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Posts posted by Letseng

  1. 7 hours ago, connda said:

    It's time to open businesses, schools, and society back up.  The lockdown was based on flawed models and faulty projects  Actual data that is now surfacing is showing that Covid-19 is no more 'deadly' than the season flu.  This entire exercise in fear propagation and social control is going to end magnitudes times worse for the average person than if the covid-flu has been allowed to run it's course naturally.  The human immune system has evolved to withstand the yearly onslaught of viruses; the weakest few die, the vast, vast majority live and develop immunity.  Those issuing dictates from the confines of there ivory towers aren't the ones who are going to suffer - it's the average citizens who have been thrown under the bus by their 'leaders' who now delight in their power to make the public dance.

    It's time to correct that mistake immediately.  Ms. Napapach is but one of what will be hundreds of millions whose lives have been economically shattered based on a gut-wrenching mistake by world-leaders.
    It's time to get people back to work and get the economy running again.

    "What is materializing is, in the state of California is 12% positives. You have a 0.03 chance of dying from COVID in the state of California. Does that necessitate sheltering in place? Does that necessitate shutting down medical systems? Does that necessitate people being out of work?
    We’ve tested over 4 million… which gives us a 19.6% positive out of those who are tested for COVID-19. So if this is a typical extrapolation 328 million people times 19.6 is 64 million. That’s a significant amount of people with COVID; it’s similar to the flu. If you study the numbers in 2017 and 2018 we had 50 to 60 million with the flu. And we had a similar death rate in the deaths the United States were 43,545—similar to the flu of 2017-2018. We always have between 37,000 and 60,000 deaths in the United States, every single year. No pandemic talk. No shelter-in-place. No shutting down businesses…
    --Dr. Dan Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi



    Who believes this story from 2 youtubers? Dr Dan Erickson is also on youtube.

  2. On 4/25/2020 at 10:20 AM, RubbaJohnny said:

    Thanks but dowsn't cover arrival by sea land or river.

    Interesting air crews not quarantined in inter alia Cambodia with many contacts in many places they could easily be super spreaders.

    In most countries air crews are not allowed to leave the airport but return on the flight they came in. Flights carry spare crew.

  3. 11 minutes ago, Jumbo1968 said:

    So why is Thailand forcibly putting their own citizens in quarantine for 14 days when they return to Thailand. My Thai partner is switched on and would do 14 days self isolation with out having to be confined to a hotel/army camp ?

    Most ppl are not disciplined. That is why.

    • Like 2
  4. 6 hours ago, robertson468 said:

    Thailand MAY be an option after 1 May as the Prime Minister is considering opening the Country up again.  Koh Samui, which is a lovely Island on the Eastern Seaboard is a great place to visit.  Quite a few of the costal places are closed and Visitors are not even allowed to walk along the beaches, however, that is not the case here, providing people wear face masks and respect the social distancing, you can wander around to your hearts delight, or rent a motor bike and have a cruise around the Island.  If you would like to come here, PM me and I would be more than happy to help you.  Stay well and stay safe!

    Are you in tourist industry? 

    Encourage someone from Sweden to visit? Look at Sweden's death toll.


    • Like 1
  5. 5 hours ago, keith101 said:

    They are forced to stay where they are and expected to pay for it themselves are they forcing Thai returnees to do the same or is the government paying their bills ?

    As usual a possible double standard .

    They could have easily left. The warning signs were there in Feb. But these are ppl who chose to  stay. There were and there are still flights to home countries. Where there is a will, there is a way to get out. 

    If they can't pay bills, hand them over to their resp. embassies or IDC may be an alternative.

    • Like 1
  6. 20 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    The egg producers are not the only ones in need of help. The soup kitchen lines in Chiang Mai went 2km. around the moat the other day. There are alot of people in need here. Would be nice to see some wealthy Thai citizens step up, and share some of their wealth, with their people in this time of need. 

    Just read in a German paper that in a wealthy part of Hamburg some of the wealthy residents gave money to their small local shops to keep them alive until they are allowed to reopen.  

    • Thanks 1
  7. 16 hours ago, brokenbone said:

    i think the hypothesis of high energy light destroying the virus is plausible,

    i think humidity & temperature is irrelevant

    There are many badly affected Asian countries which have the same or very similar climatic conditions as Thailand. Singapore, Indonesia are 2 examples. Yes, warmer weather reduces common flu. But Covid19 is not common flu.

    • Like 1
  8. 16 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    Seems like the 'anti-white propaganda' is working on you.

    As Pravda says, anyone claiming elderly Germans have no money is falsifying their information.


    But like all these anti-white stories invented by Thais, they didn't think it out.

    They consider all whites the same, the thought that elderly Germans have the highest state pensions in the western world didn't cross their tiny racist minds for 1 second.

    Germans definitely don't have highest state pensions in the western world. Many European countries do much better. Ask a Norwegian or Austrian or Swiss.

  9. 12 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    I prefer the 'honest cabby' stories.

    Germany has regular evacuation flights on Condor.  Other EU countries will take any person from a member state. E.g. this morning there was Finnair. They took non Finns too. This old guy may not be looking for a flight but money.

    May be someone can check out German embassy website/facebook for him. Embassy always has emergency no.

  10. 5 hours ago, Nigel Garvie said:

    Very helpful Ubon Joe. This is in a very similar problem area to mine so I hope you can clarify further.

    background:-  I am on a multiple entry Non O visa. I have lived with my partner for 5 years at her home here when we are not in Scotland together. I have not collected arrival cards TM whatevers in the past, remiss of me I know,  bureaucracy not my thing. I am OK here till end of May by when I hope flights have re-opened.

    1) I was intending to get a new Non O I yr ME visa in the UK, and return to Thailand after staying around 3 months. The glory of these in the past is that you only needed to show a copy of your pension letter to get a retirement Non O. No insurance- no police or health checks, no 400K to 800K in the bank here. The UK pension is pathetic of course, but that hasn't bothered them in the past.  Question:- has anything changed.

    Question 2) is it reasonable to assume that when the Covid thing calms down falangs will be able to return as normal.

    Question 3) Looking at the requirements for Non O-A based on marriage, it appears that the hoops you have to go through are many more than for a simple Non O. Although it was something that we wanted to do anyway, it appears that using this as a visa basis is a burden rather than a benefit.


    Apologies for the questions, any help that you can give will be much appreciated.

    I assume the pension letter no longer applies. I had to show 20.000€ last year at Thai Embassy in Vienna. Website stated 5000 but Embasdy wanted 20.000. This was for non-O multi entry.

  11. 11 hours ago, brommers said:

    I will not waste my time listening to his waffle. Four decades of living outside the UK has shown me that once you leave that island you are seen as a traitor, a burden and someone to be treated as nothing more than a nuisance. Under no circumstances would I consider returning to that shabby little country that is run by a fat, tousled haired confidence trickster and his ban of sleaze balls.

    Pray that Thailand will do more for you than this shabby little country. People are responsible for their decision like staying in Thailand when the roof is about to fall in, or when the bottom drops out of their finances. Then go and hold hands out for help from the British taxpayer. Grow up.

  12. 7 hours ago, spiekerjozef said:

    Well done South Korea.


    Shows even more what a big cock-up European countries made of it...



    Most yes, not all. Europe is more than UK, Italy, Germany and France ++. The smaller countries fared much better because they shut down earlier and their people are more self discplined. These countries have younger and more proactive govts. Bad news sells, positive news doesn't in these times.

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