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Posts posted by candypants

  1. good lord, the op is the guy that feels the need to exude wit and charm while I'm trying to buy beer at 7.

    And I would avoid "Self-deficating [sic]" as it means crapping yourself. It correctly spelled defecating. I think self-deprecating is the term you are looking for.

    Contrary popular belief Thais are not children, if you are not amusing at home, I doubt you will be here.

    Spare us all the embarrassment.


    • Like 2
  2. Tourist and foreigner need to be extra careful in such places, best is to go with some local friends in case of any problem at least no language issue......otherwise, you will just need to take risk while enjoying in other country, remember this is not your own country and sure don't expect people understand what you say and do what you expect them to do as in your own country.

    Just my 2 cents. wai.gif

    And where do you think most make local friends?

  3. It's an interesting union. Sony knows how to innovate on cameras and make the best sensors; Olympus know the art of producing great cameras and lenses. A Sony sensor in an Olympus camera has produced the DPreview camera of the year (http://www.dpreview....of-2012-results) and the lenses rolled out by Olympus over the past year have been spectacular. It can't be long before their lens know-how translates into a better selection of lenses for the NEX series which is currently rather lacking.

    The RX1 is a crazy price; but it's full frame and mirrorless and it's tiny and it's possibly the start of the future; and it's telling that it took Sony to make it rather than the old school of Canikon.

    the full review of the O MD suggests it is the same sensor as a panasonic camera, where does it talk about a sony sensor?

  4. He could also be having a bad day.

    You could have offered to buy him a beer and see what his troubles were.

    Maybe he just gave up smoking ?

    whatever the reason, why would i care enough to find out? especially at he cost of a beer and, worse yet, my time

    So selfish

    it serves me

  5. He could also be having a bad day.

    You could have offered to buy him a beer and see what his troubles were.

    Maybe he just gave up smoking ?

    whatever the reason, why would i care enough to find out? especially at he cost of a beer and, worse yet, my time

  6. A gun on the floor is unlikely a gun that goes of by itself "twice".

    Once on the drop ,maybe yes.

    The slide on the automatic reload would most likely jam on the next round from the magazine,

    as the reload is too soft without a firm grip on the handle.

    He can try and smile his way out of this one all he likes,

    but the police will not believe this chap one bit,

    Because they all own many guns.

    Ah, more cold hard facts against the Thai.

    I hope he fries given this irrefutable and overwhelming evidence

    • Like 1
  7. quote - "Both men tried to grab the gun, and during their struggle the gun automatically shot by itself twice. Mr. Thomas was shot in the neck, and was severely injured and bleeding heavily" Am always amazed at guns which go off "automatically" when handled by a Thai or mysterious moto-drivers which cause Thai people to have violent road accidents. This is a land of mystery & ghosts if one were to believe stories associated with the high crime & accident rates in Thailand. Truly amazing.....and very anal, to boot !!

    lets hope Norway guy wake up, and correct the story,, will probaly be, that is the Thai guys gun ,and he tryed kill him. that will be the outcome.. a Norwegian would never bring a gun to pick up his child . The story in Thai avisa smell big time.. but in end will boil away in the Thai guys favour..

    oh, if thats the case, then it must have been the Thai's fault.

  8. I wonder where this guy is living that he lists ice, free ketchup packets, and popcorn? What countries charge for ketchup at fast food? And isn't popcorn and ice everywhere?

    For the rest

    Couldn't care less about breakfast cereal. It seems to have decent availability in Thailand though.

    Chilli fries are amazing and it's a shame they can't be bought from street stalls. You can buy chilli at Foodland/Villa though, so easy to add to some McDonalds fries for a quick fix.

    Root beer is sold in 7-11. They even have a decent number of A&W restaurants here where you can get root beer floats.

    You can decent hamburgers, from greasepit style to gourmet, in Bangkok and tourist areas. It is grim most other places though.

    Bagels. Yeah, these are missed.

    There are decent pizza options in Bangkok and some other big cities and tourist areas. Pizza Company can suffice everywhere else.

    Mexican of course is the big one that all Americans I meet here seem to miss. Options have improved a lot in Bangkok, but they are still few in number and way overpriced.

    Was charged for ketchup in Ireland after buying chips

    i think it is an excellent policy, very time i order pizza or fast food i throw away about 5-10 packs of the stuff, even if i specify that i don't want it.

    Staff might be less inclined to throw it in a bag by the hand full and customers would need to proactively request it.

    in restaurant it should be free, but out of a pump.

    the amount of plastic waste saved on the packaging, let alone discarded product saved, would be significant

  9. It's like a sort of sexy walk,almost catwalk like.

    As most are using flip-flops or the like, what's sexy about the walk, especially when they attempt to walk quickly with them (like passing a busy street)? It looks more like they are trying to get rid off something stuck on the soles.

    spoken like someone who just cant accept that not all of us live in the sticks

  10. w00t.gif I have run of the "Like" button for today~~!!!

    Candypants.... where is Ao Hin Ngam on Koh Phangan? ... not heard of that before, great shot though! Your shot of the sunset at Mae Haad was fantastic.... I know that area well, but never seen a sunset like that! thumbsup.gif

    Ao Hin Ngam is a small rock beach between Mae Haad and Chaloklum.

    There is a small sala and viewpoint and a very long set of stairs down to the beach.

    It is often very dirty with fishing boat garbage because the boats like to sit in that cove.

