings have their existence and live within my life. So needless to say, that includes even the fate of all mankind--that, too, lies within me. Therefore, just how mankind might truly live out its life becomes what I aim at as my direction. This aiming or living while moving in a certain direction is what is meant by vow. In other words, it is the motivation for living that is different for a bodhisattva.

    Ordinary people live thinking only about their own personal, narrow circumstances connected with their desires. In contrast to that, a bodhisattva, though undeniably still an ordinary human being like everyone else, lives by vow. Because of that, the significance of his or her life is not the same. For us as bodhisattvas, all aspects of life, including the fate of humanity itself, live within us. It is with this in mind that we work to discover and manifest the most vital and alive posture that we can take in living out our life. . . .

    t's not enough for a bodhisattva of the Mahayana to just uphold the precepts. There are times when you have to break them, too. It's just that when you do, you have to do so with the resolve of also being willing to accept whatever consequences might follow. That's what issai shujo to tomo ni ("together with all sentient beings" --regardless of what hell one might fall into) really means. . . .

    It's not enough just to know the definition of bodhisattva. What's much more important is to study the actions of a bodhisattva and then to behave like one yourself.

    Regarding the question "What is a bodhisattva?" you could also define a bodhisattva as one who acts as a true adult. That is, most people in the world act like children. The word dainin means "true adult" or "bodhisattva." Today most people who are called adults are only pseudoadults. Physically they grow up and become adult but spiritually too many people never mature to adulthood. They don't behave as adults In their daily lives. A bodhisattva is one who sees the world through adult eyes and whose actions are the actions of a true adult. That is really what a bodhisattva is.

  10. maybe the unspoken bribe at the police stations? It's quite common for professional smugglers.

    a quarter of a gram makes her a professional smuggler?

    she got arrested due to tip-offs. I doubt that anyone could make out 5mg to bother to inform the police. Usually tip-offs contain higher amounts. I'm afraid that influential kamnans reduced the findings to 5mg and then increased to 250mg which is 50times higher.

    I suspect that people were paid to make the largest amount disappear, this is almost certain. Could have been 250/500 (or more) grams in my opinion.

    There used to be a kid on Lamai beach who would approach single people on the beach and sell them marijuana. After he took possession a couple of police would appear and arrest him. They then gave the marijuana back to the kid along with a 200 baht (yes, TWO hundred) reward and they went again. So not all tip-offs are involving major cartels etc. I would think it more likely that in this case it was a personal thing. Somebody didn't like her and wanted to do her harm, otherwise she would have dumped the lot and not leave anything on her person (that's how it strikes me anyway)

    sure the law doesn't like her for what she did. She was known as drug junky for years.

    I knew a Canadian girl who's cousin here in Thailand was smuggling cocaine in and out. No luggage ever. Never huge amounts. Never checked while travelling in short pants. He told this to his cousin and bragged about it. Well connected to local and foreign cocaine junkies. He was like a member of an local establishment with foreign connections in the Hi So-Junky department.

  11. maybe the unspoken bribe at the police stations? It's quite common for professional smugglers.

    a quarter of a gram makes her a professional smuggler?

    she got arrested due to tip-offs. I doubt that anyone could make out 5mg to bother to inform the police. Usually tip-offs contain higher amounts. I'm afraid that influential kamnans reduced the findings to 5mg and then increased to 250mg which is 50times higher.

    I suspect that people were paid to make the largest amount disappear, this is almost certain. Could have been 250/500 (or more) grams in my opinion.

    • Like 1
  12. sex industry will be in trouble tongue.png. Cheap Charlies must show up with at least a Porsche.

    Many will be led to believe it pays more to become a nun now. What will the headlines be?


    Honestly, I believe this will have some positive outcome only when we all can enjoy with the nun now.

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