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Posts posted by candypants

  1. Your right these guys could not get any decent girl back home. Lack of wit, charm, looks ect. So here the girls accept considerably lower standards they can get something decent. Be it by paying a montly fee or something like that.

    To want to get a decent farang girl you have to find them attractive first ? I have no interest

    like I said I left many moons ago and have had a pretty good experience of women around the world and i like asians period got nothing to do with whether I am witty or charming etc because if you knew me you would know i am very witty charming and not a bad looking geezer either albeit a bit overweight biggrin.png

    Each to their own, the thread is about getting it for free but to me you pay one way or the other whether its a direct payment or indirect taking them out to dinner and a few drinks your still paying for it (ie when you wake up next morning your pocket is still light either way you do it, SO IT AINT FREE no matter which way you choose to look at it )

    Perhaps we should call you Burger King then.

  2. ^average of 285 km a day you must live on your bike

    It bikes, not bike. 4 times a month I do 1000 km days and a time or two a week I have to do 500km days. Tomorrow is a 500 km day, today was only 150 on the Ares, (100 on another)

    10 hours solid on scooter, why would you not buy something bigger?

  3. I consider it insanity to pigeon hole your opportunities. I've dated men from.different nationalist.and.races. .dated a Thai man here and then a Westerner. Chose to be with them because of attraction..on different levels, not because of their race or nationality. Find it really bizarre that some men here have closed off mentalities on that front tbh.

    I personally find it hard to understand the necessity for differentiating "western" women from Asian, Thai or otherwise.

    It would seem to me a woman is either attractive to you or she isn't. It would also seem that those that limit themselves based on a womans nationality are likely to be the ones paying for it on a regular basis.

    All this nonsense about bringing sand to the beach is just silly, especially since sand itself can be made up of any number of elements.

    • Like 2
  4. i think this is a prime example of a very adolescent thread.

    I have certainly taken the path of least resistance on more than one occasion, but i would say that is the exception rather than the rule no matter where i am.

    I certainly don't need to hang around guest houses picking off tourists to meet a woman.

    there is nothing more unattractive than desperation, that applies to all cultures

  5. My rule of thumb...

    Never get in taxi's that hang around hotel or clubs, they are taxi mafia and always hail a cab from the street (never been ripped of this way).

    never get into a taxi that is not moving and actively looking for a passenger.

    if it is sitting parked waiting for a passenger, walk right by and hail the first moving taxi you see

    • Like 2
  6. I buy 500 capsules for Bt450. I’ve been taking 6 (occasionally 8) capsules per day for years. It is only addictive for some people – not me. No effect on my driving. No adverse effect in conjunction with alcohol for me. It only reduces my chronic pain a little but that’s better than nothing.

    How can you say it's not addictive while you have been taking 6 to 8 capsules daily for years? Have you tried stopping? "Being addictive" and "making you drowsy/unfocused/high" are two separate issues.

    my thoughts exactly, 6 to 8 a day for years? sounds like a habit to me.

  7. I had a friend and co-worker who had some similar problems to yours. One of her big problems was her commute. She had to travel by bus for almost 2 hours each way! She felt comfortable in the Khao San Road area, where there were many other foreigners to hang out with and talk too, but our office was way out near the airport. She had lots of health problems and eventually gave up and went back to her country. I'm convinced that the stress of her daily commute contributed to her health problems.

    Unless you are locked into your current living location, look for an apartment that is close to work. Being a short walk or bus ride from your office can not only allow you to be more punctual, but will give you more personal time and relieve some of the stress in your life.

    If your hours are supposed to be 9 to 5, then work from 9 or earlier to 5 or later, not 8 to 4, not 10 to 6. Also, being at work at 9 should mean having arrived, had a cup or coffee or tea, said hello to your co-workers and warmed up your computer BEFORE 9, so that you are actually working at 9.

    Finally, I would start looking for another job if I were you. Once you are off on the wrong foot with your manager and co-workers, it's almost impossible to get their good opinion back.

    There are just a few simple rules to surviving in a Thai work environment:

    1. Don't be sick or late for the first 2 or 3 months.

    2. Be cheerful, don't start the non-stop complaining that is so beloved of foreigners in Thailand until after you have established a good first impression.

    3. Dress conservatively, unless they want you to join in a skit or some other silly nonsense.

    That's pretty much it. Things like job performance and competence are pretty much secondary. Being successful in Thailand is mainly about appearance, not ability.

    Some great advice here. I once had a 'great' job for the training department of a 5-star hotel on the Chao Phraya. I lived in Bang Kapi. On a Friday it took me 4 hours to get home(pre BTS), At least one hour to get up Silom road. I had to leave my apartment at 4 am to get there on time and during the week got home at about 7pm. I only got 20,000 baht a month but at the time I thought it was good. Looking back, it did help me get better jobs. Now, I get to my work in 8-15 minutes, depending on traffic. Work for 3 hours then home in 10 minutes and get double the amount. And I still complain that I don't have enough time!

    My advice is to stick it out and keep looking for better jobs - they will come.

    Different people have different thoughts, but one thing I'll add is that a seat on the bts is golden. IF you have a seat vs no seat it is night and day. And, in my estimation, people are too caught up in all this bs about giving their seat up. That is their prerogative, but a seat (not given up) is just golden... it turns a 30 minute commute into minimal stress imo.

    golden is a 10 minute walk to work, or working from home

  8. IF this is true:

    - what you did after the fire ("Furious at him, I chased him down and demanded to speak with the owner") made him loose face, so now he wants to get rid of you...

    - what you did during the fire was just absolutely stupid being a mother with a disabled child, running back into a burning building to rescue a cat (in the 7th floor that is...) => don't blame anybody for your body harm.

    disabled child?

    did we read the same op?

  9. i suspect all those who claim they would never need, have, or use a car in Bangkok have either never driven, never driven in Bangkok or simply cant afford a car.

    dont knock it til you have tried it.

  10. Insomnia Bangkok was sold last year to the same people who own Q Bar, Coyote Mexican restaurants, The Australian Bar and Bash. It was renamed "Insanity" and, from what I've heard, it's gone completely downhill.

    I think they've got a Facebook page and if there are any offers, they should be listed there.

    really, now that i did not know, but have not ventured that way in a few months. when did Eclipse buy them?

    i think you can add Soi 8 pub to the list as wel as AVA

  11. The continental does decent breakfasts. They are located all over this town from the darkside to jomtien to central pattaya. The best part is probably their fresh made breads.

    Perhaps. But have you seen their bagels? They are like Salvador Dali's idea of what a bagel should look like. Don't ask about the taste. bah.gif

    I will be honest and say I have never seen any bagels in this country. I would certainly be skeptical if one was made fresh here.

    and so you miss out. there are any number of good bagels available in bangkok.

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