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ktm jeff

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Posts posted by ktm jeff

  1. MM , to an extent , i see your point . I must correct you over the claim Benelli and Keeway are the same however . They arent . They happen to be owned by the same "parent" company , QJ . And by this i mean no offence to either company or their products . There is a marketing link-up though , and that seems to cause this confusion . As i said , VW / Audi Group ( VAG ) own many companies , but a Golf sure aint no Diablo ! . And yes , we need more feedback , now that the doomsayers have gone quiet .

  2. AllanB , your correct with the basic idea of the flywheel . It cant "increase" torque as such , but think of it as a power reserve , that carries the engines power and torque over its 3 non-power strokes (inlet , compression , POWER and exhaust on a 4 stroke). It reduces the engines perceived "dead" spots . Which is why singles are lumpy at tickover . And yes 1 = side valve (normally inlet valve in head , exhaust valve in block / crankcase) = Land Rover / Jeep . 2 = OHV , with a side camshaft in the block / crankcase, but all the valves are in the head . 3 = OHC , with cam / cams above the valves , and all are in the head . Of the 4 bikes i mentioned above , the power characteristics are VERY similar . Would be nice to get some power and torque graphs though .

  3. pp , didnt skip it , the point wasnt raised . Good point . Historically , lesser know bikes have sold slower , and for less . Thats now changing . May i add some figures to your example . Say both bikes are put up for sale in 2 years / 20,000KM . How much do we estimate the Honda will be up for sale at ?. Lets say its 80,000 - 90,000 . does that sound about right ?. Now i agree the Benelli could well be less , perhaps 10K less ?. Does that sound about right ?. So now ( and im assuming none of us here will become destitute overnight at the extra 10K ) we have to put a value on the pleasure the bike gave us for the 20,000KM . For me (and it may not be for you / everyone) the 39BHP twin cylinder Benelli , with the USD suspension , twin petal brakes and Italian design i perceive as so much better , the extra 10K would provide far more pleasure every time i looked at , and rode, the Benelli .

  4. You do know who Benelli is dont you ?. They have produced some of the most advanced and beautiful race and road bikes this world has ever seen . Since 1911 . Keeway is no closer related to Benelli , than Bugatti or Bentley is to VW . What i tried to explain is that i would far rather buy a Benelli over a Honda. Hilux or Tata ? . I would go for Isuzu or Mitsubishi . Again , my choice .

  5. I perceive the Benelli quality to be fine for this level of bike , and its intended use . It may be over simplifying things to say "up to you" , but more and more people are buying bikes that arent Honda . Price is a reason for some , true . If people , after looking at all the information , specifications , ride reports and , yes , price , still buy a Honda , then that may well be the right bike for their needs and budget . End of the day - enjoy whatever your riding . Sums up biking really .

  6. Yes AllanB , nearly all modern engines ( except some nautical , aero , and military ) have valves in the heads - OHV , per se , but some engines have the cams also in the head _ OHC , for better valve and inlet / exhaust tract angles , while the - OHV design keeps the cam in the crankcase.to simplify / reduce design / cost . I dont have any power / torque graphs for any Platinum / M-Bike / Lifan or Keeway engines - would be nice to see some - but , while the Platinum , M-Bike and Keeway engines produce maximum power and torque at 7,500 RPM and 6,000RPM , the Lifans maximum power is at 8,000RPM , and torque at 6,500 RPM . Behind the plastic panels is the exhaust on the right , tool-box or nothing on the left .

  7. Hey bobbin , wasnt me ! giggle.gif . I love the Benelli (have a very rare triple in England) , and , IMO , i would trust the , as yet un-tested , TNT 250 over the problematic 250/286 Hondas , if i were after a modern naked street bike . Lets say the more competition and choice , the better .

