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Posts posted by PaPiPuPePo

  1. And ...

    SURAT THANI — The Koh Samui Provincial Court on Wednesday approved a police request to detain the Myanmar suspects in the murder of two British tourists for another 12 days before prosecutors seek to indict them.

    Of course. Like everything else on Samui, the courts are compromised too. What else was to be expected? Just ask, and we will deliver.

    it has been told to me that the jailers are refusing visits to the boys other than the lawyers, who may not even be in country

    it is also reported that anyone who brings food, and is attempting to visit is being intimidated with threats and is being reported to various higher ups

    Rumors and gossip.

    Stories that have come from people on the island, which are no more likely to be untrue than they are true.

    Your response, however, is just your opinion, in fact you're merely dismissing these stories out of hand without offering even another story to counter them. Thus it has even less credibility standing alone; add to that a reading of more of your numerous one-liners and the credibility (of this statement at leas, but I'm comfortable extrapolating to a lot of what you write) is pretty much zero.

    Not that that will deter you.

    • Like 1
  2. From above Post #535:

    ... every police force in the world has a single function, that function is to collect information (evidence) for the purpose of securing a conviction in a court of law. they are not interested in what really happened they are interested in only providing evidence for the prosecutors to use in court to win, they do not collect evidence for the defence they do not collect information for the public, they do not collect proof for family members they collect evidence for the prosecution.

    The US Supreme Court determined what has been called a 'Brady disclosure' in 1963. From Wikipedia:

    'Brady disclosure' consists of exculpatory or impeaching information and evidence that is material to the guilt or innocence or to the punishment of a defendant. The term comes from the U.S. Supreme Court case, Brady v. Maryland, in which the Supreme Court ruled that suppression by the prosecution of evidence favorable to a defendant who has requested it violates due process. Following Brady, the prosecutor must disclose evidence or information that would prove the innocence of the defendant or would enable the defense to more effectively impeach the credibility of government witnesses. Evidence that would serve to reduce the defendant's sentence must also be disclosed by the prosecution.

    The OP obviously pulled what he said out of his lower orifice but thanks for going to the trouble to set the record straight.

    This is all about transparency, so those who are against this cooperation for any reason are by intent or not against transparency in this investigation.

  3. ... the only thing I am that applies to this topic is that I am logical and not emotional about the case or do I have any other motives than seeing what is almost surely likely and what is very implausible.

    That one sentence is enough to make it clear how either unaware or disingenuous you are. You have spent thousands of words backing one version of events. That without doubt contradicts the first part, and may well the second, since your tireless defence of your OPINION in the face of so much evidence to the contrary may well be because you have an agenda.

    I've been reading parts of your various posts, wondering if you really have such low self-awareness or if it's intentional deception. The sentence above really distills so many of your comments that I had to respond to you directly. I won't however get pulled into a debate with you, sorry to disappoint.

  4. *Edited*

    What he should be doing is shirt fronting him in front of the world by upping travel warnings to Thailand and forcing insurance premiums up so people won't travel there until the British people get satisfactory answers and assurances that the investigation is above board and free of interference .

    Edited once again

    until the TV conspiracy brigade British people get satisfactory the answers they like to hear.

    No matter what is said, they will hear what they want. And what they want is anything they can use or twist to help them handle their feelings of inferiority in Thailand by putting on a false sense of superiority towards in Thailand with more money and power than them actually pretty much anyone in Thailand down to the much more financially challenged Thai who as an example get to pay a couple dollars less to go to places like their own State Parks.

    What seems clear in many of these folks posts is that they are not motivated by a desire to see justice for the victims but rather to display and promote an anger towards Thailand and a desire to see Thailand suffer.

    It is as a clear cut case they got the right people in this case as it was for the train rapist murderer of the young girl .... initially suspects wrong, over looked the right person, conflicting stories in the press, confession, DNA match, friend's testimony and so on. But didn't see anyone then suggesting sending money to the suspect as I have seen with this case. They don't want to see justice, they want to see Thailand be proved wrong to help themselves feel good.

    B$L%S41T. You are out of touch with reality. This is not about Thailand being wrong this is about a cover up of the real killers.

    @ JTJ Seconding you: Yes because a train is just like a heavily-touristed island with powerful families living on it.

