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Posts posted by sleepyjohn

  1. I'm rather determined to rabble rouse on this one.

    It's now another week and I just followed a link to learn about how Pfizer had been yet again fined this time 2.3B$ for stealing from the public purse. It just wouldn't load. I looked elsewhere, read several related articles, and it still wasn't loading. Now it's half an hour later and I notice it's still not even begun to load. Wonder what the address is I thought......


    Everything else just fine.

    Anyone have a contact thingy for MAxnet?

  2. There is one arguable element of justification for the government.

    If the pensioner lives and spends in the UK the money goes round in the British system and gets taxed and retaxed and some of it gets recouped into the common coffers.

    Don't shoot the messenger, I'm not defending it, and sadly don't get a penny and never will.

  3. It seems like you have a bit of an anger problem john, this is the 2nd or 3rd time in the last few weeks where you have told someone to lay low or things may become violent or someone will hurt them. :)

    It's OK he's from Yorkshire.....

  4. I went this morning for my brekkie and as usual it was great, usual case as I said earlier in a post, 1 friendly girl and 1 miserable one called Gai (I think it said on her badge) that just sat behind the bar not doing her make up this time, but picking her nose. I think I upset her a little today as I asked for a water and there was only her available to serve. Great breakfast though.

    I have known Gai for ten years since she worked in the Escape.

    If you thought she was being lazy you were most likely mistaken as i have never seen this once in all the time I've known her. She's the manageress. If you expect her to be all smiles every day well she's just a very genuine person and if she's happy you'll get a smile and if not she'll get on with her job.

    In any case she's a model of efficiency. You'll have noticed that unlike many places everything necessary was on the table before your meal came. I'll bet you were served as promptly as was reasonable. Your bill didn't take hours to obtain, it was there waiting for you. You may have noticed the lavatories were spotless.

  5. Now all of a sudden, international sites i want to access (bbc, facebook, ebay, amazon etc.) are at a snails pace.

    ......but something "special" seems to be happening to the BBC.

    I have not been able to use it properly for many weeks now. I just tried to load it.....wait.....wait.....and I then check other international sites and go......go.....go.

    My best guess is there's traffic shaping happening.

    I'd like the boss of TT T to know how wonderful the BBC is and how important it is to me.

    To the CEO of TT T again, try it yourself:




    ps: There doesn't seem to be a total 100% block on the BBC. It sometimes loads up some pages very very slowly. But what I personally want is streaming audio, and this is now impossible. It's not just me, it seems to be ubiquitous, everyone's complaining.

    While I've been writing this I've been trying to load BBC again. No go. Nothing.

  6. The mystery question is.......why two (conjoined) reds?

    It's probably just the wire they had available at the right price.

    I had a PC mains lead that I was happily using until I removed the moulded Schuko plug to install a local one and revealed SIX wires, the manufacturer had used data cable for mains :) There's a picture of the offending lead on TV somewhere.

    Glad you've sorted your power problem, I do however suspect that this power unit will go the way of your previous one due to overload. Did you get a smell of cooking electronics perchance?

    Yes I had thought that about the wiring ha-ha.

    Sadly it now looks as if somethings wrong with the iBook. I had my girlfriend take it to the MacZone and use their charger. Nothing happened. I rigged up my new charger and likewise.

    On enquiring I discover that she shut down the iBook perhaps 97% charged, but opened it two days later with no charge to the point it wouldn't start and the battery light underneath would flash slowly if the button was pushed.....a sign of no charge or at least very little indeed.

    So I'm wondering what happened to the iBook and this thing about the charger being unregulated came to mind.

    The thing is the charger is rated 20v DC, which means any surge would have to be to about 300volts to even reach 24 volts charger output. By the way, the charger's also rated at 3.5amps.

    Any ideas? Sad to dump a nice old iBook that she was enjoying so much since her birthday.


  7. Well I just cut open the supplied jack on the charger with a very sharp blade.

    The two reds are soldered together and to the outer negative pole of the plug. The outer sheathing was more or less touching all of this which was why i was getting my connection originally. So I know to wire to the reds and the white now.

    The mystery question is.......why two (conjoined) reds?

  8. The chaps at Applefritter[dot]com (it's a forum so no direct link allowed) should be able to help. You'll need to register to ask the question, but busted iBook power plugs are a common problem.