  8. Many of these bikes are fitted with an engine thats coded 163 FML - 1 cylinder , 63mm bore . These can be OHV - Lifan and Keeway , and OHC - Platinum and M-Bike . The power differences between these engines is small , with the Platinum giving more power and torque ( 12.5KW and 17NM ) due to its 233cc rather than its OHC design that allows better gas flow in the cylinder head . The M-Bike 200 OHC gives 11.2KW and 14.5NM , the Keeway gives 9.5KW and 13.5NM , and the Lifan 200 OHV gives 10.2KW and 13.8NM . They are all under-stressed / over designed , so should be "bullet proof" . If buying ANY off-road style bike , i would try to find one with no or little off-road use , and i always find the owner is the key to the bikes condition .

  9. MadMac / AllanB , ALL Benelli,s are designed / develop in Italy ( Pesaro ) ,since 1911 , but now with the bigger ones 100% made there , and the smaller ones assembled by QJ ( China ) . Same as Bentley and Bugatti are owned by VW , but built elsewhere . The Kawasaki SL , at just 118,000 is a bargain compared to the 125,000 Honda . If the Benelli TNT 25 doesnt have abs its a surprise , as i thought most "big" bikes were getting it in 2017.

  10. There are 3 different models of "500" . One is more adventure type . Looks OK . Second hand prices for Hondas can often be low , as people experience similar problems as yourself , and bikes from other companies appear better value , and far more stylish . All these types of bikes are easily serviced , if thats a concern . I take it youve lost faith in the Honda 300 . Good luck .

  11. Another fantastic looking bike from Benelli . Designed in Italy , and built with passion. Unmistakeable style . If this bike is priced below the 125,000 of the "300" Honda , it should fly out of the showrooms , according to its specs . 90,000 is fantastic . Now could Benelli start designing a 450 and 650 triple . wai2.gif

  12. Yes , the 470 cc 500,s are better . They had a problem with a camshaft / cover bolt falling out , depositing the engine oil over the rear tire . If you spotted it in time , and didnt fall off , it is an easy fix - under warranty ! . if you want another 250 or 300 bike , have a look at the Kawasaki SL and Ninja models , and the Benelli TNT 25 (250cc ) single and the Benelli TNT 300 twin . Both very good bikes , and well priced . Theres not many bikes between 300cc and 650cc . If you want bigger than 300 , then i would go for the Kawasaki 650 .

  13. Sorry mate , 10,000 KM is lower than normal . Most last longer than that , and some are still going well at 30K . Its still subject of debate ( some quite passionate ) , as to what the fault / faults are . The camchain simply drives the camshaft from the crankshaft . It COULD be poor quality chains and other engine components ( we dont know who makes them ) that wear , depositing fragments of swarf metal into the oil , which is circulated around , causing further damage to all the internals , and then the gearbox . The wear , and swarf ( IF this is the cause - nobody seems to come up with anything that pinpoints the weakness ) MAY be accelerated by the camchain tensioner not adjusting correctly ( a known weak point ) . At just 10 K , Honda should be honouring the warranty with a complete engine and gearbox , and thats what i would be demanding , but i guess there sick of repairing them . Yes Allen , its all a "bit worrying" , but its no use moaning to me , im only trying to help . As to the cause / causes , well , we havent been told , have we .

  14. Babooshka , your engine isnt the first to let go , and wont be the last . As mentioned , BlackPandas engine let go at 15,000 KM , although some let go at just 1,000 KM . How many KM are on the clock . I cant understand why Honda wont honour the warranty on this common , known problem . It would help worried owners of these 250 / 300 engines ( fitted in the CB / CBR / CRF ) if we had feedback from Honda , or repair shops , as to the cause . Some suspect the fault lies in the cam chain area . Tensioner ? . Maybe replacement every 10K is an idea , untill Honda finds the cause .

  15. M B , There has been some very good advice here ( L K ) . The way i would do it , is to get your parent to loan you the money , or take out a loan for you in their name , and to keep the bike in their name till debt is paid . 4000 b per month = will pay for a CBR 300 in 3 years . A bank loan will be at a much cheaper interest rate than from a bike shop .

  16. papa , im no chemist , so you will have to look it up . There are many un-burnt hydro carbons and other fumes from the blow-by of the combustion process , not to mention the chemical reaction of the hot oil circulating the acidic and sulphuric by-products , that cause internal damage to the engine . A main reason for oil changes . Someone may know more of the chemical side if things , than me .

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