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Posts posted by Foexie

  1. Nothing wrong with pork if you have a few brain cells and cook it well first. I wouldn't eat raw meat of any animal anywhere.

    I eat raw meat all the time, beef jerky, smoked salmon, dry cured salami, prosciutto, speck, all perfectly safe as long as prepared correctly.

    FYI all the food you just named inhere is not raw food anymore. it's preserved in some kind of way. The salting and the smoking "cooks" the meat and fish in some kind of way.

    Raw means food as steak tartare or sushi or in this case laab leuat. Just been cut of the animal, maybe added some spices and some other things and then been eaten directly. No preservation or heating in any kind of way

  2. Mini bus industry is Mafia out of control.

    Seems that it was a school mini bus returning to Mini Buri following a seminar in Rayong District.

    The driver was a 52 year old woman, and she survived.

    A witness, in a following vehicle, is reported as saying "the right rear tyre of the mini bus exploded, causing it to crash into the central reservation before overturning and bursting into flames".

    FINALY !!!!

    Somebody who is sober and opens his eyes.

    All those who are NAGGING again about speeding, bad roads, minivans, etc, i don't know where you found enough information to do this about this accident. Guess it's the same bunch again who Always do the same thing inhere.

    Ok the Thai traffic isn't safe and you maybe need to have 4 pair of eyes but in my country last year we had 727!!!!!!! peoples dead in traffic.

    We have stricked rules, speed and alcohol limits and many controles, technical controles of every vehicle,... and still so many accidents

    Only thing i can find is the same what theoldgit posted inhere.

    Tire exploded, 52y old lady schoolteacher was driving the minivan.

    So this also means it was a rented or a school minivan because otherwise it wouldn't be a teacher driving the bus..

    Like she would have been driving 150 kph crazy as hell trough the busy traffic. Maybe even not 120! Possible she just did 90 kph.

    A tire can explode. Maybe there was a screw or nail on the road.

    And maybe this time the 4 survivers are lucky they didn't wear the safetybelts so they got out of in time of the vehicle.

    Although i'm 99% sure, by looking of the pictures and reading the article, the driving lady and (some) passengers did wear theirs because of their little injuries and that the bus wasn't going 150kph because of the little structural damage on the bus.

    Who of you can tell?

    And maybe she wasn't experienced enought or to surpriced to catch up the reaction of the van after the tire blown up. Those who already had an exploding (front) tire knows how scary and difficuld it is to keep even a sedan on the road.

    But every day i see in my country somewhere the leftovers from a blown up (truck)tire. Winter and summer.

    And trucks are limited on 95kph here in my country and every truck needs to go to the technical controle every 6 months from the moment it's on the road from the first km.

    For me there are to many maybe's in this story to blame something or somebody.

  3. I pay 180 Baht here in Nongprue for manual in- and outside cleaning.. so take 50% for outside, 100 Baht. Profit maybe 50% after electricity, water, staff, taxes.. so first profit after 100'000 cars.. 50 cars a day.. roughly 5.5 years to pay back the investment... and still need staff for inside cleaning..

    Nice idea, but staff is to inexpensive in Thailand and makes it difficult to get decent ROI for automation projects

    You are right. even i doubt there will be 50 cars a day going in it in a country as Thailand.

    There are some good working carwashes near my home in Belgium.

    One have 2 washing streets. When i go there it takes about 2-3 min to do the round from the first drop until the drying.

    They are open 10h a day so in the best case of 2 min it's 600 cars a day they can clean on the outside.

    But this is in a country where we practicly not have a hand cleaning service. Not at least for the same price of €10.

    A few years ago, after our trip in Thailand, my (ex) gf went to pick up her car with me and told me they clean her car completly for 200 bht (in Bkk).

    She brought her car there ones a month. Easy and fast because it was on her way to/back from work.

    I wonder if 100bht is enough for every cost and make a profit. And pay off the thing in 5.5y

    And then the issue of the many pick-up's they have in Thailand ?! Can't believe there will be one kind of automatic carwash what can clean the trunk and take out all the dirt and dust.

    So who wanna drive around with a half cleaned car?

    So my opinion: just forget your idea or, at least, think about setting up a handcarwash with staff instead. Maybe with an extra paying service like oil change, tire change,... Any kind of stuff what can be done in the short time needed to clean the car or in the time the customer can miss the car.

    • Like 1
  4. Problem is that, if the "elderly" peoples being "brainwashed" for so many years it is so hard to turn it around again. They force it also to the "modern" young ones.

    And yes it has to do with their "religion" or maybe, more simple, their believes.