    As to what's coming out of your charger, who knows, best to attach to the fitted connector rather than cut the lead :D

    A 120Baht charger is unlikely to have sufficient oomph to charge and run a computer of any sort, possibly that's why your previous one stopped working. Whatever you do be careful, those cheapo chargers are unregulated and could fry your iBook :)

    Thanks for the replies

    I'm not going to bother photographing the existing (120bt deal) plug, because I remember it has a simple wiring diagram on the transformer which shows the outer as negative, the inner as positive. As there seem to be only two polarities, maybe the white is positive, the two reds are connectable and neutral (why two ??!!) and the outside sheathing earth connected to the neutral as with the national grid (why sheathing for low voltage??!!) Can't imagine why though which is why I'd be fascinated to know. And of course I need to know which one I should best be using for my connection.

    Cuban.....can't see how I can avoid cutting off and replacing the laptop plug end with the iBook version......

    cheers John

  9. Hi

    I'm the chap who saved buying a 3800bt iBook charger and found a 120bt charger which I connected to the iBook plug.

    The charger however has stopped working after some weeks. I just bought another of these 120bt chargers, but I have noticed something.

    In the low voltage cable from the charger there is

    1. a white wire

    2. 2 thin red wires

    3. bare sheathing (inside the outside insulation of course)

    I don't think I'd even noticed the red wires before, or thought they were only plastic, but there is indeed copper inside them.

    I believe I took the white wire as +ve and the sheathing as -ve.......and it worked.

    Could anyone explain the wiring.....perhaps i got a little short from the cutoff ends of the red wires and should be using them instead of the sheathing.......and shall I just connect the two reds together as one?

    If all else fails i shall do the same as last time being more careful to insulate the reds.......but I'd like to understand it.

    cheers John

  10. My friend just sent this email:

    When I logged on to Morningstar to check my stock portfolio this morning, this is the message which greeted me....

    Sorry, the web site you are accessing has been closed by Royal Thai Police due to inappropriateness such as pornography, gambling or contain any information which is deemed to violate national security

    What next?

    I just tried the BBC again and it's not worth waiting. It's looking like....err.....what's the polite word?....."traffic shaping" for many weeks now.

    (When I checked three other overseas sites they again loaded normally and instantly).

  11. Thanks for all the good information.

    The endocrinologist says iodine has nothing to do with my case. In fact my hormone levels are in the normal range which is one of the slightly worrying features. First fine needle aspiration showed some papillary plates and was suspicious. The second one just came in and for some reason the seven slides were not properly readable, dilute bloody. So I guess I have the peasure of a third FNA tomorrow.

    How big?

    Not too obvious yet, but as soon as it's pointed out you can see it, and my Adams Apple is off to one side a bit. The lump is 6 x 5 x 4.8cm. Let's put it this way, if it gets any bigger I got a bit of a problem cancerous or not. Ten weeks ago it was about a centimeter smaller in each direction. lengthwise only a 20% growth, but volumewise it's that cubed which is a lot. I can feel it against my windpipe all the time but could live with that no worries but if it got worse......maybe not. At the same time the endo is now talking about the surgeon.......so I'm starting to think ahead.

    More info all welcome....as was the thing about the price of the drug!


  12. I had a brain wave.

    I could ask the sawbones to do a cut both ways instead of one, and take an inch of slackness out of the old turkey good and proper. (A big solitary horizontal cut is just rather......well.....Frankenstein).

    I guess going high enough to give me a facelift would be a bit obvious....

    However perhaps he could patch the bits from my neck onto my crown where the hair's getting a bit thin behind? It might be a bit stiffer than the rest but hey don't do a dental check on a gifthorse and all that. Oh it'll be darker too..... :)

    While I'm waiting for an answer I have another question.

    The hormones one has to take every day for the rest of one's life. What's the price, and what's the experience?

    thanks in anticipation

  13. Hi there

    it looks very likely my thyroid has to come out as it may be cancerous and even if not it's grown large and still growing fast and it's already pushing my windpipe to one side and slightly throttling me.

    Has anyone had it out?

    My concerns are of course as they should be......with my looks... :)

    1.I notice the cut is straight across rather than up and down which would be more aesthetically pleasing.Is the scar highly noticeable.

    2.Are they more likely to make it neater in the UK?

    3.As something much larger than an egg-shaped golf ball is coming out can they put a "filler piece" back in as my neck's withered enough as it is ha-ha!

    Here's a little one for fans of the gruesome:

    cheers John

  14. I find the TT&T situation bizarre.

    I went in last week to pay a couple of bills. They told me TOT and TTT had merged. But when i asked to pay my Maxnet bill they told me I now had to go to KTB. For my TOT bill I had to go to a TOT office (or, i think, a 7/11). Bizarre.

