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Posts posted by Foexie

  1. And if you're still not convinced -

    Where did you get the idea that she would spend 800 days in jail?

    I am 100% sure that when she received a 30 day sentence that everybody totally understood that it was 30 Days, not 800 Days. Why did she tell you that she would be in prison for 800 Days?

    She has lied to you in order to get money from you.

    If you cannot see that now, then I am afraid that there is no hope for you.

    You are badly scarred sick.gif

    Not badly scarred, but experienced.

    Did you not read this thread?

    His "GF" told him that she would be in jail for 800 days and that it would cost 240,000 Baht to get her out.

    Now, from his own investigation, he finds that she is actually sentenced to 1 month.

    If you can't spot the lie then i'm afraid that there is no hope for you either.

    If he sent the 240K, she would stay in jail because that is probably more than she can earn in 2 years and what would she prefer, paying the money to get out of jail or staying in jail for the rest of her sentence and having the money in her bank account. How many others has she used the same sob story on?

    I read the thread & your posts stood out as you have been cut deep & badly scarred ,no shame you have admitted it...I wish you well in your cynical misery.Happy new mear xxx

    Thx Kipper. Happy new year for you too.

  2. Staying focused here is important, so i will objectify for you:

    Foexie: Never EVEN consider selling your house because of her. And this;

    Dont let your feelings get a hold of you. I feel you allow your feelings to cloud your rationality.

    On one side i admire your perseverance in your relationship and you sound like a great partner who would go through great lengths to take care of your spouse. All in all she sounds like a whole lot of trouble to me and i speak to you from experience.

    I see it makes you feel good to stay with her so nobody can tell you to leave her. Do what makes you feel good.

    You can keep a clear mind at finances because you chose to choose for your mother. Please use this power to keep your hand on your wallet and show your chivalrous character instead and try to go to her and meet her and make her feel good in these troublesome times.

    Happy new year and best of luck to you

    Hi Dancealot,

    selling my house would be the last thing i could do to get enough money to buy her out if needed. The reason why this comes in my mind is because i have not really a reason anymore to stay here. My mom she passed away september 18. So after taking care of her for months i just ended up with a huge dark hole. And i just have a small family with who i have almost no contact.

    I did always planed to move to Thailand one day. But the only problem i will have now is what to do for a living. The money from my house would never be enough for staying in Thailand for 30,40 or more years. Depending how old i will get. And putting it a business like my gf had before can also be a risk. See what happened with her.

    So i don't wanna end up beeing broke in Thailand in a few years and then need to return to Belgium, find a new job when i'm almost 50 and start a new here.

    But thx for your concerns. I appreciate it.

    My best wishes for you and your family too,


  3. Ok everybody,

    i'm happy and sad now because i found an answer.

    My gf is accualy in jail. I did call the Tourist Police to help me find out. Seems that my gf is sentenced for 1 month and is locked in in the prison of Ayutaya.

    So for all who supported and encouraged me thank you all so very much.

    For all who believed she was a scammer it's ok. If i heared a story like this maybe i would believe this too. But at the end it turned out my gf did not lie to me. And there fore i'm happy. So maybe you guys can give some persons a little more credit even when they have all ods against them.

    I wish you all the best for the new year. For me it will be a very lonely one but i have somebody to think off.

    Thx all for your help,

    Best regards, Foexie

    • Like 1
  4. Hey Foexie, perhaps there is a member on here that lives close to the jail your GF is in and could pay a visit for you if your not in Thailand, and get some comformation for you...Just an idea. Thai Visa members are a helpful bunch.

    Your GF has had alot of bad luck lately thats for sure. Just be careful and best of luck.

    Thank you so much Kris. Your words really means alot to me. I will be carefull. That's why i am inhere asking for help.

  5. Sounds like you live in Belgium so when you say she is your GF of 1.5 years, do you actually mean that you have visited here a few times? If so you are not her BF, you are her sponsor!

    I can't be sure whether you are a troll or not. She doesn't want money from you, but is not shy about asking for money to pay off her car loans? She must be a smart girl as she gives you the impression that she doesn't want your money, but you still keep sending it.

    Last year when i did meet my gf i visited her house in Patum Thani. She lived there with her brother and they had a small business and she also had a job.

    She lives with her brother??!! Come on, you can't be serious smile.png

    Only thing she could save was some clothes and a damaged car.
    And when they impounded one of her cars because she couldn't pay her loans anymore i payed that bill too

    Had you forgotten that she could only save one damaged car? How did they manage to impound one of her cars if she only had one?

    There must be a high probability that she is not in jail, but living cosily with her "brother" waiting for the quarter million payoff from the naive farang(s).

