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stephen tracy

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Posts posted by stephen tracy

  1. 1 minute ago, The Old Bull said:

    Prayut believes the people love him . In fact they hate him and loading the armed forces with people that hate him is a stupid move. If there is ever a revolution 

    having armed you enemies will not go well for the junta.

    It's good that he's stupid. Let's just hope the people that installed him or equally stupid and shortsighted.

    • Like 1
  2. Just now, Voodoochile said:

    NONSENSE! some people deserve even worst

    The guys in India that recently gang-raped an 8 year old girl over a 5-day period and then murdered her springs to mind. In one report I read on it, when one of the guys was about to bash her head in with a rock to kill her after the fifth day, one of his friends told him to wait so he could rape her one more time. Not sure there's such a thing as a punishment nasty enough for that.

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  3. 2 hours ago, Elkski said:

    First off Mack's haircut is a popular style.   What kind of jerk brings this up.   Secondly it's all you old farts who have out up and overpaid taxis these last decades that have made this taxi scam issue so common.   Thank goodness for the younger generation!!! There is hope in this world.    I do worry about this guy's health.   

    The RTP have stepped up the pressure on taxi's.  The Thai people are tired of taxi scams too.   I think the time is ripe for a change. Thai people get no pick ups from taxi's too.    

    Some of you old guys need to take your old ideas back to the bar or grave. 

    Why wouldn't every farang and Thai far and wide be cheering this guy on?   


    PS.  The Rooster said Mr Mack's language skills were quite good including a comment about using the 4-5 tonal sounds correctly.  How many have had the Rooster say that about them?   

    How do you know how old people are?  Rather presumptuous . And as a Thai speaker, Mr Mac isn't particularly impressive. He's not bad. If you can't use tones correctly, you don't speak Thai. It's fundamental to the language.

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  4. 11 minutes ago, Elkski said:

    This isn't about the kids haircut or how he can afford to live in Thailand.

    This isn't about if he makes money on YouTube or if he is after fame.


    This is about the very common issue of law breaking taxi drivers in Thailand.  Some of you claim that poor taxi drivers can hardly make a living.   I don't believe this but it's not relavant.   The real issue is this taxi scam or a refusal to pick up happens so often for Thai and non Thai. .  This happens so often it affects almost every tourist who takes more than 4 taxi rides on vacation.   Luckily law enforcement or TAT have realized how bad this reflects on Thailand.   It can be said that taxi drivers are the ambassadors of a country.   Now is the time for change.  It has to start somewhere.  Whether it's over 20 baht or 200 baht is not the point.    All you people who have put up with this for years are guilty of growing this problem.   

    I suggest we all approach taxis with our phones on video and report each taxi who refuses service or doesn't want to use the meter.   


    I know this will piss many off but if more Americans had been visiting thailand the last 20 years this problem would not be so bad.   We don't put up with BS like this.  

    In all the years I've lived in BKK I can count on one hand how many drivers asked for a set fair rather than use the meter. That's a pretty good ratio given that I take taxis every day. Once I agreed because it was evening rush hour and I was going to airport and the traffic was hell. And what he was asking was not unreasonable for a journey like that. Not even a fraction of what you'd pay in North America, UK, Oz etc. The other few times it happened I just got a different taxi, simple. Some posters here have been making sweeping statements about drivers that simply don't apply to all... not even close. This particular guy tried it on and got outed but I'm not sure it was the right way to go about it. Personally, I would have handled it differently. But I'm not seeking internet fame. As far as refusing a fair, I think that's up to the driver. I personally wouldn't want to drive from Sathon to Sukhumvit between 5 and 7 pm on a weekday. It's not worth the money or the hassle. And finally, regardless of what nationality someone is, American or otherwise, if I refused a fair and that person told me, as a taxi driver, I should go pick rice instead, or something to that effect (as been mentioned in this thread), I'd tell them to go and fist themselves. My taxi, my decision.

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  5. 7 minutes ago, YouYouYou said:

    Hmmm, this Danny should of just fobbed this chancers email but instead goes to  the police while the press happen to be there ....hmmm. So Danny has a half baked half popular facebook page and now that original video has made him a net idol overnight with millions more views ...now this.

    IMO he's milking it and trying to be the next mymatenate (remember that dude?). Sorry i am not going to side with this dude over what was originally a storm in a teacup. Hey hey hey, carry on milking  it Danny and btw  his thai vocab is basic  and not 'excellent' as was reported by the nation last week. As you were.

    Agreed, on both points.

    • Thanks 1
  6. Just now, Scouse123 said:


    I am not doing this for you but for the benefit of other TV members who are not rude and to prove I am neither making it up and my posts are factual and truthful. I have already proven that prisoners have keys to their cells in a link I have provided you with two times.


    Next, the photographic evidence you provided means nothing. You show a cell ripped and torn, who did it? You show a dirty unclean toilet, who did the mess? You show a cell filthy and full of graffiti, again, who was responsible for this?? The answer to all three questions= The Inmates. or do you expect the officers to go and clean the pigsties that some of these inmates choose to live in?