    I asked them what would happen if I wanted to suspend the Maxnet account for a while and they told me I had to pay 200baht a month for a suspended line. I hesitated to ask "but what am I paying for?"

    Which brings me to a question. I remember having to sign a year's contract. Is that still the case if I don't want a modem or anything? Can i cancel my acount, change companies, and just start paying month by month? What are the alternatives?


  15. If you're going to come to my website, post links to TV... and then copy and paste my content, credit the source...


    Bloody cheek

    Wow Mandrakes really do yell when pulled from the ground!

    Sorry old chap I had no idea it was your website....

    .....if i may be permitted another bit of nerve, any chance of an answer to the questions?....and did the speedup last or was it a flash in the pan?

    sorry again and thanx


  16. I did some checking

    I've been having infuriatingly poor performance from my Maxnet connection all week. Curiously though, my email client has been connecting to my server normally all the time. Also I've noticed that once a connection is made to a website, it loads pretty fast, the problem being the initial connection, usually with U.S. and Europe based websites... So I figured Maxnet are having DNS issues, as their engineers couldn't connect 4.

    For the benefit of other Maxnet customers, this is definitely DNS problems. Maxnet on TTT use their own international gateway and they're probably screwing it up. A Maxnet engineer gave me two DNS server IP addresses tonight and I threw them into my router's settings (best to add them to the router so all computers using the connection speed up)... and I seem to be surfing pretty fast again now...

    ... I checked out these IPs and they actually belong to True Internet, so I'm not quite sure what the deal is there with Maxnet engineers giving out true DNS servers to their customers :)

    You could also try out http://www.opendns.com/

    ... or the other big free DNS service, http://www.dnsadvantage.com/ which is the one I'm trying out right now, as they have servers located in Hong Kong, India and China, unlike their rival who only have servers in America and Europe.

    I've been using dnsadvantage for a few hours now and every website, no matter where it is located, seems very fast and responsive.


    Posted 01 July 2009 - 10:44 AM

    I use this American one and it works very well, too:



    I had many problems until I switched.

    OK I went to


    it told me to note my current settings before applying their new DNS.

    When I hook into my router I don't see any current DNS settings, just 3 boxes for new ones

    Static DNS 1: . . .

    Static DNS 2: . . .

    Static DNS 3: . . .


    I can also se my IP address, subnet mask, and starting IP address. Which do I note?

    Also Big Question: Is it safe?


  17. Same problem here. I used to be able to listen with limited problems, now even the front page is slow to load and impossible to listen to anything.

    I must say I'm getting bored to tears with no BBC.

    I don't believe it's the BBC itself it is a very well out together website and I'm sure they provide what they need to.

    When I switch to other URLs bang awa y it goes.

    What would be the best way to check and perhaps complain about possible traffic shaping against the BBC? (We know they weren't too popular here recently).

    cheers John

  18. I believe Nick in the Mad Dog runs on True, as I asked the manager, probably ADSL I guess.

    I got BBC in there the other day when it seemed all but unavailable on Maxnet at home.


    True ADSL has only been available for maybe 6 weeks or so in Chiang Mai so he likely has True Cable like me who is just around the corner on Moon Muang Soi 1. As I said before, the cable has no issues that I have found in about 3 years of it.

    I asked Nick today and he has True ADSL......and is very pleased......but he said it has not been widely available whatever that means.


  19. Try laying on the floor for an Hr or two Flat on your back Roll onto your side to get Up

    Lying flat on a hard surface is the last thing you want to do. Robblok's post says so too.

    The animals we developed from have curved lower backs and the chimps and us moreso are altering this and trying to straighten it thereby compressing the rear of the vertebrae.....and it ain't quite evolved to suit which is the source of the problems. It is now thought that a medium bed where you sink a little is better also allowing the hip to sink in on your side. That hard bed thing stresses the back.

    BTW seeing the chiropractor and having relief may well be association rather than causation. Who told you your back was irregular? Even if it is the body can accomodate irregularity. Bad backs are common even when "normal".

    bon chance


  20. I have given away my old iBook (10.4) and the recipient would like a mail program.

    Is it true i can't just copy from my Macbook as MAIL runs on 10.5?

    What would be a good (free) alternative?

    Oh....and she has a Hotmail acct. Is it do-able with that?

    cheers John

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