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Posts posted by highonthai

  1. I was wondering about that too. Or is the casino on one of those Islands that you can just cross the river without any immigration procedures? Like the one that the long boats take the tourists to?

    I'll shoot up there this week and check it out.

  2. I haven't seen or heard of anyone using a TV tray since the 1960's !

    Was always considered a kind of low class item in my family, but I always wanted one as a kid but was never allowed to own one or to even eat from one.

    Good luck in finding one.

  3. Adeliane,

    I'd have to disagree with you. But that's the film business.. For what was probably done on a shoe string , the end result was very good.

    I'm a union (local 600) camera operator (yes, Hollywood) and thought it was interesting enough to forward to a couple of friends and family who are also in the industry

    All the responses were positive.

    But everyone's a critic and entitled to their opinion.

    I though it was good, and glad it was excepted to the TriBeCa Film Festival.

  4. I saw a pretty low to the ground dream with side cart and it got me thinking. What's stopping you from getting a electric start dream and replacing the wheels with 13" from a mio and lowering the bike to meet their requirements?

    Good idea but, The seat/handle bar relationship to the foot pegs will still be the same.

  5. I'm sure you could buy a complete new engine kit but that would get expensive.

    Your best bet is to find a deal on a complete roller/donor bike, use what you need and sell of the rest of the parts.(I'd buy the rolling frame from you)

    A complete used engine is hard to find. A dream/wave 100/125 is a good choice.

    Buy it even if it doesn't run, cheap to rebuild.

  6. Chiang Mai does have a public bus system, It started around 2007 and has air conditioned buses. The buses have about 30 seats or so and the routes are always changing based on passenger demand. I see them all the time on the Hang Dong road and going to the Night Safari.

    This is an old bus route map.


  7. I would attend.

    But how about using one of TV's new sponsors? Tuskers, Olde Bell are fine, but seem to over used for TV events.

    How about that new pizza place with the live music? (Yummie Pizza)

    I'm sure some of these new places would welcome a TV meet up at their place.

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