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Posts posted by candypants

  1. Don't worry im sure a few will fall for this parody on an other thread, but if you are for real your a clear example what to many blows to the head can do to a man.

    You got it on the first try Rob, yer a smart feller!

    Robblok is astute. I suspected the same when I read it. It was just a little too over the top to be real.

    Astute? since when does having a firm grasp of the obvious qualify as astute?

  2. but i think this engine will rev to 9500 rpm unlike 500 cc engine which revs to 9000 rpm.

    vfr 4005 redlinee 14500 stock, 15500 with hrc mods.

    cbr 400rr redline same.

    none of these new hondas appeal to me,

    shame the new bikes are so watered down.

    but yes, hard to find a good one

  3. I struggle to think of something they will NOT eat. Tripe, maybe, but then who the hell eats offal in 2013 ?

    I was a regular at a bar on Soi 7 in Patts a while back, and one night I rocked up with some Indian takeaway. As usual, my eyes were bigger than my belly and I asked a couple of the girls if they'd like to try some. After tentatively dabbing a piece of garlic naan into my chicken marsala (no, that's not a metaphor ..), one of them seemed to have a religious epiphany and the lot disappeared very quickly. Let's face it - any society which embraces McDonalds as quickly as Thailand has simply isn't a nation of discerning palates, no matter how good their own food may be.


    Ive gotta say your first line doesnt work for me. They dont "love" lots of falang food and my wife eats offal if I let her. Things like pig blood in soup and liver, kidney, heart etc. Personally, I hate that stuff.

    lucky woman.

    i generally watch what my child eats, but, oddly, leave adults to make their own choices.

  4. im going to go out on a huge limb here.

    if i were left up to me, the best thing in my life would have ceased to exist.

    she is six now.

    let the woman decide, its her body, its her call.

    we could never have have predicted the kid would live mostly with me.

    Adults sharing custody, who would have thought it possible.

    not thai, not farang. PARENTS.

    I still believe EVERY woman should have a choice.

    should the male carry the child for 9 months i will defer to him.

    some people should have children, some, should not


    • Like 1
  5. So my 6 year old just got back from visiting her grand parents in Surin and gave me crabs.

    \to be specific, sh has has come back with 11 crabs in a box of dirt.

    Now, i would have insisted that she leave them there and learn a general respect for life, but the damage is done.

    So now that i have crabs, what do i feed them?

    I tried a quick google, but haven't even seen the bastards yet so i cant really do specific research on setting up an environment for them or what to feed them.

    Any ideas, please help

    • Like 1
  6. In recent years stabbings have become almost daily occurrencies in the UK so why are people shocked when it happens in Thailand?

    perhaps because a human being is dead or injured.

    women get beaten every day all over the world too. That does not mean i have to be ok with it.

    I am glad it does not bother you though.

    • Like 2
  7. safe, professional abortion in a real hospital with real support facilities has always been available in Thailand, you just have to have the money to pay for it. Usually about 20k to have the procedure performed by a real obstetrician.

    In fact, some of the best ob gyn's in the country fund their charity work with the proceeds derived from these procedures for the well-off.

    I suspect this will just be another alternative for the privileged -- a pill that seems a little less naughty than surgical intervention.

    i highly doubt the welfare of women is being seriously considered here. Many of the doctors care, but the politicians are, well, politicians.

    Could we use this same logic towards other rights that women feel they have, and all the excuses which go along with; such as the right to be beautiful according to their interpretation; or to be obese or bulimic or anorexic according to their mental state?

    Using the implications above, they do not seem so naïve to suggest when one considers that society already seems to cater to women in just about as many ways as one can imagine, and yet they still persist in their belief that their welfare is at stake. It almost tantalizingly suggests that there is no end in sight for all their demands; a sort of "honey-do" list capitulated onto the shoulders of society, or, "A little to the right... No, a little to the left." attitude problem.

    Compare the disproportion in services and products offered between men and woman in scientific research, charities, public drives, ratified laws, polls, hubs, billboard signs, discounts, coupons, fashion, accessories, TV shows & commercials, retail stores and ad nauseum. And to think that you are concerned that a woman’s welfare is not taken seriously? Consider that most fashion issues revolve around women, and the most successful fashion designers and outlets are purely successful because they can "predict" what a woman will think. Do we have this for men? Is there any market for predicting what men will like, or who gives a dam_n about men's double cotton lined boxer shorts so their testicles don't chafe when they grab a handful for a good scratch?

    Perhaps on the issue of abortion, the reason women feel their welfare is at stake is because society is not that stupid, and society is resisting in what it perhaps feels is its last line of defense against insane demands for irresponsibility without being held accountable; demands from women that are stretching the truth a bit too far now.

