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Posts posted by mascarakatze

  1. I can't stand it. all I do is ponder who they really are. is their pictures how they think they are. or the opposite. I'm 100% convinced that Chiangmai foxy is really paagai who is soon to under go gender modification. why has poomaidai gagged herself and david48 can keep a secret. what secrets do they have why gag yourself. what doesn't david48 want the little boy to tell. I can't stop thinking about it. close the topic

  2. I was leaving my house in Sansai on my scooter. Riding down a windy lane with a small river on my left and rice fields on my right. Not far from my house a passed a black shiny object on the rode. I continued on for a few seconds and retuned too see the most beautiful fish that I have ever seen. 8" long, black with white dots on its back forming a mosaic pattern that was breathtaking. I stood over it to take a photo and it moved. It was about 12-15 feet from the river. It had an odd tail with kind of a wand or feeler in addition to its regular fishy tail. Well i nudged it with my shoe towards the river and was successful nudging closer and closer to the water. Finally one last shove and it went in. I waited a few seconds to see if it floated to the top and in fact it swam away. How did it get in the middle of the road? What was it?

    • Like 2
  3. So anyway....

    Do we gradually assume some of the characteristics that we imagine our avatars possess?

    Do we gradually resemble these avatars, as some owners resemble their dogs?

    And, do others respond to our comments in ways that are subtly shaped by what they see in the images we choose to represent us?

    Maybe someone should start a poll.

    great observation. I do actually subconsciously that do look like their avatars. I loathe some because of their pictures and names. somebody who knows hello dolly describes him as morbidly obese yet his picture is the opposite
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  4. Of course there are other factors to consider and it's difficult to make like for like comparisons with location but there's enough information out there to gain some insight, particularly using BKK as a benchmark.

    I'd use Pattaya as a benchmark, and then 1:1, with the understanding that the Chiang Mai unit really needs to be cheaper before it's a good deal, given that the price of land in sane locations is a bit lower. And Pattaya has a clear center where a good number of the people living there want to go to a lot (that's less clear in Chiang Mai.), and a demographic more inclined to condo living which increases demand.

    If I wanted to invest 4million on a condo it probably wouldn't be in Chiang Mai, and it would be two separate (but adjacent) units which gives you the option of renting them out separately to a lower priced segment.

    another incredibly valuable contribution DUH
  5. Bashed the restaurant because the food was the major problem, not the wine. Appetizer buffet, buffet, whatever it was advertised as one still expects to eat more than 2 chicken wings.

    Maybe that was all the sponsor paid for the rest was Dave's charity.

    Like It has been said before it was a wine company putting the affair on maybe they were expecting some connoisseurs of fine wine rather than people looking for a meal with wine,

    They might possibly be in the wrong city for an affair like they put on. In all the posts I have read haveI yet to read one about fine wines here in Chiang Mai. I am sure there are many but there is not a lot of people interested in them enough to put on an affair where they are the main attraction.

    There have been quite a few wine tastings around Chiang Mai. The ones I have been to have had lots of people. I don't drink alcohol at all so I have water and whatever food is on offer. My wife does like wine and she has wine and food at these "affairs". They also seem to sell a lot of wine at these things.

    What makes you think there is not a lot of people interested in them? What do you consider a fine wine?

    I would think you are quite right in your assessment that the sponsor only paid for a certain amount of food.


    Well to be honest with you I don't hear a lot about them. Being the curious type that I am how many is a lot and how often do they have them and how many attendees are the same people at each one.

    Where are they advertized in city life?

    Actually I just signed up for a blog that comes out once a month listing events.I guess I could look there. Just got my first copy scanned through it and saw nothing of interest to me.

    As for what is a fine wine how would I know I don't drink it or care about it. But I would imagine that 2,000 baht a bottle would be a fine wine. Maybe not. Ask Uptheos he seemed to have some ideas on the subject,

    I do know enough to know that just because some thing is cheap and very tasty for some people that does not make it a fine wine. I also know that after the second bottle I would break out in big round red spots like I did with penicillin. So I decided to give it up.

    uptheos's contributions seem to be quantitative rather then qualitative making them fairly useless

  6. Jolly Roger was my road name when I rode with the Vietnam Veterans Motorcycle Club after returning from the American War in Vietnam.