    Maybe it is hard for you to understand but i am loyal when i start something with someone. Even at first before we meet and when it is an internet relationship. But like i said already several times: i did meet her and been to her house and see how she lived.

    The only time she asked me for money was when she needed to repair her car so she could use it for her work. That was about 40000 bht.

    The car she saved was the car she accualy used because when she used to go to work at the time of the fload and she told me the car beeing parked on a bridge on the highway like hundreds of other did. I seen the images on tv and see that many peoples did the same. Before she did have 2 cars.

    She did have her business and told me her brother was an drivinginstructor working for her because he not finished his university and could not find a job.

    You can think what you want and if it turns out i been stupid so it is. Right now i know nothing and just try to get answers. That's why i try to find help. I already contacted law offices and expats from Belgium. If needed i will pay for an PI. i just want to find out so at least i can find out if what i did was good or bad.

  6. have you every been to Thailand and met this girl or is this an internet relationship?

    have you every been to Thailand and met this girl or is this an internet relationship?

    If you did read all you would know that yes i did see her several times and that i did go visit her house in Patum Thani. How else i did see she her business. It was a driving school she had. A real one because the cars she had had pedals at both sides.

  7. Foexie,I hope that this isn't a troll thread.

    If it is genuine then send me a message with the phone number of your g/f's brother and I will ask my g/f to call him tomorrow and find out if/where she is in prison.


    Foexie, you need help. Hope you can get it here or elsewhere.

    Start off with taking Shaggy's gesture seriously. thumbsup.gif

    I will Dancealot. Thx so much for your support.

  8. prison for illegal software??? they would have to lock up the whole MBK then

    prison for illegal software??? they would have to lock up the whole MBK then

    No she have to go to jail because her old company demands her to pay money for using "illegal" software on their computers. Maybe those cops get some money from the company or person to give her trouble. I really don't know. That is why i want to find out.

  9. The whole thing has been made up by her and her family to milk the dumb farang for money, obviously.

    Maybe, maybe not. But then explane to me why she haven't ask me for money? She refused the 30000 bht i did wanna send to get a lawyer and she told her brother to tell me not to send her any money.

    Not every Thai girl is a moneysucking golddiging bargirl. So until proven something else i will keep believing that she is in big trouble.

    So forgive me that i am beeing a bit confused and that i want to find out what is going on.

    Regards, Foexie

  10. 240,000 baht for using illegal software ? C'mon , the whole thing just doesn't add up.

    Very FIshy !!

    The software wasn't accualy illegal. She did have it on her old laptop and used it without a licence on the computer of this company. The 240000 bht is the money demands my gf to pay as compensation "for damage" beeing done by her because now they have to pay the company who is the owner of Solidworks.

    Fishy maybe yes. But in a country as Thailand every thing is possible. And that is why i try to find out what is going on.

  11. Hi Stoneboy,

    i think you did read to fast.

    I told you i did go visit her house in Patum Thani and see her business. And i also told you that the house of my friends wife, what was a few kms away from her house also have been in the water. My gfs house was in the area of dreamworld what has been floaded complatly. And she also did send me pics of her damaged car.

    In the past she did send me more scans of papers she did want to show me . And my friends why always told me those scans are proving what she tells me.

    So honestly i still have no doubts about her honesty. And if my mom didn not get sick i would have go back to meet her and we already arranged to meet her family and parents.


  12. What is she charged with?

    What sort of sentence is she looking at?

    Hi Toley,

    i don't know how it is called but what happened was this:

    My gf did work for a compagny for about 3 months. During this time she already had a few fights with an senior employer ( her boss). For doing her job better she installed a program, what she did use in school and work before,on the companies computer but without license. The bosses knew that but never did anything about it.

    When she did wanna quite her job problems started. The senior boss started to give her a more bad time and at the last they everything escalated . They called the police and told them about what she did. The police took this very serious and charged her from, i think, using of illegal software. After she got a claim of the company of 240000bht what she needed to pay to invoid a visit at the court. Because we couldn't pay that amount she had no choice to go to the court . That is all i know. My gf expectec to be inside jail for about 800 days. She told me she thinks that 1 day in jail is worth 300bht.

    But i can't speak with her family so i still don't know what the court said.

  13. Foexie, if you still love her, you have to keep sending the family money. You wrote she warned you not to send money and you stopped. Are you sure you understood her?


    i'm very sure i did understand her very well. She told me this more then once. But i didn't stop sending her money. I only not want to send money to her family directly. Last week i did send her 30000 bht for her to get a lawyer. But she refused my offer and told me better to safe the money because it wasn't enough for paying the court.

    I accualy did send her and then she told me she will use it for paying bills for family while she is in jail.

