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Posts posted by Foexie

  1. Hi peeps,


    i did see some peoples using also Tomtom maps. Well i did use it this year on my vacation and i was very unsatisfied with it.


    About 80% of the time TT didn't found what i was looking for but google maps did.


    It's impossible to give in a Thai adress. I tried it a few times with the name and adress of the hotels and they weren't small ones. But TT didn't help me at all.


    But i will definatly use some of the suggested app inhere. Thanks guys :clap2:


    2 hours ago, sometimewoodworker said:

    It is now 


    I just checked their website and app but they still charge you a one time fee





  2. Hi everybody,


    is there somebody here who can tell me if there are birch trees in (south) Thailand where we can tap it ourself. Or if they sell bottles with birch juice or extract ( Weleda or other brand) somewhere?


    Last week i found 1 product online with birch inside but it is for celulitis and so for external use only. I am looking for the product what is used for drinking/oral use.


    Kinds regards,



  3. 21 hours ago, joeyg said:

    I know, I know.  I guess i'm just a sucker for some of these guys.  it's too much for me to think about sometimes.


    Don't be so harsh on yourself. It just shows you you still have your heart on the right place. If it gives you a warm feeling keep doing it.


    A while ago i did wanna give some money to an old lovely lady who was begging on the street. But my (Thai) gf forbid me to do it. When i asked her why she said  that that lady have a family who take care of her and that she probably will go back to her house in the evening.


    They day after she gave 2  youngsters in schooluniform, who were playing music on the streets, 20 bht. :blink:

    Of cours i did need to know why she did that. She answered me that those kids "worked" for their money and weren't begging and that was why she helped them.

  4. 23 hours ago, thhMan said:

    Ive spoken to many teachers, many English teaching teachers, cant speak it well

    I don't know much about the Thai schooling system but this i can confirm.


    This year i did meet my GF's family and there were two english teachers  among them. When i spoke with them  their english was awful. Also made me think and worry about what and how they can teach their students.


    And they also have the problem with my pronouncing: the tomeatto/tomoatto issue. Seems they have been learned to speak/teach American english they said. So if i sometimes pronounce a word the British way,  they have a problem understanding me. But this problem exists because Thai is also based on pronouncing and they are not teached to listen to the whole sentence to understand the meaning.


    Second thing i can tell  is the fact that my GF's niece and nephew  ( she is 11 and he is 7) have to do home work untill 23h/midnight more then ones a week and even sometimes have to wake up earlier again to finish it in the morning before school.


    And this is not because they are be lazy. They just get so much from their teachers.


    But they are Lucky not have to go to school on Saturday.

  5. Hi everybody,


    i would like to know something.


    Next year i plan to go to Chiang Rai and cross the border there for 1 day.


    I know when you fly in Thailand you get 30 days and a border run give you 15 days but what will happen with your 30 days visa if you cross the border when you have more then 15 days left.


    F.e. i cross the border on day 3 so i accualy still have 27 days left. I guess/ hope the first visa will remain valid but if i cross the border, let's say the last week, then the 15 day visa rules.


    Thanks for your replies.

  6. Don't forget that lot's of islands ( national parks) are closed since a few weeks and back open in october or november. And i think it's on some of those where you can find turtles.


    If you take a promotion flight, traveling is reasonable priced and, i think, that almost everything is with in a time range of about 3-5h (i mean including transportation, check in and out at the airport, etc).


    Maybe these will be helpfull:





  7. 5 hours ago, soalbundy said:

    wont work because European circuits are earthed and everyone knows Thai electricity is not same same Europe, Thai equipment doesn't like to be earthed

    Sorry to tell you but you are so wrong about this.


    First of all i can say my friends wife did bring already more then 3 machines and cookers from Thailand and use them without any problem overhere in Belgium.


    Secondly we have lots of tools and equipments here without an earthconnection and they work fine too.


    More ... i can say for double isotated power tools, machines or whatever it is even forbidden to have a connected earth.

  8. 5 hours ago, wump said:


    This is utter rubbish. We have LPG in two cars in Germany and even in minus 20 degrees there is no freezing, no matter how far you go. Mind you, these cars switch back to petrol if doing more than 170 kph but I have never seen a minivan doing more than 130-140 kph in Thailand so shouldn't be an issue. Additionally, it's boiling hot over here so tell me, how would anything start freezing?!

    Then why this website also say it can happen ?




    If you ever played with a can of lightergas you know it freezes your skin when you let the gas come out fast.