    It was also the name of my three boats over the period 1975/85.

    My avatar is the ace of spades with the scull and crossbones. I picked up the original in 1967 in a dry rice paddy during a search and destroy operation. It had been dropped by a

    psyops airplane as a terror tactic to unnerve the enemy. On the back it says in Vietnamese ..."You are going to die if you continue to fight for the Viet Cong............Surrender or die"

    As a terror tactic it has roots going back to the 1600's and the pirates who pillaged shipping in the major oceans. They would always give their victims an opportunity to surrender

    before boarding them by flying the scull and crossbones.

    Every time I look at it I am reminded how fortunate I am to be alive, healthy and living here in Chiang Mai.....................................

    Amen brother--a couple of biker friends have similar cards on their bikes as well

  7. You are already living in one of the least expensive cities in the world that offers a high standard of living, good medical care, and low crime. Personally, I'm mystified why anyone would move a young family to Thailand, unless you are making good money. I agree with some of the other posts about feeding your kids street food. I won't even eat street food, because most of the vendors don't have access to clean running water. Start cooking at home and take advantage of the fresh fruit and vegetable markets. Also, get those kids out of here during the smokey season for a little fresh air. sad.png

    We are travelling the world and stopping by Chiang Mai for one year. We like it but we are going back in May next year stopping by Europe for a few months on the way back home.

    I agree I should start cooking my own food even though it is more expensive to cook than to eat at my next door neighbor restaurant.

    You are already living in one of the least expensive cities in the world that offers a high standard of living, good medical care, and low crime. Personally, I'm mystified why anyone would move a young family to Thailand, unless you are making good money. I agree with some of the other posts about feeding your kids street food. I won't even eat street food, because most of the vendors don't have access to clean running water. Start cooking at home and take advantage of the fresh fruit and vegetable markets. Also, get those kids out of here during the smokey season for a little fresh air. sad.png

    We are travelling the world and stopping by Chiang Mai for one year. We like it but we are going back in May next year stopping by Europe for a few months on the way back home.

    I agree I should start cooking my own food even though it is more expensive to cook than to eat at my next door neighbor restaurant.

    Wow stopping by Europe. Did you know that Europe is NOT a country. Gosh wife and mom I can't get over it

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  8. My first glance into this thread indicates to me that the OP is not short in fund; rather, she's just a wife and mom (if not trolling) who likes to save than waste while not depriving herself and the family of necessities. People have different perspectives on living standards. She doesn't mind eating street food, doesn't like shopping at Rimping, doesn't want her family living in a shed, doesn;t spend much on entertainments. To me, nothing's wrong with that. Gee, if the OP stops buying cheese, the family don't drink milk like water, and stop switching the air on all the time, she would almost be on par with my wife!

    Asking the TV expats on how to save is like asking the question: can you live comfortably.under 100k a month for a family of 4 (excluding tuition and medicals)!

    Am I glad that my kid was out of the international school, otherwise, tuition alone runs over 40k a month!

    You got it....I am that kind of a wife who likes to save without denying my kids the life style I want them to have. My husband and I don't drink milk like water but the kids do like milk and they drink a lot of it every single day and I am not going to ask them to drink less milk because I want to save. We use two ACs every night and we do like cheese but I can certainly live on less cheese in order to save. Hey I am not a troll, I am a real person, a wife and a mom.

    noble a wife and a mom just like leave it to beaver. humans are the only creatures that continue to drink milk after weaning. gosh wife and a mom two things

  9. Doe's "hello dolly" see himself as Billy Idol (young and cool) ? How about WinnietheKhwai does he see himself as a laughable bull ? Semper as a goofy buffoon. Lawrencechee as a dog. How about MESmith is he slim and cool or morbidly overweight. What do you think goes into choosing a photo to represent themselves One more "uptheheos" a butch bearded guy with a ridiculous little cowboy hat, what do you think he really looks like a skinny wimp who can't grow a beard


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  10. I was in pattaya a few months ago and I walked all the seafront, south to north, next day I packed my stuff and left.

    Chiang Mai is a normal city, with normal people, but many ladies here are not saints hehehe men as well

    what do you mean hehehe

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