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Posts posted by Hedghog

  1. The gall bladder is now stone free.

    If you haven't drastically changed your lifestyle, I would suspect your gall bladder would already be full of gallstones again. It takes 3-6 months for your body to replace them, which is most doctors don't remove them, it's considered futile.
    I will go with the CT scan and Utrasound results.

    Along with my Consultants opinion.

  2. I am sometimes flummoxed by posts on this site. When a crime is reported you often get comments like it is the only country in the world where crime occurs...or like in this instance...where never before was there ever a person in the whole world ever caught in possession of drugs.

    What sheltered lives must some people have lived.

    The thing is as some others have pointed out ..When your in Thailand don't take drugs , i generally have a personal kind of travellers motto, when in Rome etc ,

    If i want to smoke weed i do it somewhere like Amsterdam or where it's accepted , if i want a snort do it in mexico etc etc ..When i'm in Thailand its mainly beer as i can see whats in it //or the odd whisky, but common sense has to prevail, otherwise it's asking for trouble , you shouldn.t even walk through the airport with a valium ( even if you bought it on sukhumvit) doesnt matter they'll nail you for it , even a kamagra is cause to hassle, as loose as Thailand maybe you have to be sharp, i think some people get deluded by that mix of looseness and ultra strict law enforcement which can be highly costly.

    I regularly pass through Swampy,with Morphine tablets,plus Morphine syrup,the latter in a sealed plastic bag on open display.

    Have never been questioned.

  3. Just bear in minds that who ever is the instigator of any altercation, the non Thai will end up paying for all

    damages and hospital bills, no matter whether it was a self defense using resemble force to protect oneself,

    this is the law of the land, i.e. Thai= poor, farang= rich, and so this ' logic' prevails even in motor vehicles

    accidents, so think twice before acting unless there's no other way out to act.....

    Link to said law of the land please.
  4. He is one of many. I myself are tired of lying stealing dirty Thais . And that's the family. There last escapade has nearly cost me my life. This message is sent from a UK hospital isolation ward been here nearly a week. Because some dirty person could not wash his Hands after a shit. Brother in Law he had a fever and was told to stay away. But the pull of the Baht was stronger than my health. He gave me anti biotic resistant. Bug

    . I have been through hell and still are so that's me finished with Thailand after 10 years the place is no fun any more

    Keep your fingers crossed the UK hospital doesn't give you an even worse infection.
  5. You live in a town house.

    Ask your neighbours how their water supply is.

    By the way the water system in Thailand isn't crap countrywide.

    Will wash my car and water my garden later this morning.

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