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Everything posted by youngexpat

  1. i use a google voice for my OTP's from schwab
  2. i'm abroad currently and don't anticipate returning that quickly. for this fiscal year i'm content to stay on the sidelines and see how it plays out. it just means doing some local slow travel when i return, which i am happy to do. I have an elite visa so no need to show income to Immigration
  3. after reading the other thread it looks like the gift tax to your lady avoids having to bother with any remittance issues
  4. my plan is to spend less than 180 days in country this year because i am bringing in funds to build a house and don't want to be bothered. in subsequent years i will just bring cash in for local spending and use foreign credit cards for all travel hotels etc etc i think atm withdrawals from offshore accounts are also going to be a big grey area
  5. Of course you can. But you have to pay for it with bitcoin....
  6. https://ebook-hunter.org/ good resource for us criminals
  7. https://getadblock.com/en/ use adblock extension
  8. your post, that i responded to, is well sumarized as, "Your wrong, the economy is bad, trust me bro" with the implication, given the topic of this thread, that this is biden's fault and life was better under trump. You did not point to any data or statistics that leads you to that conclusion. You didn't point to any policies by either party that might have influenced the outcomes. you could have. but you went full "trust me bro" I on the other hand pointed to a specific policy shift and a specific outcome to make an argument which we can debate like gentlemen if you would like.
  9. With the capitalist class running the fed, seemingly determined to crush a labor uprising, by holding interest rates high, it is very likely we ll have a recession on the way. If you wanted to blame biden for that because of changes he has made at the National labor relations board which has contributed to the ability of unions organize, i would consider that fair. but you haven't presented any argument even half as intelligent as that Of course, I would ask, "Whose side are you on?"
  10. I just want to point out that much of the original reporting was done by the Sunday Times owned by notorious lefty Rupert Murdoch
  11. russell brand text messages at the time of the allegations
  12. the obsession about woke is pretty sad. there has been a technological shift. everyone in the world now has a publishing platform. so if you behave in a way that some people find offensive they can now talk about said behavior and find a broad audience. this genie is not going back in the bottle. it is not your free speech that is now being constrained. It is the speech of those who would critique that has been freed get used to it there really isn't a thing called woke
  13. Thank you for providing conclusive proof that homophobia is still very much a real problem.
  14. DINK Double Income No Kids Seems like a pretty good market to target. Given Thailands history as a sexual destination, their is an ingrained a sense of laissez faire attitudes to whatever you get up to in the bedroom. So although thailand sadly still doesn't acknowledge gay marriage, it doesn't have a homophobic reputation. also 7% of the worlds population is a pretty enormous demographic. also straights follow the gays. Gays come first build nice bars, restaurants and cultural institutions and then straight people invade to take advantage. see greenwich village
  15. have the lady look on facebook. we just picked up retriever puppies quite easily. there were many shepherds around as well
  16. just spoke to a rep on the phone. sounded like she was saying i could do my original upgrade at the old price. didn't make a recording let's hope for the best.
  17. I wouldnt call him an american youtuber. a thai youtuber who is american might be accurate but don't know about the guy or care for that matter
  18. pearl clutching about sin in Sodom.
  19. elite new yorkers are notorious anti abortionists. but seriously can you name something that you think kamala would do that is transgressive for you? just one example will do
  20. It is a one of the great mysteries of modern medicine that no one has developed a cure. the profits derived would clearly be enormous for helping society deal with such a dangerous substance "Although medications to address marijuana/cannabis addiction are not currently available, recent discoveries about the endocannabinoid system offer promise in developing medications to ease withdrawal symptoms, block the drug's intoxicating effects, and prevent relapse." https://www.hazeldenbettyford.org/addiction/marijuana-symptoms
  21. Princeton Review ranks College of Charleston No. 15 party school https://www.postandcourier.com/archives/princeton-review-ranks-college-of-charleston-no-15-party-school/article_2e99e405-03c0-5135-be8b-acc15e5829c8.html harvard/princeton same same
  22. make enough money to buy yourself an elite visa. simples
  23. if you are referring to ivanka. i am about 3 years older than her so i didn't attend at the same time. I can tell you she was suspended for drinking and the Don sued the school to get it expunged
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