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Posts posted by wealth

  1. That's it lads you managed to divide the country even more, get people killed and turn civil servants lives upside down for six months, now back to your 20 million baht houses for wine and smiles for the camera.

    Not to mention the Bht 500 million that you caused the nation to loose. w00t.gif


    Yes, I wonder where that B500,000,000 went to?

    you forgot that it is 500,000,000,000.- Baht and not just fivehundred million ...

  2. Best thing that could happen along all the other crap sites like twitter ect . Maybe people can go out and have a real meal and actually talk to each other instead of being occupied by there efn phones .

    not to forget to mention the saving for not bumping into road signs and concrete walls while walking on the road ...

  3. RT@Thai_Talk: NCPO revises curfew to midnight-4pm effective tonight, and bans all illegal gambling nationwide. #ThaiCoup

    Hmmm... I thought illegal gambling was already banned. I thought all illegal activity was banned.

    I guess it's about lottery and police controlled football toto games.

    I haven't seen the toto collectors for quite a while now ...

    They also will go after illegal gambling tents like the one of "Kamnan of PathuNam(Pa PathuNam)" an influental ABAC graduate. ... and others of course ...

  4. good to hear that some countries pay attention to quality and make it their priority. What about other food products? This needs to be checked too, especially dried and dehydraded stuff. Europe is sensitive and avoids anything Monsanto's (and it's covert operators) bringing up. Russia even criminalizes GMO as terrorist act and genozide (the legislative's preparing the law for this now)

    GMO sells very good in China though.

  5. the curfew is here for a reason, that is to round up dangerous elements in the society and to provide max security for the people.

    Change your schedule for the time being.

    Even Thais, including army personal, are lenient regarding curfew violation, don't count on it ...

  6. Good they have a couple of suspects in custody, now lets see where it leads.

    Im not sure how they can say the forensics of bullets match as yet or anything else but way to go in at least having someone.

    Now lets see if they squeal and give details of who ordered it.

    Oh and btw remember the military can do whatever they like, they dont have to take things through due process or the courts, when you can do whatever you want you can get stuff done far more under a coup.

    The only problem with that is there tends to be a lot of kangaroo courts and innocents routinely confess under torture to anything.. Just bare it in mind.

    True people do confess under torture, but chances of torture are also not that slim under the PTP controlled police. Under a coup stuff gets done but I honestly think that they had information before that they did not want to share with the police because of who they are aligned with. They could have tipped the suspects off. I think (guess) that the army has been making plans and gathering evidence for when the coup comes to swiftly go after the people responsible.

    But I can grantee one thing even with proof there will be plenty of red posters not believing it for sure.

    yes, they did their homework months ahead ... it's also their job to do so.

  7. I wonder how many farming families will still be in debt to loan sharks even after this payment.

    many loansharks are a proxy setup by Thaksin's regime. 2%/day repayments ... and different settings from the loansharks we know from before. They eventually will be rounded up too now.

    the loansharks have been around for more than 100 years. It's simply pathetic to try to blame Thaksin for that, as well as being profoundly dihonest

    as we all know, most of the loansharks we knew from before were controled and organized by Indians here. This time there was/is a huge surge with new people on the row, all Thais. They require a commodity/goods backup and appear a bit softer than those we know from the past.

    This also goes conform with Thaksin's fund raising in Dubai where he did the same, as role model, for businesses there and short time loans, this is according to one of his (former)secretaries here in TH.

  8. PTP led government did not delay paying the rice farmers. It was EC who tried to bargain with the government - delay election or no payment, and the dem and its pdrc blocking the payments. Threatened banks not to cooperate with the government to pay rice farmers. According to this report, they have been enough funds to pay them and other avenues that funds were available.

    You might want to check your calendar .. August arrived a few months before January, same every year .. PDRC did not exist until long after the rice payments first became due. Yingluck and PTP didn not 'FAIL' to pay the farmers, they decided 'NOT TO PAY' the farmers and were confident that their 'redistribution' of funds would be covered by the Amnesty Bill.

    Thumbs up to Prayuth, a man with balls and brains, a man who could quickly become the most popular PM in the democratic history of Thailand

    ... also, never a single word at the red stages to support the farmers not paid. It never was their real agenda. Instead these farmers were intimitated by the leaders of the reds.