    Along with the "the Brits want the Thais to surrender their sovereignty" this misdirection at other unrelated cases is one of the favourite gambits of these defenders of the farcical so-called investigation. Whether trolling or not responding's probably a waste of time to respond (not that I've learned that lesson yet, obviously).

  5. Well there are hundreds of protesters marching to Downing Street today.

    When people are protesting in the streets, then it shows the general feeling in the UK.

    More fuel for the press.... I wonder how Prayuth would take it knowing that there are protests on the streets because of Thai police corruption, and probably military government corruption to boot.

    How does he think that reflects on Thailand on the world stage??

    Basically.... You have been found out. This time it is NOT going to go away.

    Oh you poms are soooo important!!coffee1.gif

    In your dreams!

    Well These things are debatable but in terms of economic clout we would be 6th or 7th in a global sense , where would Thailand or Oz be ?

    And as much as I'm tired of the English seemingly always having to rag on Americans, The Brits have and continue to give us a lot of good music, books, films, and so on.

    So, yeah, a history of invading and occupying other countries on the one hand, but on the other, for a country its size a lot of cultural exports that are enjoyed world-wide.

  6. You erroneously assume that justice isn't being served according to you own personal prejudice.

    "...The investigation has been dubbed “a perfect job” by Thai police chief Somyot Pumpunmuang, but is in fact an “appalling mess” according to Felicity Gerry QC, a prominent British defense lawyer specializing in high-profile sexual-assault cases.

    Her condemnation echoes those of Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Thailand’s forensics’ chief, the U.K. government and the victims’ families."

    But what do highly educated and experienced Westerners (vs. mostly uneducated and famously, notoriously corrupt cops) know compared to your omniscience? What's the weight of 100,000+ people's opinions to your 1--100,000/1 in case you're a little bleary-eyed. Apply your little member quote to yourself for a change.

    Ask me that same question in a few weeks... I'll still be right.

    Thanks for helping me make my point. :-P

    • Like 1
  7. boomerangutang, on 14 Oct 2014 - 11:53, said:

    Interesting photo montage on CSI LA. It shows 4 photos. Two are still from the security cameras we've all seen (morning of murder), and two are NomSod (headman's son) relaxing - one of him standing and another sitting. In all four shots, it shows him with a gimpy left hand. In other words, his left hand is kept close to his belly. I don't know if he's got a physical oddity, but (to me) it's yet another bit of evidence (along with a heap of other evidence) that HE SHOULD BE THE PRIME SUSPECT.

    What is obvious to me is that NomSod is left-handed. I seem to recall other posters suggesting that the injuries to David were carried out by a left-hander. Makes you wonder, doesn't it?

    Yes it would be interesting to find out his handed-ness and any expert analysis of the handedness of the attacker.

  8. No wonder JD has 20000 post's, I cant beleive the amount of unnecessary posts he submits, sad attention seeker comes to mind.

    Yes, if you block him as people are starting to do because he's just clogging up every thread about this with his various trolling posts, the threads will get about half as long!

    As a bonus to not having to read his self-contradictory pseudo-reasoned BS, you'll avoid having to look at the scrambled quoted posts he replies to. Maybe another 20,000 posts and he'll figure out how to use the quotes feature (or paste in the nec. html to avoid that). I for one won't find out.

  9. Actually you just managed to insult two Prime Ministers at the same time.

    Neither of whom was democratically elected.

    HS, for one, has been in power for decades, refuses to allow fair elections, has police shoot live ammo at protesters demanding them (finally), and calls himself a "deveda" (god) who thus can not relinquish power, and thus intends to put his son in power after himself.

  10. I've known several Thai women on the DATE IN ASIA dating website who have had the "Package Scam" pulled on them. It is a very professionally done scam. A fellow will initiate contact and over time get more and more ardent, poring his heart out about all the pain caused by women who have misused his good heart. The recipient is clearly the one girl who can rescue him from his life of loneliness. At this point it is interesting to note that these letters are always just about him...nothing in them except the name on the heading refers in any personal way to the recipient...This is because he is sending the same letter to hundreds of women at the same time. There are usually also sporadic phone calls...always him calling her because he works on an oil platform in the North Sea.

