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silver sea

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Posts posted by silver sea

  1. 17 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

    No real surprise to learn the London Borough of Hackney insists on sewer workers referring to manholes as "access chambers".


    The same loony left-dominated outfit hit the headlines years ago for outlawing the nursery rhyme Baa Baa Black Sheep from local schools on the grounds that it was racist.


    Past "progressive" policies included a bereavement course for black lesbians who had lost their partners (subsequently cancelled due to lack of custom!).


    The borough's infamous Women’s Unit, which claimed to be in contact with hundreds of women's organisations, including Proud Old Lesbians, the Irish Lesbian Network and the Turkish Lesbian Group, once proclaimed Hackney "the lesbian capital of Britain".


    If I fall on hard times and have to throw myself on the mercy of my former homeland, I shall insist on being re-housed - at taxpayers' expense, of course - not in a hell hole like Hackney, but in either MANchester, MANningree or MANsfield. 







    Or you could settle in north London at Cockfosters. 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  2. 16 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

    Good to see  a self-proclaimed opponent of political correctness using one of the few gender-specific nouns to have survived the blitz on our language by feminists and cultural diversity jihadists.




    I reckon it has a nice, er, ring to it compared with the likely possible alternative. Personholes doesn't exactly trip off the tongue and could lead to confusion.


    Maybe this is why the gender gestapo has left it alone - one hole they might not be able to dig themselves out of.



    But it hasn’t been left alone ... it has been changed ... sorry, I meant to say, the word has been “updated” in both Ameri Eng and Brit Eng:








  3. I am interested in buying the PCX 150 (2018). I visited the Honda shop in Hua Hin.


    They only had one model in the shop which was red-black. The three other colour choices were: silver-black; black; and white black. If I didn’t want red-black it would take about one month for them to order a model in a diffetent colour.


    The price they gave for the one in the shop was:


    98,000 plus 2,700 for insurance, plus 1,500 for tax, so 102,200 in total.


    I did a google search for pcx prices but the ones listed were all in Thai, but seemed to give the price as 82,300.


    The prices quoted in the Honda shop seem to be on the high side.


    What do other readers think please? 

  4. I live on Koh Samui. I am returning to UK sometime January. I am leaving it as late as possible to avoid the bad weather there. 
    On 1st February, I am flying to Gabon, Africa for two weeks.
    There is a high risk of catching malaria without medication. I have there fore been given the following advice:
    “Tatayo, gave us the advice for malaria medication, via an female pro athlete form New York. She was taking: Mefloquine. A total of 4 pills. Each pill was 250 mg. She took it 1 week  before flying to Gabon, the day she flew, 1 week later another one and the last pill the following week. “
    Does anyone know if Mefloquine is easy to get here in Thailand? Can I just go into a pharmacy and ask? Or do I need to see a doctor first to get a prescription, or do I need to visit a hospital?
    Thank you for your advice.
  5. Thank you.


    If they both went to Penang for their non o visas, can they also submit, at the same time, their extension of stay applications? Or would they need to apply for the extensions of stay at their local Immigration Office on their return to Chiang Mai?


    I have just looked at the Penang website in relation to the non o visas:




    The wife, having 800,000 in her personal account would apply for the second visa listed “Non O Immigrant Visa”?


    The husband would apply for the third one listed “Non Immigrant O for marriage”?

  6. Thank you ubonjoe and elviajero for your helpful replies.


    Do they both use the same form when applying (TM7) or is there a different form if applying for an extension based upon the other’s extension as their spouse?


    Do you know if the Immigration Office in Chiang Mai has any rules about the length of time left before the passport expires e.g. 1 year or 18 months?

  7. A retired British couple, in their mid 60s, have been living in Thailand for about 4 years. The wife’s pension is the equivalent of 10,000 THB per month; the husband’s pension is the equivalent of 20,000 THB per month. They own their house in Thailand


    They have been living in Thailand on a series of tourist visas, obtained from neighbouring countries.


    They now have jointly 800,000 THB for a retirement visa (extension of stay based on retirement).


    If both of them applied at the same time, however, they would each have to show that they have 800,000 in their own separate bank account. On a first application, the money has to be in the account for two continuous months; in subsequent years, the money must be in the account for three continuous months. But, as stated above, they only have 800,000 in a joint account.


    This raises the following questions: 


    Do they both have to apply at the same time, or can one of them bank the money for two months, and then apply for, and get, the visa first? 


    Once obtained, can they then transfer the 800,000 to their partner’s account for two months so they can get their visa too?




    • Like 1
  8. I use Facebook, because most of my friends have a FB account. I can then contact them on FB Messenger.


    If you go away on a retreat or to a conference and you make friends, it is easier to stay in contact by FB Messenger rather than by email.


    Over the years, people will change their email address, but not their FB page. If you use Messenger, you can see that your message has arrived; whether the recipient is online using Messenger; you can see at what time they opened the message; you can chat to each other in "real time". These advantages are not available when you use email.


    Most companies, media agencies and discussion groups have FB pages too so there always plenty of interesting articles to read.



  9. I did a google search and found this report in The Sun:




    Is he resident in the UK or only for today's newspapers? It would seem that being a cabbie is hardly full time; in the past he has had drink problems; for a number of years, he refused acting roles because he did not feel anything could match his time in the OFAH series.


