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Posts posted by Hedghog

  1. You`d better think twice or even three times before letting your wife loose in an area selling ice cream.

    Areas are usually worked by established mobile ice cream vendors and they are very defensive over their territories. Anyone trying to barge in on their turf can be warned off, beaten up or even murdered if they think someone is taking away their livelihoods, especially if they discover there is a Farlang involved. Best to ask some questions first and find out who is all ready selling ice cream there before going to the expense of buying an ice cream cart.

    Barstool urban myth.
  2. If you want a Non-O visa that cannot be obtained from immigration.

    Are you wanting to apply for an "extension of stay based on marriage"?

    If so you will need a single entry "O" visa obtained from a Thai Embassy/Consulate and be able to evidence 400K Bht in a Thai bank or a certified income of 40k Bht/month.

    Your first sentence is soo wrong.
  3. With the blacked out windows that the police used to outlaw but now don't even care, how would a policeman know if you were on your phone while driving in the first place ?

    You want to do one simple thing to make Thailand safer; enforce the window tint maximum % and eliminate the anonymity that people use to cover their irresponsibility

    A few countries make the black windows illegal and enforce it. A slight tint is OK but you should be able to see the occupants of the vehicle

    When I first came to Thailand in the early 70's the police used to carry a tool to measure the % of tint and if you were over you were fined. But like most laws in Thailand those in power did not want it enforced because that did not want to be seen with their flavor of the week. I have no problem with tinted windscreens, the problem is the heavy tint on the driver and passenger side windows

    Another of the many examples of laws in Thailand that are ignored to everyone's peril

  4. When is Thai Gov't going to get serious about taking action to reduce the horrendous road toll??

    As a first step, the installation & wearing of seat belts should compulsory in all vehicles, failure to wear a seat belt should incur heavy fine.

    Unrestrained travel in utes,van buses, SUV etc should be banned.

    Police to strictly enforce the laws.

    Thankfully you have no influence within the Thai government.

    I have to put up with all that crap whenever I go home.

    What happened to personal choice.

  5. The crime was getting caught.

    It's not as though he was selling outside school gates to youngsters.

    Consenting adults would of been his target market.

    If not him someone else will be along shortly.

    Probably grassed up by one of his competitors.

    Maybe he is a user only trying to fund his own habit.

    Unfortunately he was caught in Thailand where sentences can be very severe.

  6. Taking the action ,such as Thailand has.

    Will surely discourage a mass influx of fellow, hopeful alleged asylum seekers invading the country.

    The compassion of European countries,to allow the genuine cases to be relocated,now find themselves innundated with all and sundry claiming asylum, from far and wide.

    Maybe Thailand are on the right track.

    Just my humble opinion.

  7. £18,600.

    It's hardly a kings ransomed.

    I certainly couldn't live on that amount, not even here in Thailand.

    But many people can,easily done in Thailand.Don't drink in farang bars or don't drink at all is a huge money saver.No car,limited ac if any and you will have baht left over.

    I don't drink,or use air con.

    I do run a car and motorcycle.

    Mostly I holiday,fly business,stay in nice hotels.

    That was the idea when I retired at 46.

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