    Eventually he writes he is coming to Thailand to meet and hopefully marry her. He will write or call and say that he is sending a package by a professional air courier company used only by the oil companies...very secure so he will be sending cash as well as some of his late mothers jewelry and some new I-phones. He includes a website and emails her a very authentic looking airbill complete with a website and functioning tracking number: of course all the targets are getting the same tracking number so easy to set up a phony site but I will say, it looked very authentic...a lot of work went into it.

    She will see the package go from UK to Germany to Dubai looking very normal. Then she will get a panicked call: The cargo plane was diverted to Malaysia because of mechanical problems and customs there opened the package and are demanding $2000 +- to release it.

    "Please, Sweetheart...I am in transit to Thailand and can not access my money!! Please send $ 2000 to this account so they will release the package...I will pay you back triple!!.

    One friend was literally on her way to the bank when I ran into her...it took her a long time to accept she was being scammed. A lot of girls do fall for it.

    So, as was pointed out, similar to many internet scams, asking for money in exchange for a bigger payoff. Emotions pay a part but so does greed on the part of the scammed. The women aren't just sending the money to these guys to help them out with rent or something (like that would ever happen!) but to get money, iPhones (bait 'o' the decade), and so on.

  11. Or...as another option:

    People COULD just admit that terrible things happen, move the f%*( ON.

    Do you know how many people were killed in Chicago or some place last month? It happens.

    The usual gangs kill gangs that rages on. But apples and oranges. We're taking about massive foul play by police, cover up, protection, intimidation.... quite a grander scale.

    So why don't you consider not searching for, reading, then posting on threads such as this if you are so against sharing thoughts on the events? Or is this the key to being a troller?

    I can only assume you are unaware of events in Ferguson

    Thanks for another example of what I just posted about you---hey everyone, look over here in nasty ole MO USA, forget about the travesty in THAILAND discussed on the THAI VISA forum.

    You're really shameless, aren't you?

    As to --John--, same to you--you want to compare Koh Tao to Chicago? Pathetic.

  12. Just signed it and it's over 88,000 already.

    Would you care to guess how many of the signatories are UK cits or residents?

    Does it matter, it shows a lot of people are concerned over this issue, i personally appplaude eveyone who has signed, i assume you have not given your comment, if you have signed well done, Will it prove effective not sure, but at least a good group of people gave it a go, which is somewhat enlightening...

    EG, you seem young and sincere (no offence intended by that) so be ware that this person JDinasia's MO is to throw doubt or inject confusion, misdirection, official propaganda, anything that will stick, into any conversation promoting clarity and transparency. Best to ignore him entirely.

    • Like 2
  13. CSI LA has just cracked this case wide open

    There is a direct match to the mystery man on the CCTV who was allegedly not on the island that night

    Looks like a dead ringer to me

    I have no idea whether the insert pic is one of the Burmese guys or one of the Thai suspects (RTP aside), but either way only the lower pic, where it looks like the face from the insert has been photoshopped in, looks similar (duh). In the upper, un-doctored pic, the ear isn't showing, the nose is steeper and smaller (could be due to blurriness though), and the angle of the face is also less pronounced.

    Far from definite IMO.

    it's a dead ringer and

    the stench of this case coming from the RTP and the PM will surely reach Downing Street

    So who's in the insert, the son? Then, admittedly, I may be more open to seeing a semblance.

  14. it interesting how much international attention this case is getting versus the hundreds of other unsolved murders of farangs in Thailand which barely get a single headline in their home countries. I suspect it has a lot to do with one of the victims been a beautiful young woman.

    More tin-eared or tin-hearted insensitivity from the falang crowd.

    As Lily Tomlin said "no matter how cynical I get, I just can't keep up." In this case replace cynical with callous and uncaring.

    Maybe it has a lot to do with what some people did to that young woman and her friend, but especially her.

    Those who can't get that, I suggest you take Robert Hare's online survey and increase your self-awareness.

