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Posts posted by jay-uk

  1. Marco is right about the aircon buses which I've used in the past and family use quite regular for trips back and forth from Ubon to BKK on a visa run before coming to UK. The upper deck is great for getting some sleep and quite comfortable. Cost about B550 one way from memory I think.

    Marco...good luck for tomorrow with the Ubon bike run. If you get chance to post a few pics on TV or vdo on youtube.com it would be great. Look forward to seeing your new bike hope its been worth the wait. You'll have everyone jealous with a big goldwing around the city. Bet its great mate.


  2. Hi Marco,

    It might be as you say because the Kangwal office is getting more busy now. If they have 4 staff and business is good then that could be why they are taking time to reply. I'll take your advise also to keep away from the other CLV travel agent if they have little or no custom and stay with Kangwal. "Better the devil you know than the devil you don't" Kangwal have a website also which is as follows: Not sure you've seen this or not but put it on your fav's for future reference.


    This is useful 'cause I keep forgetting where I put their contact details.

    Cheers for the help mate.


  3. Marco

    That's strange 'cause the last few times i've had to work hard to give them business. One thing that it might be is the fact I continue to contact them and ultimately book through email. Maybe the new staff/manager struggles to communicate with me in this way and lacks some confidence. If I was there booking in the shop it would probably be fine but they rarely come back quick when I ask flight availibility which is a little enoying to email several times before a reply. Anyway, if they are the only ones there in Ubon looks like I could be stuck with them for now and I'll just have to make do. Cheers.


  4. Hi All

    For many years I have purchased flight tickets from Kangwal Travel in Ubon off the Chayangkul Road. My wife's family visit here (UK) every six months to help out with my son Jack and 2 tickets a year are purchased from their office. However, since the departure of Nittaya the last manager the service has become terrible and to deal with them from arms length here through email is becoming more and more frustrating as they never come back to me with prices fast enough and got the itineary wrong last time round costing us more money last minute. It's a shame really because it was in a convenient lcation for family to collect tickets after a visa had been secured in Bangkok.

    If anyone knows of any other local travel agents operating in and around the city then the contact details would be very much appreciated so that I have an alternative to use in future. All the agents I know here in UK will only let me book departing UK and not BKK unless charging over the odds on ticket price. Thanks.


  5. Hi Mac1

    It is so cheap to rent a room anywhere really in Isaan it begs the question why would you want to share with someone else. Your own room would give a base and privacy from which you could explore the region. Take a drive or taxi through any city or town in the north east and its not long before you see signs up showing places for rent. My sister-in-law rents an apartment within Ubon city for 1,200B/month very basic but i've seen very clean nice rooms for rent for 3,500B/month. Just explore and take refuge in a short term hotel for a few days until your are sorted with a place to long term rent.


  6. That is a real shock. I only contacted Gary a week or so ago to let him know I was sending back a few bits n pieces from UK. Tea, Mushy Peas and dried mixed herbs. I feel really sorry for this guy's family. He seemed so up beat, helpful and full of life. Please pass on my condolences also. I don't know how old Gary was. I never asked him but he did not look that old to me. Mostly healthy looking when I last met him. Anyway a great loss to his family.

    Marco, do you have Gary's full postal address by any chance as Samroeng and I would like to send a card to his wife and family if possible. If you do have this then please PM/email me with the details. All the best.



  7. Thaibites

    Not sure if you are golfer or not. I've always promised myself that I would take up golf sometime in the future and another place I never got to visit was the Warin Chamrap course which I believe a few farangs use regular. Is this a small 9 hole course similar to the one out at Sirindorn dam or any bigger. Also is it nice and well kept or does the green have cows wandering around eating the grass?


  8. Thaibites

    I've just bought a couple of boxes of quick soak mush peas, bisto and mixed herbs from Tesco stafford this afternoon. If you don't mind waiting till my mother-in-law's return date of 7th June i'll get her to pack a few more bits n pices such as pg tips etc...

    look forward to the park pics.....



