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silver sea

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Posts posted by silver sea

  1. From here, all DailyMail.co.uk content is blocked, including the link above (I'm using 'True' internet).

    The Daily Mail's 'Home', 'Health' and 'Australia' are always blocked if you are viewing the website in Thailand. Its other pages such as 'News' 'America' 'Celebrity' and 'Sport' pages are occasionally blocked, but then only for a short time.

    I am posting from Koh Samui with my iPad, and I am not using any apps or special devices to evade the block. I have just checked again, and THIS LINK still works.

    Edit: I have just googled 'True' internet, as I did not know what you meant. I see that "True Internet" is "the ISP arm of Thailand's premier communication company, True Corporation Public Company Limited. Originally incorporated as Asia Net Corporation Co., Ltd. in 1995, the company was subsequently renamed as True Internet Co., Ltd. in 2004." It may well be that the whole Daily Mail website is blocked whilst using the True Internet. I guess that you will have to use an alternative ISP.

  2. A foursome of men is waiting at the men's tee while a foursome of women is hitting from the ladies' tee.

    The ladies are taking their time. When the final lady is ready to hit her ball, she hacks it 10 feet. Then she

    goes over and whiffs it completely. Then she hacks it another ten feet and finally hacks it another five feet.

    She looks up at the waiting men and says apologetically, "I guess all those f...ing lessons I took over the winter

    didn't help me."

    One of the men immediately says: "You're right there, lady. You should have had golfing lessons instead!"

    • Like 2
  3. The hell with the number in the message, call HSBC using the number printed on your credit card. After the usual verification of your name, account number etc ask "so, how's my account looking these days?" Let them tell you about it.

    If you have computer create a Skype account, international calls are cheap.

    Hi be demo,

    Thanks for your comments. I cannot, however, create a Skype (or alternative) account, because, presumably, I will need a credit or debit card to activate the account. Both my cards are with HSBC, which is why my only option is to use my mobile with DTAC SIM card.

  4. If you want to call the UK from Thailand you have to dial 00144. Then the number.

    BTW Found this on the HSBC fraud website.....

    For HSBC customers

    If you suspect a fraudulent transaction involving an HSBC account, you should immediately call the phone number on your monthly account statement or on the back of your credit/debit card.

    To help us help you, please have your account information available, including specific details concerning the suspected fraud.

    If the number in the OP is sus call the numbers on their website or your branch.


    Hi evadgib,

    I trust the photo in my previous post deals with your point, and thank you for your concern.

    Hi berybert,

    Thank you for the number. So you are advising that I dial as follows: 00144 ++441226260049 ? I assume that I still include the ++ in the number.

    Do you know whether it is an automated system/ robot or do I get to talk to a 'live' person?

    Thank you.

  5. So, both your HSBC cards are not working?

    Maybe they have been compromised, or using in Thailand has triggered a security concern and HSBC has blocked them.

    I still don't like that the phone number on a Google search does not come up under HSBC.

    What was the email address that the email came from?

    Hi DLock

    Thank you for your comments.

    The background to all this is that two days ago, I was booking some airline tickets on the Internet. My debit card was rejected, although no reason was given, but my credit card was accepted. Both are HSBC cards.

    I do not intend to use either card again, until I have clearance from HSBC. As I have said already, I can forward a copy of the email to my financial adviser, who used to work for HSBC, for verification.

    Below is a photograph of the email, minus my personal details at the top.

    The email sender line says:

    From: <[email protected]> On Behalf Of [email protected]


  6. I have received an email from HSBC in the UK to phone their Fraud Prevention line urgently. It would seem that use of my credit and debit cards has been suspended.

    They say: "Please dial ++441226260049. Please note, charges can be reversed through the International Operator."

    I do not have a Skype (or equivalent) account. I shall have to use my Thai mobile with DTAC SIM card.

    I am not sure, though, what number I should dial to contact the International Operator from Thailand. I have used Google, but the information seems either to relate to contacting the International Operator from the UK, or the posts are 7 or 8 years old and so is probably out of date. Naturally, I thought of asking you guys on Thaivisa for the up-to-date procedure.?

    My question is therefore: Using a mobile phone (DTAC), how do I contact the International (aka Overseas) Operator to make a 'reverse charge call' ( aka 'collect call') to the UK please?

    Many thanks for your help.

