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Posts posted by Letseng

  1. 19 hours ago, ukrules said:

    Are you sure? Only 1 person per table, even if they live together in the same house?


    That's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard of. They all deserve to go out of business permanently (and they will) if this nonsense continues.


    I know the government here aren't the brightest but I didn't think them so utterly stupid that they would split members of the same family between tables only to return home together after the meal.

    How would the restaurant know you live in the same house?

    • Haha 1
  2. 8 hours ago, brucegoniners said:

    Ah yes, let's encourage travel by the very same people who started the virus. Thailand is lucky that the virus didn't spread more, with all the Chinese who were here late last year and early this year.


    We won't be that lucky the second time around.


    I'm sure we're just around the corner from another pandemic brought on by China and eating creatures who shouldn't be eaten.


    To top it off Chinese are known to be the cheapest group by country. They spend for their rooms and not much else.


    Bad move.

    You got it the wrong way round. They used to spend little on the room to save money for shopping. Now they spend on both. Or do you buy a 2 mill THB watch on holiday?

    • Confused 1
  3. 9 hours ago, Bender Rodriguez said:

    if anyone is reading this post:   add VITAMIN D test ... 


    yeah, as if ...


    maybe they could figure out why thailand, with lots of sun, had very little death

    It was found that one of Italy's problems was low vit D in people while Norway where food is vit. D improved and ppl take supplements, vit. D levels were higher. Vit. D should not just be taken uncontrolled.

  4. On 5/29/2020 at 12:49 PM, DrTuner said:

    I remember seeing the quick tests were 300-400b each. A quick study for 100,000 would cost a mere 40M baht, basically nothing. It would give some insight into the question, how prevalent could the initial strains of SARS-CoV-2 have been in Thailand between November-February.

    Are there reliable "quick tests" yet?

    How quick are they?

    Btw, countries which require negative result for entry do not accept anything less than a PCR test because of reliability.


  5. 23 hours ago, paulikens said:

    what i don't get is this insurance that covers covid 19,no new insurance policy is going to cover you for covid 19. so do i presume that your only gonna get in if you have a insurance that you took out before all this happened.

    You can get travel insurance IF your home country doesn't have Thailand on their travel warning list they will pay. This is what I was told by my insurance company.

  6. 5 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

    He should jump on a bus or plane and head for Thailand, where he could doubtless receive the required medicine and excellent care at no great cost. I recently had a ruptured appendix removed and 4 days in a private room, splendid care throughout, for just over $2,000.

    At present you are not going to jump on to anything. Borders are not open. For a Brit,  Thai private hospitals may not be so cheap. In fact, Thai hospitals aren't cheap.

  7. 10 hours ago, smedly said:

    serious lack of detail 


    returned from Russia when - 2019 ?


    Chinese woman who did what when and where 


    for both these infections there are likely actually 4 not 2 cases as they both got it from someone 

    Chinese woman is wife of an infected Italian in Phuket. was in the official anounncement this morning.

  8. 21 hours ago, vogie said:

    Shock, horror and go to the foot of our stairs, what father would not want to be with his child whilst his mother was ill. Well done Dom for being a decent human being. All your fiercist critics on here would have done exactly the same, infact they wouldn't be much of a father if they didn't. But hey let's make it political and crucify the guy for being decent.

    No, he wasn't decent. He did what  thousands of others were told not to do. Plus close family lives close to him. No  reason to travel all this distance.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:


    Scandalous that France appear to now be facilitating illegal criminal immigration to the UK. Showing once again how untrustworthy they are and that their word means nothing.


    All these illegals should be deported at the earliest opportunity. By sea if necessary.

    And why doesn't Priti Patel do it? British gov. incompetence comes to mind.

    • Like 1
  10. 10 hours ago, asiaexpat said:

    How is it that a foreigner with a car traveling out of province has no money? Why is it anytime an old Brit gets ill and ends up in the hospital they have no money and need help? At my age I can understand the inability to procure medical insurance but can not understand the lack of emergency funds if without insurance. 

    They are British!

    Nobody would help a foreigner in UK. Just follow the saga how working, taxpaying foreigners get treated in UK. They get charged higher NHS fees than Brits. And many Brits think this is fair because "we have paid in longer". 

  11. 11 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    I remember this being discussed and the BCG issue being brought up back in March, but then it just seemed to fade away.  The US does not use the BCG vaccine inoculation for TB, but Thailand does.  When my daughter had to have a TB test done in the US for school she tested positive, and only a blood test sent to CDC cleared her and allowed entry to school.  So the BCG inoculation given can lead to an unfortunate positive TB test result when needed for Visa's and such.  Just for information to those who may emigrate in the future with their Thai born children.

    Same happened to my husband but in Thailand. However, the specialist immediately suspected BCG shot was cause of false positive. UK did BCG inoculation post war.

    BCG shot wasn't said to offer protection but gives a boost to immune system.

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