    There were two riots that took place at HMP Moorlands, one was in 2005 and the other in 2010. Both occurred at HMP Moorlands CLOSED PRISON. So, what do you call not so long ago? One was 8 years ago and the other 13 years ago.


    HMP Moorlands most certainly was an open prison especially in 2010, that is the time period I refer to.


    At that time, there were two prisons very close by to each other, there was HMP Moorlands closed and HMP Moorlands open which also had a YOI wing. (Young offenders institution ). HMP Moorlands has since been renamed HMP Hatfield. It is below in black and white from Wikipedia.



    I enclose a link.





    Hello Scouse123, I've never been in prison so have no clue, but I think what you've presented based on your own experiences is convincing enough. Certainly more convincing by a long shot than people reaching a conclusion through googling something. Not only does the chap in the article sound like he's exaggerating, the quality of the report is probably one of the worst pieces of writing I've ever seen in a news report. I'm not saying doing time in a Thai prison would be anything other than a bad experience, but I expect books written by former foreign inmates in Thai prisons are often sensationalized because, after all, no one will publish a book if it's not gonna sell. I have no idea why member Kieran has such a bee in his bonnet over this. As I said, I've never been incarcerated but once met a Scandinavian guy in BKK who did a spell in a Thai jail and who also told me that although it was squalid, he never heard of anyone being raped. He told me one of the hardest things he found was coping with the boredom. He wasn't too impressed with food either.

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  7. 10 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    "Foreign Mafia Gangsters"


    Hmm... a wee bit xenophobic, isn't it? People at an orgy? Including Thai people?


    What about Domestic Mafia Gangsters? Does this mean that they get a free pass? Or is this a case where they need to be protected so that Thailand can develop their own world-class Mafia gangster?



    By domestic mafia gangsters do you mean the RTP and the military?

    • Like 2
  8. Just now, JimGant said:

    Well, if they have violence in their hearts -- and, yes, this has been the case in Thailand this past decade -- then the British classical definition of sedition (which Malaysia still uses) fits the bill:



    A range of actions that could be considered seditous, if they are conducted with the intent to cause violence, are frequently listed as:

        causing hatred or contempt, or incit[ing] disaffection against the Crown, the government, constitution, either House of Parliament or the administration of justice;
        to incite subjects to unlawfully attempt to alter matters of the church or state that were established by law;
        to incite crime or disturbances of the peace; raise discontent or disaffection amongst the Crown’s subjects; or
        to promote feelings of ill will and hostility between different social classes of the Crown’s subjects.  (Blackstone’s Criminal Practice 2010, ¶ B18.9)



    One of the funniest posts I've read in months!

    • Like 1
  9. Just now, Cadbury said:

    I remember that. I also remember him saying " “I am no longer a soldier. Understood? I’m just a politician who used to be a soldier. I still have a soldier’s traits,” 

    He often seems to get his stories mixed up and forgets which one is the truth and which one is the Pinocchio version. A sign of dementia perhaps? 


    I don't see any recognizable traits of a soldier in Prayuth's character.  

    • Like 2
  10. Just now, Eric Loh said:

    My personal opinion is that Prayut is attempting to stay in power and bring back the Sakdina system; social and cultural order of the past. There are worrying signs that “he” want to reinstate that dominance of the class system like in the old Siam. The skewed charter written by long time palace supporter which put the military in a dominant role and even the support on wearing of traditional Thai attire are carefully planned. Laws are set in place to break the electoral emergence of rural votes. If Prayut become prime minister, Thailand will regress further.

    I don't think he would settle for prime minister. I think ultimately he's got ambitions beyond that but unlike the BP, I'm not allowed to say it directly on TV. "Long live the king."

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  11. Just now, jenny2017 said:

    I agree with you. He could have easily taken another cap with a meter, but I assume that he's looking for chances like that to have more visitors on his you tube channel. 


    The way I see it, he'd go over dead bodies just to have a clip with a few thousand viewers. He's not as strange as the other nutcase who made fun out of Thais who could speak English, but he made it look like they couldn't. Nate, the jackass. 

    I expect Nate and Danny are pals and hang out in bars they can't afford on Tong Lor attempting to ingratiate themselves into the  social milieu of the all the rich Thai kids. 

    • Like 1
  12. Just now, JimGant said:

    Yeah, but any reports of beatings and torture? Indefinite incarcerations for just assembling? I didn't think so. Sure, the seditionists locked in their closets are sore about not being able to cause unrest with their idealism. But the majority of the rest of us don't share their angst -- and, in fact, are happy with the calm of the last few years. And, as far as restrictions on freedom of speech -- I guess the newspapers haven't gotten the word. Or at least the ones I can read, like The Nation. Much of their stuff begs for an overnight reeducation session. No, I'm ok with no freedom of mob assembly.


    What about the neighborhood? The State Dept is pretty even handed here as well as with Thailand. Take Malaysia, that democratic bastion:


    And Singapore, a country often held up as the model for Asian style democracy, ana, managed democracy:


    And, I guess there's no need to talk about Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Burma, and China.......


    No, I think Thailand is doing just fine in the neighborhood. And will be just fine after the election, whenever that is -- not that a date certain is a big deal.

    Who are the "seditionists"?

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