    BTW, Happy Easter.

  7. Others have already nominated David Attenborough. He would get my vote too as GLE.

    On his death, the GLE will be Sebastian Coe.


    Success on the track; winning the nomination for London to host the Olympics ( the French thought they had it in the bag); and delivering a successful Olympics in 2012 ( plenty of people predicted it would fail). In time, he will become President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

    • Like 1
  8. For the purposes of this thread, does 'famous' include 'infamous'?

    Anyway, this is one bloke who, thankfully, won't be returning to the the Peace Resort in Bophut. Click HERE

    Ooops was that a Daily Mail link - it was blocked on my PC by the Thai 'powers that be'.

    Opens for me as usual, even without HOLA turned on !

    Let's confine this to celebs....I want to see booty pics....or better vids....biggrin.pngw00t.gif

    The link is working again now. Click HERE

    Blocking of some parts of "The Newspaper That Dare Not Speak Its Name In Thailand" such as its Main section and Health section is total; other parts such as its News section and Sport section is occasional and then only temporary.

    Nothing to stop people posting "booty pics ... or better vids ..." but in their absence there's nothing wrong with something more meaty either. The problem with all these celebs coming to Samui is that their "glamorous" lifestyle, such as it is, also attracts the likes of Dale Cregan and other members of the criminal fraternity.

  9. Hello mrblue23. I see that you have included 'hiking' in your list of activities. If you use Facebook, you may find Koh Samui Hill Walks of interest. Click HERE for an example of one of their walks.

    Click HERE for more stories on the group's Facebook page.

    One of the members also gives yoga lessons twice a week. Click HERE

    The members also meet up in the evening on a Wednesday, after the walk in the morning, for drinks and also each Friday for the free barbie - click HERE

    Although we meet in Lamai, members travel in from Chaweng and the Nathon area by motorbike.

  10. Gun was planted on victim after his death to prevent murder trial .

    and you know this because???

    because it looks like it .

    I was replying to your post, Billy the Kid, but whilst trying to do so, you have now edited it as above. The wifi in the coffee shop where I am typing this, here on Samui, is frustratingly slow and so I was not able to post my reply before you changed your comments.

    Your personal experience prompted your first post that, here on Samui, the guns have been planted on the dead Turkish man to prevent a murder trial.

    I am not doubting your personal experience, and so I can understand your cynicism, but the one point that neither you, nor the other Thai visa conspiracy theorists, have addressed is that, in the present case, the Thai police have also found 100,000 THB on the body. Planting two guns and a knife on the body would have been more than sufficient for their purposes I would have thought; a large stash of money as well sounds like "overkill".

    For me, the fact that all this money has been found on him too suggests, at least on the balance of probabilities (51% or more), that, so far, no jiggery-pokery by the police has been going on. My view may change as further details emerge, but on the basis of what I have read so far, I am willing to give the authorities the benefit of the doubt.

    • Like 1
  11. Many years ago, when I was very young, I went on an adventure holiday to Peru. One of the highlights was when, one night, the guide invited some of us to join him paddling a raft down the river. The stars twinkled brightly above us. As we shone our torches on the water we caught the glint of alligator eyes as they glided across the river behind us no doubt hoping for a tasty meal should one of us fall in.

    Eventually, the guide told us that we would have to turn round as we were approaching a part of the river where anacondas were known to be lurking. There was a danger that one of them would try to capsize the raft to get at us. Ever since, the thought of being crushed and then eaten by a massive anaconda has always sent a shudder through my body. It was always one of my great fears.

    Now, however, thanks to a film by Nicki Minoj, the word "anaconda" only makes me smile. Click

    to view the film, and then like me, you will shudder no longer! Thank you, Nicki ???
  12. Hello nod,

    I apologise.

    Having read Tropicalevo's helpful post, quoted above, I understand now why your experience would be different from mine.You posted your query hoping for practical advice, which, after all, is the whole purpose of ThaiVisa. I agree that my post did not take the matter forward for you. Sorry about that.

    Good luck with your future applications.

    re. above.

    Many thanks and may I take this opportunity of apologizing to you for possibly over reacting to your comments.

    Kindest regards and best wishes for the Festive Season.


    hello nod.

    Good to hear from you again and thank you for your good wishes for the Festive Seadon. Much appreciated.

    Happy Christmas to one and all reading this thread. Click

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