    And i also did see this happen in the summer with propane tanks used for warm water and cooking. Blocks of ice appeared after using gas while in the winter there isnt any problem.


    Btw why even airco systems can freeze up in hot temps? The airco techicians in my factory have more problems when the temp is over 30° then when it is cooler. If they set the airco lower then 20° for some hours the compressor just freezes up even it is 35° outside. Then they have to be turned of to defrost again.


    Anyway i am not an lpg technician or user so if what i say is rubbish i am sorry. But i do know some things about how weird working with (any)gas can be.



  9. I think in normal circumstances in a car those tanks can do only 300 max 400 km. A full minibus consumes even more gas so maybe they cant make it in 1 trip.

    Secondly the faster the gas is being used the faster the regulator freezes up and the engine will just stop. So i guess this is the main reason. They stop so the regulator can de-ice again so they will not stall in the middle of the road. It can sound strange but in warm countries you get more condenced water what can freeze faster.

  10. 5 hours ago, sanemax said:

    You could walk around and find a shop that does laundry ?

    Hi sanemax,


    Sure i can do and already did it but my experience is that not every shop does a very good job. So if i can get a tip from somebody that would be helpfull.



  11. Hi everybody,


    quick question.


    Just arrived at Koh Lanta. Noticed i havent enough clean (T)shirts anymore. Anybody know a good place to have your laundry done? The hotel charges me 60bht/shirt plus ironing.


    Thanks for your reply.

  12. 4 hours ago, PatOngo said:

    Absolutely disgraceful that they can supposedly afford submarines but cannot provide welfare for their elderly!

    Meanwhile an expensive, totally dysfunctional aircraft carrier has been docked in Sattahip port for years providing a thrill once a year on children's day!

    How many countries you know have a good wellfare for their elderly and or sick?????


    In my country a room in an eldery home costs around 1800 euro each month while the pensions of those who worked their whole lifes is around 1200.


    How many peoples could be helped with the price of those 59 tomahawcs and 1 moab what was spend last week????


    And this is same in 99% of all countries.


    I can say i just know 1 country who take care of its own peoples and that is Dubai. If you have nothing the governement will provide you.



  13. 2 hours ago, Ramen087 said:

    early indications show zero trauma to the body. with no signs of struggle at her last known location, sadly it appears her death was by her own choice and hand...


    per a www.nypost.com story


    She can't be pushed in somewhere because that would leave a big trauma on het body. Neither can she somewhere be slipped walking near the riverside .


    Must be suicide for sure.

  14. This morning after reading this i had one too.


    You all know the situation: 2 lanes. 1 go straith and 1 go right only. And off cours i see him comming in his green Isuzu. Slowly stopped next to me on the right lane. Then go on 60-70 cm. So do i. Again 30-40 cm more. So do i again. Last time 30-40 cm and me again. Now i look at the right towards his face, both hands on top of the wheel of my little Nissan with a look of " show me what you got". His eyes spitting fire balls. I turn my head again waiting to go at the green light. Maybe even 1 sec sooner. 

    But i already told my gf i will let him win.

    So green light goes on and i do nothing. Neither did he. 2, 3, 4 seconds and i dont look at him. Then he slowly drove off and me off cours laughing very hard.

  15. 4 hours ago, thai3 said:

    Do you do the same at immigration?- look I have a baby me first! Disgraceful behavior no wonder the queue is slow with people pushing in front.

    Agree completly with you.


    Not only those who have a baby do that.


    Friend of mine came back last week and he said he have seen at the queue peoples try to skip it buy walking at the sides of the queue.

    He also said some ladies from immigration stand there looking and send them back if they see them do it. But then they back off 2-3 meter and push back in the group.

  16. Hi everybody,


    i have a question about something i already noticed when i was searching for car rentals end of last year. Then i thought it was maybe because of the time of the year.


    Since 2008 i Always rent cars in Thailand. I did Always booked the (almost) cheapest cars available and in about 100% of the searching it was Always a Toyota Hilux.

    Didn't mind about that because i like to go where most tourists never would come but not need a 4X4 for offroad driving. And also like to drive a car what can handle a bit more as a Toyota Yaris or Honda City specialy on roads with big bumps and holes into it.


    But this time it is different.


    Today searching again and this time the same pick up became 350/400 bht/day more expensive while the rates of the regular cars stayed the same and are now much more cheaper. And for renting a car 25-30 days it's a big amount extra in the budget if i want the same car.


    So for some reason i don't know off, did somewhere in 2016, the rates go up.


    Any one have an explanation for this or were those type of cars Always rated to cheap?



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