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Posts posted by sleepyjohn

  1. Fear of losing control and driving off the bridge, jumping off the roof, or whatever (and also fear of being considered a loony or looking stupid) are all part of the regular sack of symptoms shared by phobics all of whicih are illusory in nature.....and there are lots more you will recognise. They all need to be understood and challenged to evaporate them into the nothingness they came from. It's quite easy too.

    They are all addressed in the book I mentioned. I'd offer you a copy but I think the writer deserves a sale. Amazon has it.

    It not only theorises about all these things, it gets you actually writing down things to start rewiring your firmware.

    With CBT you will often actually feel things changing in you on the spot.

    Don't discard getting it from a book. In a good study one of the early CBT books was evaluated against actual person to person therapy. So called bibliotherapy came out just about even. But you need to make yourself a timetable and read and do the exercises in a moderately structured fashion. You also need to practise where the rubber meets the balcony. That's the best way in your case.

    Always remember there utter peace everywhere except in your head.


  2. be of stout heart Eek you're in good company.

    Despite loving flying, was going to be an RAF pilot, and travelling all over, I became an agoraphobic (which incorporates heights in my case). It's as if the world's not right. In fact that's not so.

    The important thing to realize, really realize, is that nothing of your (or any) problem exists outside your head. Out there is only utter peace. (This is actually a great maxim and truth unbelieved by "normal" people too).

    The problem is one of thinking. Thinking is self-talk, and you've got into the habit of automatically talking irrationally and unhealthily to yourself in certain habitual surroundings........as have I.

    The way out is a repetitive challenging of the habit as in CBT cognitive behaviour therapy.

    For this I highly recommend

    "Panic Attacks Workbook: A Guided Program for Beating the Panic Trick" by David Carbonell.

    It is an intelligent and insightful guide which will probably cure you if you apply it with energy. In fact there is no cure because you're not ill. You'd just be happier seeing things a little differently.

    cheers John

    ps just found Carbonell has a site


  3. Hi

    I pay Maxnet 790 and that provides for I think it's 4 mb speed.

    I went to the shop and said my internet wasn't great and they checked and said you're in an area where the max speed is only (can't remember exacly....let's say theoretically) 1.5mb.

    When my internet is working at it's best it's just fine as fast as I could ever want...

    My question is

    If i downgrade to 590 baht will I get no lowering in speed because I'm under my limit anyway, or will it in fact reduce including my slower days.

    cheers John

  4. I've also been having a problem with BBC "listen live" from CM for the last few weeks (Maxnet). Can't quite figure it out: even though the well-documented Maxnet issues now seem to have abated somewhat there is still some problem with accessing this service. I can now get reasonable speedtest results to the UK - 1mb or better with ping times around 400 for much of the day - the best results for quite a while. The BBC is still very difficult if not impossible though. Puzzling.

    Any chance it's being locally sort of semi-blocked I wonder.

    The BBC hasn't been that kind to some people in positions of power here.


    I happen to be having breakfast outside with WIFI and just tried going to Any Questions just as normal.

    Every page loaded quickly and it was running in no time.

    At home I use Maxnet. Here they have True.

    But I still don't know what's up.......hmmmm......

  5. streams like a charm from Bangkok with CSLoxinfo at 9:50am

    No something's not right here in CM but don't see how it can be CM specific.

    I started heading towards Any Questions just now. Before I'd gone through two steps on bbc.co.uk to get there I'd gone to CNN in another tab and loaded and listened to a short streaming video about cheese rolls on planes.

    I've now written this post.....checked back.....and the BBC page is still loading.


  6. I like to listen to Radio 4 on streaming audio in the mornings.

    For some time I've had to forgo Any Questions in the shower.

    The BBC seems very difficult when not impossible to get up. To check if it's foreign bandwidth in general I check other foreign sites and they usually load normally.

    It seems to be the BBC.

    What's up?


  7. What's with the BBC?

    I usually listen to Radio 4 on streaming audio but it now seems slow and often impossible to even access their main site.

    I'm getting withdrawal symptoms from Any Questions on Saturday mornings.

    i sometimes try other sites which use SA and they generally work.

    Any explanations anyone?

    cheers John

  8. Sleepyjohn fans will be thrilled to know I went ahead and cannibalised the old charger plug/lead with the new 120 baht 20v charger.

    It worked first time and continues to do so.

    It not only fires up OSX it charges the battery too and not slowly.

    Apple minus 4000bt and lose reputation.

    Sleepyjohn minus 120bt and very smug.

  9. Add another 75mm layer of Q-con block with 50mm rock-wool (50kg/m3 density) should reduce sound transmission by 60dB.

    Drywall does not have the mass as Q-con block. Suitable for improving insulation against heat, but not sound.

    Actually I once sound insulated a long and high wall in the UK with high density anti-noise drywall two layers think and it had a fair effect, but anti-sound drywall in Thailand? Haha! The blocks would of course be better.