    All this may explain why he is having trouble meeting the income rules. If, aged 60, he is trying to be a DJ in Benidorm, I would suspect that the poor guy has very little money.





    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, lovelomsak said:

    The Tourism association should hire him. 

     He does more to bring attention to Thailand than probably any one else on the internet. He single handed gets millions of views on things in Thailand he is an asset not a liability.

     The Thais should thank him for his contribution to bringing Thailand to the masses. More tourism more business etc.

     Must remember there is no bad press.

    "Must remember there is no bad press."


    So all the bad press about Koh Tao is doing wonders for Thai tourism?

  11. 26 minutes ago, DoctorG said:

    Portrait of Thai culture as Constable shows student who is the Old Master


    Sometimes Headline Writers can be seen as "trying too hard to be clever".

    Yes I agree.


    I saw the headline in the ThaiVisa email and only clicked on the link, because I was expecting to read a story about the English painter, John Constable, having made a previously unknown visit to Thailand.  So disappointed ?

  12. Back in my home country, bus drivers seem to be under strict instructions by their employers to remain seated byehind the wheel of their vehicle. If they decide to leave the seat they are in danger of undergoing a disciplinary procedure.


    Here, the bus driver seems to have decided, in his anger, to get out of his seat, open the bus doors and to step out onto the road in order to confront the motorcyclist with a sword that he had been carrying with him on the bus. The motorcyclist was able to disarm him, and, which is where the video begins, to start slashing and stabbing him.


    Poor bus driver. If only he had stayed in the bus and had kept the doors shut, he would not be in hospital now. He could have phoned the bus company, who could have alerted to police. Sadly, he seems to be the author of his own misfortune.


    I was surprised at how quickly the ambulance arrived, whilst the motorcyclist was still stabbing him. Well done to the witness who called the ambulance.


    I hope the poor man makes a full recovery.



  13. Very funny piece. Adam has clearly learnt from a young age, "If you look after the pennies, the pounds look after themselves." So he's not going to change the habits of a lifetime.


    Also, well done to the wifey for managing to cook a dinner for 8 on the 300 THB that Adam had given her, and still have money left over to buy the kids chips.


    You should send a longer version to Stickman Bangkok for his Readers Submissions section; it would be real eye opener!

  14. Hey Guys


    Thank you all for taking the trouble to reply. 


    My question related specifically to getting through Immigration at Bangkok Internaional airport, and it would seem from the above posts that there won't be a problem there.


    I am glad you mentioned Africa as well, because it has nudged me to check that out. I have just sent texts to two people, one of them is a Frenchman who has lived in Gabon for 45 years; and the other is a German lady, who travels to Gabon each year. They both say the same thing as shown in my correspondence with the Frenchman below:




  15. I went to Peru 27 years ago  to walk the Inca Trail, and to see Macchu Picchu etc etc ?


    Before I left the UK, I had to get a Yellow Fever injection. I was given a certificate as proof of immunisation. In those days, the certificate was valid only for 10 years, after which you were advised to get a booster.


    I have never had the booster.


    Next February, I plan to visit Gabon in north west Africa for 2 weeks. This is another yellow fever area. I plan to fly from Thailand to UK next January, meet up with friends and together we will fly out to Gabon and then back to the UK. 


    From the UK, I would reenter Thailand end of February/beginning of March 2018. On arrival at Bangkok International Airport, I would need to go to the relevant checkpoint desk to declare that I had recently visited Gabon, a yellow fever area.


    I have done a search on google and found this link:




    It says that medical opinion had once been that the Yellow Fever injection was effective only for 10 years, after which a booster was required. However, in recent years, medical opinion has changed fundamentally. The official opinion today is that the injection is effective for life and so no booster is required, Apparently,  this opinion also relates to old injections, like mine, which were certificated only for 10 years. 


    It would seem, therefore, that my old UK cerificate has been validated for life retrospectively.



    My Questions:

    1. Does anyone have any RECENTexperience of entering Thailand with an old certicate, which says valid only for 10 years,? 

    2. Were there any problems/questions?

    3.  Did Immigration require sight of any other documentation?

    4. Any other relevant advice in relation to the certificate would be appreciated.

  16. I have booked a flight through expedia.co.uk


    I need to cancel my flight. I have checked expedia's web page instructions for cancelling flights, but it does not appear to be a flight that I can cancel online. They say that in such circumstances I should phone them (there is no email address).


    Their number is +44 20 3024 8211


    Someone told me that if I put 009 in front of the above number, including the + sign, it will enable me to make a cheap call from Thailand to UK.


    I tried, but my mobile phone would not let me make the call; it simply ended the call straightaway. It is only a cheap phone rather than a smartphone.


    Does anyone know if there is a prefix number for cheap calls from Thailand to UK please?

  17. On 18 October 2016 at 10:26 AM, samuijimmy said:


    Last time I checked not so long ago,  with Ibeats (the store you mentioned)  They do not do repairs ... they never did open the ICare part of the store.


    I would suggest trying Boyd at MNet, just up the road from Tesco mall, almost before Makro, (same side of the road as Makro).... 




    My ipad needs repairing. 


    I note the suggestion above, but from an internet search, he does not seem to be reliable. Is this the same guy?



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