    In between now, the election for the European parlament got a setback for the corporate globalists too. Conservatives and right wings gained like never before. Their goal is to reduce the corporate globalists to rubbles and to reduce the Euro Parlament's power. Amsterdam will have fewer roads to travel, hahahaha ...

    It's not against globalization per se but the enforcing corporate globalist elites with sinister further plans for the globe. Natural globalization is alright ...

    Coming back to the rice scheme/scam it is save to say that this was staged by the corporate globalists so to slowely create social unrest after the political unrest and then followed by civil war so that they can get more power and control by sneaking in the back doors.

    The awakening is global and not just here in Thaiand.

  9. Basic forms Direct and semi-direct
    A Landsgemeinde (in 2009) of the Canton of Glarus, an example of direct democracy in Switzerland.
    In Switzerland, without needing to register, every citizen receives ballot papers and information brochures for each vote (and can send it back by post). Switzerland has a direct democracy system and votes are organised about four times a year.
    Main article: Direct democracy

    Direct democracy is a political system where the citizens participate in the decision-making personally, contrary to relying on intermediaries or representatives. The supporters of direct democracy argue that democracy is more than merely a procedural issue. A direct democracy gives the voting population the power to:

    1. Change constitutional laws,
    2. Put forth initiatives, referendums and suggestions for laws,
    3. Give binding orders to elective officials, such as revoking them before the end of their elected term, or initiating a lawsuit for breaking a campaign promise.

    Direct democracy only exists in the Swiss cantons of Appenzell Innerrhoden and Glarus.[72] The Swiss confederation is a semi-direct democracy (representative democracy with instruments of direct democracy).[72]

    Most western countries have representative systems.[72]Switzerland is a rare example of a country with instruments of direct democracy (at the level of the towns, cantons and federal state). Citizens have more power than in a representative democracy. At the federal level, citizens can propose changes to the constitution (federal popular initiative) or ask for a referendum to be held on any law voted by the parliament.[72] Between January 1995 and June 2005, Swiss citizens voted 31 times, to answer 103 questions (during the same period, French citizens participated in only two referendums).[72]

  10. and you Alex have a simplistic idea that there's NOTHING going to stop vote buying, vote buying isn't just about the handing out of money, it's using promises that you will get X,Y and Z if you vote for me, isn't the promise to reduce income tax by 2% (IF) that politician was to get into power not vote buying of a kind too?

    Vote buying is such a crass term, and it's always one side, normally the losing one that uses it, a better name for it is a "vote incentive" biggrin.png

    The issue is that demographically, there's just more people within these regions, that simply don't like the other regions, both sides hate each other, and incite their followers with jingoism and hate speeches all the time, both sides do all they can to demonise the opposition, it happens all over the world, it's called dirty tricks, it just seems that the Thais do it a little better than most wink.png

    The vote buying issue is moot, and simple to sort, if your opponent offers 500 baht for his vote, you offer 550!! Thais are influenced by personal finance, not by fair minded policies, you can be the nicest man in the world, and they give you food and water, but it means nothing if the village <deleted> gives them 500 baht to "sway" their views.

    Suthep and many of his followers here have stated repeatedly they had the "majority" of the country behind them, but they never took the "leap of Faith" and prove this was the case, by allowing elections to take place, why ? If I made a claim I have a million men behind me supporting me, day in day out, and when push came to shove, there was only a 1000, who is then made to look stupid?

    Come on sir, there never was a "majority" that you were comfortable enough to take the leap of faith and let elections happen, your own leaderships fear of looking stupid was the reason, it would have been a huge humiliation for them, and well you know it, we will never know if this is true, as the reforms will prevent the voice of the people from ever being heard of again, you can rest assured of that. So you can keep on believing that you would have lost the elections as the "majority" of the country suddenly said " Up yours, I'll take 500 baht" doesn't wash, it means pure and simple that integrity isn't in the nature of the Thai people, especially the invisible "majority" who would have sold you down the river come polling day for a days wage!!! wink.png

    there's lots of SOUL-SELLING going on. Massive! Do you feel better now? Sold souls don't vote but acknowlege their masters at the ballot. Nothing to do with election or democracy.

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  11. I'm not sure but have the gut feeling that the "comission" for the rice pledging was deducted first. Remember Thaksin telling the world in an interview that Thais love him so much so that they sent him 30 billion Baht? - The rest of the "comission" was taken by others invoved. Remember at one point he was in the middle of opening a bank in Hongkong and it went sour when it got exposed ahead?

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