    As for the gap the main thing is to have no mechanical connection between the sides to transfer sound energy, ie the sides are independently supported (which is what happened with my soundproof drywall which was hung on thin metal studs to save space which was critical and why i used drywall instead of something heavier.

    Different frequencies are dulled by different materials but generally the heavier the better along with a gap. Light materials let bass through especially. It's possible that the "softness" of the Qblock may somewhat compensate for its light weight but I'd possibly opt for heavier like concrete. If your rooms are capacious why not use even thicker blocks though the 60dB quoted is a lot......

    Good Luck.

  10. The real test is to count the cells in the battery - 16/24 VDC might indeed be the off-load max voltage


    Hi Bubba

    would love you to expand on your

    "16/24 VDC might indeed be the off-load max voltage" if possible.

    I have now read somewhere that the iBook will actually run on 15v.....but not charge....perhaps due to power management unit not cutting in for charge.

    Anyway today I found a 20v/3.5a adapter for 120 baht(!) so I'm going to swap solder the plug over. Suck it and see as the actress said to the bishop.

    Would love to understand more though.....once again it says 10.8v on the battery.


    ps maybe you're not so verydum as you make out?

  11. When you and your girlfriend ate there, and you received a small bowl while your girlfriend received a large bowl, why did you not mention it to the owner THEN? Why wait to complain now?

    I think the best Khao Soi is Lamduan Khao Soi in Farham..20 baht :)

    Ajarn the best I ever found was outside the superhwy from Faham.......go towards Talaat Kajow about halfway there it's on the left. Name don't know. 25 bt last time I went a year ago maybe more now.

    I guess this isn't the one you mean?

  12. Gave the Macbook charger to Apple.

    It's now a well known fault and I was told it would probably be replaced tomorrow.

    I still need an iBook charger which i would happily pay for to give my iBook as a birthday present next week.

    still hoping


    ps would still like to know why it says 24v but have twice seen 16.5v.

    (the battery is rated 10.8 one would think 16.5 might be enough.....and i can buy a 16v and change the LV plug over)

  13. Gave the Macbook charger to Apple.

    It's now a well known fault and I was told it would probably be replaced tomorrow.

    I still need an iBook charger which i would happily pay for to give my iBook as a birthday present next week.

    still hoping


    ps would still like to know why it says 24v but have twice seen 16.5v.

    (the battery is rated 10.8 one would think 16.5 might be enough.....and i can buy a 16v and change the LV plug over)

  14. Hi CobraSnakeNecktie

    For the colon its critically important to have the bowels moving daily during a fast and fiber like ground flax or psyllium will sweep up toxins excreted by the digestive organs and prevent them from being reabsorbed in the colon.

    Whilst a daily poo seems at first glance to be a sign of health where did this information about toxins come?

    Who says that in a body optimized by long ages of natural selection it's "critically important"?

  15. They do appear to be 24V, maybe you can get one of those OEM models they sell in the states?


    This is extraordinary.

    The iBook adaptor had a well known fault with the low voltage line fraying/deconnecting internally and as far as I could find out at the time exactly the same adaptor was being sold to replace it at a cost of 5000bt ($!40?!) which is why I was pissed off enough to try to get a cheaper replacement elsewhere.

    I just plugged in my Macbook tonight, noticed no charging, then a flicker, then SMOKE!

    Exactly the same thing has happened the lead has frayed at the charger end. The outer sheathing had worn right through and was brown at the ends and the braided neutral line next inside was all but completely disconnected......the just touching wires were causing the heat.

    My Macbook is a hint over 3 years old.

    Suggestions how to deal with Apple? Who in the world would pay the (now) 4000bt to buy a known substandard item?

    Let alone no charger.....smoke is a pretty serious thing that ought to scare them into action.

    (ps already Googled in 3 minutes found another burned charger issue.)

    cheers John

  16. Gary and Nikster

    I thought the iBook chargers were 24v.

    I went to Pantip CM yesterday. A charger shop offered me an original new one for 3500. Not sure why the whites on the plastic parts were different but no matter. I said do you have any old charger at 24v? He showed me the iBook charger box it said 16.5v.

    Now there can't be confusion between peak volts and RMS because it's DC.

    So am I right about 24v?

    cheers John

  17. Thanx for the replies

    I f i remember right from last year I cannot find a charger in the computer shops here in CM which goes up to 24v.

    Gary was this Pluto a sort of regular black lump and where did you buy it? Did you connect an iBook or lower voltage PC? I would be happy to reconnect the terminal. (I believe even 45w is enough they're 45 or 65w alternatives)

    ps: some history and why I was against paying 5000bt at the time:

    The Apple charger was beset by complaints, mostly around the low voltage wire. In my case it shorted. I am quite able to tinker and took the whole thing apart to faultfind then soldered a patch up job which worked for a couple of years.

    cheers John

    Everything I found at computer shops did not have enough power besides the voltage seldom being correct. I bought this unit from a hardware store and it is actually quite large, about 8 X 5 X 3 inches high. It has a switch, a fuse, voltage selector, positive and negative terminals and an on/off switch. As mentioned, it cost 600 baht.

