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Posts posted by mascarakatze

  1. Not even a 5 bath sushi on walking street?

    Hope you get well soon. Personally I think CM Ram is not going to do improve a lot until they face the real competition from BKK which is soon. How did you get food poisoning anyway, mine was the last time I had some sushi at some expensive restaurant last thing I'd expect from that place.

    I wouldn't eat raw anything here.

    what does 5 bath mean
  2. I heard it is going to be a 14 story condo and hotel.

    Who knows about how accurate gossip is. The security guy at HS4 told me 8 stories.

    The property also wraps around to the superhighway where that old mansion is now.

    Glad I only rent at HS4... If its 14 stories on the part next to HS4 then a lot of owners are going to be screwed.

    so your answer is "I don't know"

  3. Will be interesting either way, 8 is supposed to be the limit in that neck of the woods(??), hence why they havent been able to sell(??)...

    Is also why its hard to seel anything on that side of H4 (??) ... oh, and the fuc_ker with the spotlight.

    so you don't have an answer?

  4. A small plastic spray bottle with the hole slightly enlarged with a sewing needle (to make more of a stream than a mist,) and filled with a diluted mix of ammonia and water will do just as good a job, and can be claimed that the reason for carrying it was that you were doing your laundry and forgot it in your pocket. No charges of 'carrying a dangerous weapon with premeditation...' Non-lethal. Will work on dogs or people. Even on people too drugged out for a stun gun to put down. Just be sure to get the bottle that has the finger-shaped button so you spray in the correct direction.

    you're using my oxygen

  5. for years I've flown air Asia from Cnx to Bangkok. last week I booked on line a Bangkok airways flight. I'm hooked. I did all on line without having to go back and delete unwanted insurance, fancy seats, overweight baggage etc. I could either print out my boarding pass or download it to my phone which you just wave at checking. the meals were offered at no charge. my knees were 10" from the seat in front of me. the staff is priffesional it arrived ahead of schedule. I'm so grateful that I gave them a chance. really really a good experience. it cost about 3,600 baht return.

    • Like 2
  6. I have all apple equipment. when I went to retrieve a film I plugged in the hard drive and a light came on on the hard drive. I think a yellow light when it had been blue I think. nothing happened. I tried it on my desk top and a message came up saying this computer cannot read this device. three months of best of all categories of movies etc.

  7. it took 3 months to download movies and TV series and for no apparent reason none of my computers recognize it when I plug it into my USB ports. I brought it to pantip plaza and they could retrieve the information. any ideas

  8. Hubby got a suit at Fashion King in the Night Bazaar area -- it's the best looking-suit he's ever had. Frank, the owner, measured him and was the one who made adjustments when Hubby came in to try on the partially finished suit. There was no "seamstress tailor" doing the fitting in the shop -- just the owner.

    We expecially like the way that Frank talked with Hubby during the sales process to learn how often he'd wear the suit, where, what he'd be doing when he wore the suit, etc -- he didn't try to oversell, but instead recommended fabric and style that was exactly right.

    You have me worried when you say the Frank wanted to know how often and what your husband would be doing when he wore the suit. Sounds to me like one of those paper suits they were selling in North America several years ago.
    No far from it -- he wanted to know if Hubby will wear the suit mostly in Thailand or in a colder climate and what type of meetings/events he'll be attending when he wears it. You could wear something more creative if you worked in a creative industry and you need something more conservative if you attend meetings with Thai government and banking officials.

    The suit is beautiful and amazingly never seems to need pressing -- he just hangs it out in an area with good air ciruclation for 12 hours and it's good to go again.

    Thanks for clearing that up. I really was worried because I intend to go to Fashion King within the next couple of days.

    that is so cute calling your husband hubby. mambo robert calls his wife "wifey" really it's adorable if you are 19 years old. if not I can really really use your little affectations as an emetic
  9. well it's refreshing that somebody wants a new suit. so many cheapskates in the Chiang mai forum want used baby beds or used computers or eating in restaurants giving enormous amounts of food. looking for bargain housing, ideally second hand typewriter, my budget is 5,000 baht (for housing), "you never said how much you paid". it goes in and on.

    this does NOT exist to the same extent as it does in the CM forum.

    is CM filled with old ladies counting their pennies, not caring about quality. just quantity and price.

    sad really

    • Like 1
  10. So finally went to Yangtze Restaurant in Nimman and here's the review

    Had the following with 2 guests

    - Frog Legs Garlic

    - Prawn Omelette

    - Egg Plant Spicy Pork

    - Bean Curd Prawn Roll

    - Snow Fish Steam

    - XO Sauce Egg Noodle Seafood

    Ambience was not good as all, not rustic not modern just old and musky smell at upper floors

    Service was brisk and accommodating ....good attitude.

    Only good dishes was the frog leg and the snow fish. The fish was very fresh and well steamed and the soy sauce was great. 8/10.

    The frog legs was well cooked and the garlic blended well with the taste. 8/10

    The beancurd was poorly fried and and the oil was too hot as the inside was not good. Prawns are fresh but the skin was disappointing

    The prawn omelette was tasty but presentation failed at that price ..lumpy eggs and the prawns unevenly prepared in the mix

    The XO noodles was not tasty no kick on the taste and had no shrimp or abalone blended in the sauce which was not the standard Hong Kong base for the dish.

    Overall a good meal if you order the right combination but not my first choice to go back again

    what credentials do you have to critique restsurants
  11. how could we have overlooked DAVID48. Hmmmm. What do you think that is about? A little boy saying "don't tell"

    I was a very naughty boy.


    Always saying ... "Don't tell Dad ... Ok?"

    Plus I'm very good at keeping secrets.


    what secrets do you feel that you have to keep? you say that you were a naughty boy. is that something that you outgrew or you a naughty adult with secrets
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