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About johnc925

  • Birthday 07/02/1961

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  1. Everything in the ad should be included. So if there's a photo of the power connector then it's included. You can request to chat with the seller on Lazada just to clarify any questions.
  2. I acquired a Lenovo PC mini, i7 with 8gb memory and 250tb disk (I upgraded these myself twice, now at 32gb/2tb). Around 4 years ago it was 6,500 THB used. I've been very happy with it and will now seek another used model with a built-in Thunderbolt interface, so I can use an external GPU for better processing. The advantage to this sized footprint, is I can pack it in my backpack, if ever needed, as it weighs 1.5kg. I can easily add up to three HDMI monitors, five USB connections.
  3. Political lawfare seems to be the call of the day in the world...
  4. You couldn't be more wrong and misinformed. We've tolerated quite enough from the Obama and Bidiot regimes.
  5. Why does this clown even have a voice here? Are you a liberal who still cannot face the fact that the parties in power have been destroying the economy and world balance? Get a clue! πŸ˜’
  6. This is a blatant Act of War. I would like to see them get their arses kicked for what they did to their last prime minister
  7. and sadly you have no idea what you're talking about... suggest laying off the MSNBC koolaid
  8. The <removed> is strong, in the wafe of this writer πŸ˜’
  9. what an ignorantly dick statement... another MSM programmed dumling...
  10. I'm now planning my exodus from Thailand after 10 years here. Now that Trump is back in, I'm headed back to the States. None of my income is or should be taxable and to demand this is pure harassment. Good luck Thailand! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²
  11. We chose to move up north after living in Phuket for a very long time. PhangNga is a bit remote, but close enough to things needed.
  12. This is about the stupidest thing I've ever read... 🀣
  13. Stuffed and fraudulent ballots do not count in the reality of popular vote. Prove me wrong!
  14. Though I detest the cigarette smoke; this hasn't been well thought out. The fact that nicotine smell will remain on the clothing and the hair of this individual, to parade around isn't going to solve anything.
  15. This absolutely won't settle well in America. Trust me this will not end peacefully.

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