    Your existing charger should be marked with voltage and amperage. Multiply the voltage and amperage to get watts. You should be able to get a adjustable voltage transformer and if it has enough wattage it will work fine.

    The problem being who will push the wheelbarrow with the charger in it. :)

  18. Thanx for the replies

    I f i remember right from last year I cannot find a charger in the computer shops here in CM which goes up to 24v.

    Gary was this Pluto a sort of regular black lump and where did you buy it? Did you connect an iBook or lower voltage PC? I would be happy to reconnect the terminal. (I believe even 45w is enough they're 45 or 65w alternatives)

    ps: some history and why I was against paying 5000bt at the time:

    The Apple charger was beset by complaints, mostly around the low voltage wire. In my case it shorted. I am quite able to tinker and took the whole thing apart to faultfind then soldered a patch up job which worked for a couple of years.

    cheers John

  19. Hi

    I would like to give my old iBook to someone as a present in CM.

    The charger is dead.

    Apple charges 4000bt, used to be 5000, which to run an old banger worth not much more is a lot.

    I therefore asked a pal to bring one back from SFrancisco, where it cost $36 for a good generic.

    He had it sent to the wrong address by one number!

    Then I had one sent via eBay. Only $13.99.

    Only trouble was it didn't work either.

    Does anyone have a charger they don't use? It would brighten up the life of someone when they work nightshift and I'd be wiling to pay a fair amount.

    cheers John

  20. Hi

    I would like to give my old iBook to someone as a present.

    The charger is dead.

    Apple charges 4000bt, used to be 5000, which to run an old banger worth not much more is a lot.

    I therefore asked a pal to bring one back from SFrancisco, where it cost $36 for a good generic.

    He had it sent to the wrong address by one number!

    Then I had one sent via eBay. Only $13.99.

    Only trouble was it didn't work either.

    Does anyone have a charger they don't use? It would brighten up the life of someone when they work nightshift and I'd be wiling to pay a fair amount.

    cheers John

  21. NO, instead, they sadistically grill an innocent businessman, bringing lots of money to the country

    Sorry i didn't realise they were sadistic from your words I thought they just looked stern and asked questions.

    BTW how would they know you were innocent without the very questions you castigate them for?

    .....and should lots of money have made a difference had you for instance slipped into the country, perhaps on the run for a serious offence? Oh and how would they know anything about your money......without asking questions?

    Get my drift?

    ps: sorry you found some comment of mine ugly and nasty do point out where and I'll amend it.

  22. Myself i'm terrified by the Thai police, if they pull a stunt on you your F****ed. So far i haven't had any problems with them at all and they seem not too bad. Still it does scare me they wield a lot of power.

    Everybody should!

    I've seen a lot of big mouths here on TV, throughout the years, and a lot of Farang Judges screaming: he/she is guilty...put them in prison, but ANYBODY could land in a Thai jail, innocent!

    Let me tell a story here which could happen to everybody:

    About 25 years ago I had been working in BKK for a week with a very well known factory and known by every single taxi/tuk tuk driver in BKK. On my way to Hong Kong (via very old Don Muang) I was stopped at the passport control.

    The guy looked very nasty at me, called a few other brown chaps and they took me...through all kinds of corridors and finally into a room with 4 or 5 guys in brown, with a fan at the ceiling, no aircon (funny I remembered that) and grilled me for 2 hours about every step I made in BKK since my arrival, 5 days earlier, why, how long, with whom, which factory, which hotel - show receipt of payment, where did you eat..... etc. etc. etc.

    I was scared to death and the first thought that crossed my mind was: "someone put drugs in my suitcase" because that was the only thing that could have possibly happened, why would they otherwise stop and grill me, being a normal businessman ? I didn't buy anything on the airport, nor any souvenirs in town, nothing!

    Not one word WHY they stopped me for the entire 2 hours.

    It was hot and I was completely soaked and becoming more and more frightened. After a long time the leading officer shouted at me:

    YOU!!!.............no hep entry stamp in passport. HOW COME ?? :D

    :D :D :D

    How the <removed> would I know ?

    In those days the passport boys were sitting behind a kind of wooden very high desk (them sitting a lot lower on the other side) who took your passport, study it for a long time and than handed it back to you, closed. Impossible to see what they were doing.

    The particular guy in my case didn't stamp my passport with an entry stamp and now they took me to the arrival hall again, passport control, had to stand in line again, with 2 brown guys next to me (...) and had my passport stamped, but not before he changed the date on the stamp, back to the arrival day :)


    ....in other words they were doing their job? Very efficiently and perfectly correctly?

    Lao Po for someone who's "seen a lot of big mouths" around here it might be useful to separate what you thought might be and what actually was. I also doubt if it would enamour any Thais who happened to be reading this forum to farangs in general for you to be mocking the English abilities of the airport official in question.....and I wouldn't blame them.

    So why not stick to fact and post carefully as i suggested to someone else recently?

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