  9. Hi Thaibites

    Thanks for the note on the park. Hope you and all the family are fit and well. I was told about this place on my last visit but with all that was going on at the time quickly forgotten and didn't give it much thought. It sounds a nice place I'll have to take the family there hopefully on our next trip over to LOS. Didn't realise it was so close to your house and our. Just goes to show how you can miss things right under your nose sometimes. Don't go visiting especially on our account to take pictures but next time you're there and have a minute for a few snaps then feel free to post them or send me an email. I must be getting a real borrin' old fart these days but this kind of stuff interests me in terms of what's popping up in/around the city. I guess Ubon still does not have a newspaper as of yet or official tourist website so information is still pretty limited to "word of mouth" from people in the know.

    Since last speaking my wife is expecting another baby boy around April 12th approx: "she looks like an egg on legs" at the moment but I haven't said that!.... with a new arrival on the way it could be sometime before we get chance to come back to Ubon but we talk about the place everyday and miss our second home a lot.

    Don't worry about the bisto and mixed herbs I'm putting a package together in the next week or so of photos and letters that my mother-in-law plans to send over to Ubon. She's here in UK for six months helping out with Jack our son so I will put a few bits n pieces together in the box and when they arrive at our house I'll let you know so you can collect them when passing.

    All the best.


  10. Anyone visited this place yet?


    It sounds nice, if anyone has info then please post....

    Has it just been completed or finished some time ago. Must have missed it on my last travels. If anyone's got any pictures please post them also as i'm always keen to see new places around the city for my next visit. Not sure exactly sure where this place is either?



  11. Here's my take on Ubon and expats meeting. Since travelling there over the last seven years my wife and I have struck up friendships with quite a few people we have met both western and thai alike. Some of the people we have met keep in touch when they are either in UK and/or LOS and have visited our main home on a couple of occassions in UK when on holiday bringing my wife much needed fresh papaya, chillies and "the dreaded mud fish" (yuk!). However saying that, there are also others I have met which I class as "fair weather friends". These are the people who are much more difficult to work out and understand as they do not know if they want to be friends or not. You know the kind who have mood swings misserable one minute and full of laughs the next. The kind of people who walk around the supermarket and look the other way if they see a farang or attend group meetings just to sit and not talk to anyone. The fact is the long standing friendships are more difficult to find as most like minded individuals stay in small groups close to people they trust and have fun with. The small minded biggots usually keep to themselves and never find happiness just loneliness moaning on about the thais and life in LOS. Needless to say I've met a few people also who I thought were friends initially only to find they offer advice and help at a price to benefit themselves financially.

    Finding people to socialise with in Ubon is still relatively easy. Finding genuine friends you can rely on and trust is more difficult!

    This sort of thing will sort itself out eventually as more expats start to live in and around the city. At the moment even though Ubon is expanding rapidly there is still a shortage of places where expats can go and a shortage of expats who do not have to travel to far from surrounding towns/villages. The bigger the expat population gets in years to come the more fun it may be to stay there eventually. The pace in which things are moving there it should not be too long before you see more farangs living there.

  12. Hi Mike

    Thanks for the note. Not much input from anyone but it probably applies mostly to people/expats living within the city boundary. It will not affect us right now as we have no immediate plans to develop or build on the land. However, you're quite right it will be a case of crossing someones palm with money probably. Such is life in LOS...... :o



  13. Hi to All

    My wife and I own a 6 rai plot of land within the Ubon city boundary (Tambon kamyai) and for the last 5 years we have owned our land and house there it has always been known as a village address. Recently my father in law attended a meeting in our absence called by "the head of the village" to discuss that the immediate area was now to change in status from a village to a town due to the city's expansion over recent years. We have been told one of the down sides is that we now have to submit plans to build in future but that's the only major change we have been notified about.

    Does anyone have any information themselves having gone through something similar as to the pros and cons of this kind of situation. ie.. all the positives and negatives if any? Thanks for your help.



  14. Hi to All

    My wife and I own a 6 rai plot of land within the Ubon city boundary and for the last 5 years we have owned our land and house there it has always been known as a village address. Recently my father in law attended a meeting called by "the head of the village" to discuss that the immediate area was now to change in status from a village to a town due to the city's expansion over recent years. We have been told one of the down sides is that we now have to submit plans to build in future but that's the only major change we have been notified about. Does anyone have any information themselves having gone through something similar as to the pros and cons of this kind of situation. ie.. all the positives and negatives if any? Thanks for your help.



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