    The panoramas i have posted from my house down there look directly at Hin Ngam and then Chaloklum Bay beyond.

    here are the stairs to the beach up the cliff


    here is the view back up to my house from the beach (these were both taken by my neighbor)


  11. Sometimes I hope the newspapers would have decency not to publish the names and humiliating situation images of the people who have mental problems.

    This person tried to kill himself. This publicity does not do good for getting better and with bad luck it will follow him back to home.

    Ugly reporting from all three Phuket English speaking newspapers.

    you must admit that a naked car thief would likely get reported anywhere.

    and they did withhold his name

  12. Well what to say, on a scale of 1 to 10 i would give it a 2.

    Making a video to teach would require that you understand the subject. Otherwise it is a "look how i am practicing" video.

    Anyone who is following your instruction is now handicapped for the future because the first steps were learned wrong.

    Sketchup is very forgiving when making very simple 3d, it is why it got that name.

    However it will be terribly difficult when you want to make small changes later when you not follow a few rules.

    One of those rules is that you need to make components, or groups.

    Drawing precise is very easy when you draw a few ruler lines.

    A good candidate for components are pillars. You just make one of them and then copy them and place them.

    Same with the outer walls and inner walls. You create a free standing wall for each type you need of the exact height and thickness you need and then make it into a component.

    You then place copies of that in the right place and scale them on only one axis to the right length. If needed you can rotate it 90 degrees.

    If you need to modify a specific wall with unique features first right click it and make it unique.

    Doors, windows are also perfect to use as a component.

    Practice until you get comfortable with it.

    Then make this video series again and it will be something that really teaches.

    From a scale of 1 to 10 I give your response a ZERO !!

    I suggest you practice you response skills and when you are proficient enough come back and post again.

    In Post #3 I said and I quote" I welcome any inputsmile.png Please keep in mind that this is my first time posting instructional videos in YouTube , so I am still working out the bugs, and that I am not an expert in sketch up by any stretch of the imagination. so if I can do it, any one can do it."

    I am sorry if I disappointed you I am sure my video is not on Par with yours, I am sorry I missed them , I will try searching for them later, can you please provide me with a link to them?

    In the mean time I will share what I know .

    Please keep in mind that not many of as are as intelligent as you , also please note that in video#2 8:32 in to the video when I was pulling the columns and walls up. I say that I do not have to pull them up individually, and that I could make them in to components, but I don't want to confuse people at this point by explaining components.

    By raising This model from the floor plan I was hopping to explain some of the basic commands not by teaching but by doing.and as we got comfortable with the basics bring up components , groupings, and sections later.

    But since you seem to be an expert in the subject and seem to be volunteering, I will leave the component section to you.

    I look forward to your video explaining Components and I thank you in advance.

    while his tone was nasty he was right, it is very easy to create a quick and dirty model in sketchup, unless you use components, groups and layers, you will end up wasting time when you need to make changes.

  13. [

    Anything which keeps the tourists away is good in my book.

    Sorry, but that is a pretty parochial view.

    No tourists means

    No hospitals except Nathon and it was pretty basic only having to serve 20xxx locals

    No 7/11's or Familymarts

    No Makro, Big C, Tesco, Calibri, Choice Foods, All Star etc etc

    Mama Pap shops selling ,ilk/bread etc well past its sell by date

    No Airport

    Worse infrastructure (no tarmac roads, bigger and better pot holes, shixxy drains and more floods EVERY time it rains)

    Cruppy internet and telephone system (six months for a telephone line if you are lucky)

    Only two ATM machines on the island

    No taxis - just unlicenced and uninsured private cars who charged todays prices 12 years ago or songthows (in some areas)

    Car hire - Suzuki jeeps or the occasional truck (no cars or automatic scooters)

    No fresh bread - unless you stayed in a big hotel, and there were not many

    All commerce and bill paying had to happen in Nathon

    More frequent power cuts and water shortages

    But hey - the beaches were empty (and dirty - no one cleaned them)

    and you did not have to queue in a restaurant.

    I remember 3 ATMs

    Mean the 'stoked' expansion of tourism.

    Up until 1999 there was just the one International ATM on all of Samui - in Nathon. (There was another one in Chaweng but only taking internal Thai ATM cards . . . and there may have been others, but only the one in Nathon would take international credit/debit cards: people used to make weekly trips over from KPG just to use it.)



    and in monsoon season get stuck there with only the clothes on your back.

    the only reason i visited samui in those days was to get cash

  14. No they are harmless.

    both those tiny ones and the big onse can sting, i have been stung many times by the big ones on while wakeboarding koh phangan (dont crash!!), the stings are not severe, but they are uncomfortable for a while.

    i believe those tiny ones cause minute stings and irritation. to me they feel like a tiny pich and the sting does not linger, but they irritated my small daughter though not badly.

  15. THanks for this response, but I think relocation is just subjecting other cats to death, and he will probably just comeback. These attacks are all at late night, they are for sport only as the animals are not eaten, noone responds to pleas to adopt him, and the dog needs to be put down, so just looking for humane suggestions.

    "The neighbor plans to get poison, but what's a better relatively humane way ?" I wanted to say "wait, there is a local solution to expect soon."

    Another solution would be, to migrate the dog to another location.

    Or get him one of this fanncy 'taser' dog collars.

    You push the remote, as soon he attacks something!

    And what about cats killing birds for sports ? Is that any different ? Should they be put down too ?

    if the birds are pets, sure.

    or if they are chickens.

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