    As far i know she have never give any of my money at her family. She only used it for pay bills, insurance or buy food. If she needed something for her self she always asked me if she could use some money.

    Last year when i did meet my gf i visited her house in Patum Thani. She lived there with her brother and they had a small business and she also had a job.

    As you know last year in october there was a big fload and she lost everything in the water. i know this was true because i have seen movies on the internet from her area and my friends Thai wife also lived there and confirmed it. Only thing she could save was some clothes and a damaged car. She also had a job in one of the companies in the area so she lost her job too. The company she did work for didn't open anymore and moved to Cambodja or Vietnam.

    So without work i knew i need to help her to help her family. So i did. And when they impounded one of her cars because she couldn't pay her loans anymore i payed that bill too. For proof she did make somebody scan and send me the papers from the bank what i did gave to my friends wife to read because they were in Thai.

    So normaly this year i would go back to see her but unfortunatly my mom get terminal sick and i needed to take of her for 3 months. So i needed my money now for myself and my mom. Honnestly now there wasn't enough money anymore to pay for this extra bill so i couldn't help her. Even sell my house was not an option because it takes up to 3 months before the buyer have to pay the bank and i will get my money.

    So what options do i have then try to get her out of jail asap and find a way to pay for everything per month. That's why i am doing all this. And also because i know life in prison isn't as good as beeing in prison as f.e. here in Belgium.

  14. She will most likely be in Klong Prem, Lard Yao. It's easy. You don't need a lawyer and anyone can visit. When you enter the prison grounds follow the road round to the left, that will take you to the women's prison. You'll see a waiting area on your right. You then have to go to one of the windows and give the name (full name) of the person you wish to visit. Then you will have to listen out for her name to be called. When you hear her name follow the rest of the people to the visiting area. You can take a phone but you have to put it in a locker before your visit. Also make sure and get her room number that way you can buy food and deposit money into her prison account.

    Visits last 20 minutes. You can visit every week day except holidays.

    Thx Puyai,

    i will try to send somebody there to find out.

    Only one worry i have. How will the guards and other prissoners react when they find out she have a farang bf ??? Could it be they will give her a hard time ???

    Greetings, Foexie

  15. Beano,

    thx for your reply. I don't know much of her friends.I know she have one best friend and she moved and works in Japan now. But i already sended her an email to talk with her family and tell me more. I still wait for her reply.

    Last week my gf told me she asked her brother to keep in contact with me. His english is bad. I can only send him easy texts what takes long time for him to understand. I try to talk with him on the phone before but it's useless and he always gave the phone back to my gf because we don't understand eachother.

    Beano and Dancealot,

    Thx for your support. I do my best to find out where she is and i will definatly try to visit her when i found her. I will take a lawyer for sure and the crispy things.

    I also just got an reply on my text. Seems that my gf already told him to tell me that she don't want me to send money. Accually this already started the first weeks i know her. Her warning me for her greedy family and never give them money. Because they would ask for more and more. I guess that's the reason why they are angry at me now because i didn't send them more money.


    fyi i don't know if she is in jail or not. But until now i never caught her on a lie. That's why i try to find it out. But beeing away 11000 kms from Thailand doesn't make it easy. And if you speak a tiny Thai and the rest doesn't speak english it will get almost impossible.

    i already looked here on the website what kind of replies you give at peoples. Most of them are always in the same style as these you give at me. And for some reason i think i already did see you on other websites using different names giving same kinda answers as what you give inhere.

    So if you can't be any helpfull please don't bother anymore to reply on any message inhere and use the time just to get a drink somewhere.

    Best regards to all.

    • Like 1
  16. Girlfriend for year and a half,you didn't help with the fine after court.

    No wonder the family is pissed with you.

    Don't think much chance of a visit,unless family or lawyer assists you


    You don't know me so you have no right to speak about the money i not send at her now.

    But i'm quite sure i already gave her and her family more money then you would ever have done.


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  17. Scully and AyG,

    thx for your answer.

    Ayg, i did see that website but i had the impression it was for foreigners who visited other foreigners in jail. That's why i didn't pay so much attention at it.

    I wish right now i already could give you the name of the prisson. But as i say her family isn't helpfull and angry at me so i still need to find it out.

    If this will take to long i think i will try to contact somebody from the police or even an PI to find out.

    Anyway thx already for your kind help.

    Best regards, Foexie

  18. Hi everybody,

    i have a big problem. My thai girlfriend who i know for over 1.5y is been put in jail in Bangkok.

    Her family tells me only family can visit her. And they are not very helpfull because they are angry at me i didn't pay the fine for the court.

    But she asked me, and i promised her, not to leave her alone.

    Can anybody inhere tell me how and what i need to do to go visit her in jail.

    Best regards, Foexie

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