    Same in Thailand they "believe" they need a dowry so the parents know the husband can take care of their daughter, in Africa they "believe" a woman needs to have a circumcision to be a good wife, in "Europe" the Roma need to kidnap there girlfriends for have a chance to marry them, ...........

    it's such a very pitty this all have to happen.

    I just red on our newspapers website the mother doesn't even regrets she put her daughter on fire. And also that, last week, a 26y old teacher was being burned, in Pakistan, because she just refused a wedding proposal.

    She is "lucky" she died after 3 days. sad.png

    As long these old believes keep living we will have these tragedies.

    R.I.P. this poor woman. But she will keep being one of many as long this kind of "tradition" EVERYWHERE doesn't change.

    I think in this case, or any similar cases, the most appropriate punishment would be the same "punishment" the victim was given.

    But who would be the Neanderthal or sick, insane, person who wants/wishes this to happen ?????????

    I have no more words, ideas or solutions for this to be solved.

    Peoples just have to change !

  5. Just go to the carshop and let them instal an imobilizer. Make sure you are the only person who knows the code.

    Second option is to put an nfc chip in your arm and a reader in the car. So the only person who can drive it is you.

    Or take the suggestion from somebody else inhere: make sure there is just a limited amount of fuel inside the car. If Lucky you come back and have a half full tank :D

  6. Oh and no motorhomes will be allowed to enter at all. No motorcycles either. Only cars and pickup trucks weighing no more than 3.5 tons GVM.


    are you sure about that?

    Last year i was in Sonkhla and there was a French family driving around with a, right hand driven, Unimog mobilhome look al like. A big square box on wheels. This was certain a truck and weighted over 3;5 ton with no Thai plate.

  7. Maybe if they stuck to the Legal Carry On Bag Size they wouldn't have 2 suitcases, like this guy has got, that could be full of TNT? Most of the places I have been there in No Way these 2 suitcases could get through as Carry On.

    I'm very sure those 2 travel together because i can see 3 bags what looks very similar. So 2 peoples mean 2 suitcases and 1 handbag what the lady haves.

    Secondly every bag what comes in the airport now is already checked outside. That is why today the peoples have to cue up more then 3 hours before they could get inside the airport. And many lost there flight because of this.

    And all this because the police and security are scared. After the bombs they responded with luggage checkings outside the airport because they are the first in line if a bomb should go off.

    Like now it is more safe?! They just put the "problem" 50 m or so further away and they are still first in line because they still check the luggage themself.

    So i wonder where this will end if even the police and security are already scared and only think about themself.

    What do we, "common" peoples need to do then. They should be here to protect us.

  8. Proof that cryogenics is just a load of borrocks?

    You can't compare these two.

    In an avalanche it will take hours before a body is completly frozen and the brain will already started decomposing after 30 min.

    Cryogenic temps are at least -130° and preferable -150° or lower.

    Like this a body or item will be frozen in seconds.

    Anyway cryogenics is already used daily: sperm and fetuses are preserved like this and after defrosting they still can be used and perfectly healthy babies will grow out of these.

  9. and in one there was an explosion 15 days ago.

    Seems we have many specialists inhere about Belgium and it's nuclear powerplants.

    An explosion 2 weeks ago? WOW thats the latest news i heared. I live 10 km of one of them and i even didn't hear about that.

    Belgium gouvernement must have learned from Thais i assume in keeping news a secret.

  10. Hmm - I seem to remember Spain building lots of international airports.

    I can't recall - did that end well or not wink.png

    Nope thet didn't went well at all in Spain http://www.ozy.com/acumen/spains-ghost-airports-a-national-embarrassment/33041

    I find it weird that they will build such a big new airport with in 1h driving from CM. Maybe wanna close the airport from CM in time.

    Like this Chiang Rai could/would profit more from more travellers from those who live higher in the North of CM and Lamphang provinces and Phayao. Because now for them CR is more near.

  11. Why Always laughing with believes of Thai or other peoples?

    It is not the items, how silly they may be, but the mental power peoples put into them what helpes them "be Lucky".

    How many peoples used to believe they will have good luck when they have a rabbitsfoot or a horseshoe? A falling star? How many of us made a wish when they saw one? "It will not hurt and maybe it will happen" we think.

    And i don't wanna pay all those pro players in any sport who are supersticious or Always have to do some kind of ritual to believe they will win the game 1 euro. Will cost me loads of money for sure.


  12. i don't wanna sound harsh but they should have stopped this emigration already a long time ago.

    I don't find it normal that from the refugees 80% or more are man and the rest are children and women. It has to be the other way around.

    Many inhere over 40 had at least one grandfather who was involved in WW1 or WW2. They didn't run away. They faught for their country and families.