    Perhaps it isn't that a woman's welfare is not being considered here. Perhaps instead it is that women have forgotten that in order to receive welfare, one must must be willing to pay back some form of renumeration,as well as one must remain in a static mental condition so that that welfare prescribed remains effective for the conditions it was demanded to meet. Using welfare to abuse one's irresponsible behavior simply damages the credibility for those who really need it. Are you telling me that all women are above abusing their bodily rights and the expected welfare that comes with the conditions when they abuse their bodies?

    Additionally, a woman's welfare should not be at the cost of a man being reduced in status and role in a relationship to that of a fetus; to be aborted at her whim, or to be kept and raised according to her standards and wishes; and the fetus / baby is collateral damage in either case, as her right to dictate exists in her mind... in the form of an unsubstantiated thought.

    I disagree with your premise. I truly believe that the welfare of women is being seriously considered here. It's all around them, but they are simply overlooking this. I also believe that this could possibly be due to being allowed the right to be irresponsible and not being held unaccountable. I think many women have been spoiled by society catering to their whims (as suggested prior) and it has gone to their head in matters where the well being of two other humna lives are concerned; the unborn and the living.

    In summary, I will emphatically agree that a woman should receive the best health care if she is pregnant. After all, she is bearing a future generation within her womb,and it is imperative that society is given a healthy baby with all the mental and physical faculties of well-being to be happy and productive in the future.

    In the matter of healthcare for a woman who wishes to have an abortion: If not in the instance of a rape, then I hold the view that the woman should be held accountable with a government loan to receive that healthcare, and that the woman should pay that money back to the government or face jail time. This is along the same reasoning that the man should pay for the child. Well then, the woman should pay back the government or the hospital or go to pauper's prison until she works it off.

    If the man is expected to pay the fine for her right to have the baby, or face being a dead beat dad, then the woman should be expected to pay back the government on a low or zero percentage rate loan for her safe and sanitary abortion, or face being a dead beat abortionist? They both go to jail and can spite each other on the prison Internet chat rooms.

    All rights come at a cost, yes? This includes receiving welfare. Welfare is not charity, and I believe that women have this issue confused. Otherwise, I would like to know what women have to say about what they think their price or cost is for the "rights" and "welfare" they expect. Or, is their end goal simply to not be held accountable or responsible for anything, and it’s all free for a woman specifically?

    you lost me at pauper's prison, i seriously cant be bothered, your resentment of women is palpable and I will avoid you on the internet, just as i would avoid you in life.

    • Like 1
  8. The Homepro card is worth having as you actually receive proper cash discounts on purchases when you have built up enough points, but you do need to spend quite a lot to get a worthwhile points total.

    No idea what we get for the other cards, though TOPS does have a lot of discounts for cardholders only.

    homepro card save me thousands when i furnished an entire house (appliances etc)

  9. I just walked by BigWing at central world and there are lines of people libeling up to pre order

    OFF TOPIC: Please tell me what school you teach at, so I know where not to send my children.

    pity the nasty luddite who doesn't recognize an auto correct error when he sees one

  10. Finally bought the tank pad. Not many choices though that i like.

    It is an 'immortal graphix' imported from usa silver carbon - real - fire burnt orange pad - but nearly red like the same color of my bike - from panda rider. Only for 890 thb! Liked it a lot. Their new shop is cool as well.

    Besides, got a shift sock too so no more shift marks on my shoes:lol:

    the tank pad is off center

  11. .The mere fact that this post has produced 125 posts - mostly, well ALL, of dribble- shows that most people have nowt else to do.

    I've got 6 days off coming up and let's see if I can match the dribble level reached here. I try my best but I doubt it.

    it drivel, not dribble. Dribble is what water does out of a leaky tap, a player does with a basketball, or juice does down a baby's chin

    i only point it out because i noticed you seem to use the term often and i have no desire to see you continue to look foolish.

  12. @Curt1591 - You might want to take a peek at this pinned topic - Posting images. It will explain how to keep the "Attached Thumbnails" message from displaying in your posted image replies.

    I will try better in future posts. But, just out of curiosity, since the image is still a "thumbnail", is it just that reading "Attached Thumbnails" is annoying?


    that looks bloody good, what is it?

  13. I've had Villa and Central cards for years and never got s**t out of them. You have to spend at least 500 baht at Villa for it to kick in

    and, living alone, I rarely do that. I once got a 40 baht (!!!!) redemption voucher from my Central card. Whoopeee!!

    Actually, the Swenson's card is probably the best one I have. 10% off every time I go there and coupons for deals on quarts of ice cream

    every month. More than pays for itself over the course of a year. And I never receive any junk mail or emails from these cards.

    i am unsure as to how exactly you can spend less than 500 thb at villa. I certainly cant.

    I have an asia books card, it was free and saved me 350 baht the first time i used it. (10%)

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