    • Like 1
  15. CSI LA has just cracked this case wide open

    There is a direct match to the mystery man on the CCTV who was allegedly not on the island that night

    Looks like a dead ringer to me

    I have no idea whether the insert pic is one of the Burmese guys or one of the Thai suspects (RTP aside), but either way only the lower pic, where it looks like the face from the insert has been photoshopped in, looks similar (duh). In the upper, un-doctored pic, the ear isn't showing, the nose is steeper and smaller (could be due to blurriness though), and the angle of the face is also less pronounced.

    Far from definite IMO.

  16. I've yet to see a single mention of this, in international media. It's hard to deal with, but people die, and constantly all over the world. I don't understand this daily obsession, even here on TVF.

    You've made this same "point" numerous times; we get it, you're a heartless, callous, uncaring human being and/or a shill or troll with an agenda to quiet down or cover this up through concern trolling, as here, misdirection, or spreading confusion and falsehoods (or parroting them).

    You and the others are not as clever as you think you are; pretty obvious in fact to anyone who's been on the net more than a month or two.

    Your views, your attitudes, your ethos, have been made clear and to me, at least, they are contemptible.

    I'd advise you to kill off this sock puppet (try something without "John" in it if you can manage) or emulate your avatar, but that would, no doubt, only encourage you.

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  17. When the little girl was killed and thrown from the train and the police thumped the accused around a bit for his confession, nobody cared or tried to tuen him into a victim or say his confession didn't count.

    Why do so many here want to make these potential killers into victims?

    Does Burma not have any violence? Why is it so impossible for some to fathom that these confessed killers could have done this crime?

    Now their high fallutin attorney has arrived and started a defense lime every attorney does everywhere. Do the numerous defenders of these two accused always believe what a defense attorney says about their client?

    Has anyone presented photo evidence of physical abuse?

    deleted post

    Bam. Thanks for putting my thoughts into words!

    • Like 2
  18. So, 8 pages of comments and no one has yet brought up what seem's like a major point (correct me if I'm wrong I skimmed most pages): the reason these illegal tour guides exist is because the Thai ones are not acceptable for a (large?) number of Tourists; both Chinese language problems and lack of education re the history are factors. So this fellow is "Illegal" in the same sense that an English teacher on a tourist visa is "illegal." It appears he's providing a similar amount of expertise as a native English speaker who has actually studied his language and/or the pedagogy of teaching it.

    So the approach of these Thai guides to the problem of offering an unacceptable level of tour-guiding to Chinese tourists, which gap is filled by some Chinese, is to go out and based on looks attack a Chinese guy with iron bars--who isn't even one of the "bad" guys! Except he's "illegal." Is every other occupation practiced by foreign (semi-) experts at risk of similar responses to the competition and.they offer?

    You need to read it more thoroughly--this guy just got off the plane and had just arrived at his brothers residence, and his brother is an unlicensed guide. It is possible this victim was going to become a guide but there is no suggestion of that in any of the report.

    And _you_ completely misread what I wrote. You need to read my comment more….comprehendingly. It's not about this one guy, whether it was him or his brother that was the guide.

  19. A suggestion, at the risk of hearing "why don't you do it yourself:"

    A compilation of what's known so far as well as what should be known, what is strange, suspicious, about this crime. Then comments that address or add information. Between the speculation, back-and-forth on OT topics, never mind the fantastical musings and inappropriate sarcasm, jokes and rants, the useful bits of discussion and info get buried. Censoring any of us (I've been guilty too) for running on is pointless, so perhaps a separate, moderated, good-info-dump thread.

    If anyone has time and the motivation….

  20. So, 8 pages of comments and no one has yet brought up what seem's like a major point (correct me if I'm wrong I skimmed most pages): the reason these illegal tour guides exist is because the Thai ones are not acceptable for a (large?) number of Tourists; both Chinese language problems and lack of education re the history are factors. So this fellow is "Illegal" in the same sense that an English teacher on a tourist visa is "illegal." It appears he's providing a similar amount of expertise as a native English speaker who has actually studied his language and/or the pedagogy of teaching it.

    So the approach of these Thai guides to the problem of offering an unacceptable level of tour-guiding to Chinese tourists, which gap is filled by some Chinese, is to go out and based on looks attack a Chinese guy with iron bars--who isn't even one of the "bad" guys! Except he's "illegal." Is every other occupation practiced by foreign (semi-) experts at risk of similar responses to the competition and….they offer?

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