    And if a new war would start here we have no choice then to fight again. Or can we run and hide in the east and ask them to fight for us?!

    What is the use of an refugee engineer or a doctor in Europe when their country needs to be build up?

    I was a little shocked to read last week that they wanna build up Palmyra in 6 months and that then Russia offered/said they will build up Palmyra again.

    Those peoples there all are cripples now? Can not pick up a stone or a hammer ??? Or maybe they are all in Europe now demanding their own house, car, and money?!

    And why Palmyra? For the tourists who will come to spend all their money to help the peoples there?

    Maybe, just maybe it is a little more important to have water wells, hospitals, homes, schools, ...

    Why European countries together with the USA and Russia need to fight their battle alone?

    Those many of thousands of men hanging around here could make a very big difference in their war.

    Give the women and children a safe habour with food, education and all they need. Give the men battle training to fight against their enemies.

    I saw the video too and he is so right. If they all leave their country, most of the money will stay here. Never reaches the eldery couple who stayed behind in Palmyra because it is still their home. Never reaches the wifes and children left behind, somewhere, without food or water.

    And then their is still the issue of those countries you never hear from. Not any word or responce from other islamic countries. Some of them are the weathiest from the world. Ever seen one soldier from them in Syria or Iraque lately? Or heared they send in a plane with food and meds?

    They spend more money to keep this war going then to make it stop. Keeping their boarders closed and turn their heads the other way.

    One thing is very sure: this is not going away easy and fast!

  13. How the hell did they smuggle bombs inside an airport. If this happened in Thailand all barstool investigators here would be mocking the Thai police and calling Thailand a 3rd world country. I guess Thailand is much safer than Europe.

    It is trust me. I am a belgian citizen and the main reason i decided to move to Thailand is because it is much safer compared to Brussels. You dont want to live in Brussels, the "capital of europe" at the moment. So much tension, frustration and hate. Its very sad but we all know why it came so far. sad.png

    @ Chimeln,

    like you ever been checked BEFORE you step inside Suvarnabhumi. Everybody can bring a bomb inside unnoticed. Everytime i bring my gf to the car or taxi before i go home again i can walk in and out with even a small check. So easy to bring in more bags/bombs inside.

    The only airports who check you at the door are some small airports. And i'm not even sure they all do it. A few years ago i walked in an airport ( not sure anymore what airport it was) without passing the metaldetector because i just wanna go to the car rental company but the ladies already started shouting and pointing at me and made sure i DID passed the security.

    @ Wherma i'm Belgian too. And you're so right Thailand is so much safer. Never have bombs in the south or in Bkk. Almost daily you can read inhere about killings in the south or shootings all over Thailand.

    As far i remember the last bombs exploded here in Belgium in the '80s (CCC).

    And the last 5 y we had some shootings. One in 2011: a frustrated criminal who started shooting in Luik after he didn't wanna go back to the police. And the shooting in the musea in Brussel.

    So i think it was fairly safe overhere before.


  14. Very weird.

    This is online almost 24h now and not even 1 person did write something.

    If this would happen in Thailand within 5 min 15 persons would already had writen about how unsafe Thailand is, how dangerous the roads are, how crazy the drivers are , how bad the busses are or other sarcastic things.

    Maybe my bad that i have the impression that some peoples only wanna break down everything in Thailand when they have the chance. 1zgarz5.gif

  15. They had a mini BMW show with the X4 on display at Mega Bangna today. X4 is the coupe version of X3. Nice looking car but a lot less space in the back.

    Will be available for sale in 2.0 Diesel form at a little under 4.0M baht in two months. Other engines to be added but she didn't know what or when.

    I was told this was a million baht reduction on the current price in Thailand as it is now going to be manufactured here. Good news if you are looking at one , bad news if you have just bought one.

    X4 is coupe version of X3???? It's not true!! First because it's not a coupe. Have 4 door. Second, because X4 is a small sister for X6. You should read about the BMW history.

    Since when does a coupe need to have only 2 doors ?

    You can check online and search for 4 doors coupes. You will find plenty. Even BMW have them: BMW 6 grand coupe.

    And the X4 is based on the X3 same the X6 is a coupe version of the X5. But you are right when you say it is a small version of the X6.

  16. The X4 20d M Sport 2016 price is 3,999,000

    I cannot believe that the price just dropped 1mb?

    In that case, just consider that it was 1M Baht overpriced before tongue.png

    Could this not be the case they don't charge so much extra taxes on imported luxery products anymore because now they are build in Thailand by Thai? And in 2015 they were still imported.

    The same reason why Isuzu is so cheap because they are also build here.

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