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  1. Vietnam is the biggest producer in the world for Robusta coffee, some call Robusta coffee for the masses. I much prefer Arabic, coffee, as has been said Samatar coffee is good, I have a nice Columban one, again I use beans and grind it when needed. Boncafe's Arabica Extra dark, bean from Lazada is not bad.
  2. Thanks for that, Mineral oil, would make sense, used for cooling, but that does seem a lot of oil, but what I have seen of the fire, it was one big substation.
  3. Like the Saudi royal jewel disaster, they even made a soap opera of it, will this be coming to a TV near you soon??
  4. Had to read it twice,25000liters of cooking oil went up in smoke at the sub station even once the power is back on, there are countless systems which need to be rebooted and checked to ensure they are working properly and are stable. Jonathan Smith, LFB's deputy commissioner, said the fire at the electrical substation involved a transformer containing 25,000 liters of cooling oil. The fire was "very visible and significant," he said. The above from the BBC Websight, did anyone else know that transformers contain cooking ??, an accident waiting to happen, past tense, an accident that has happened.
  5. For healthy cooking oils Rice Bran oil is good.
  6. I do not work out, my joints/back would not have it. But, I do love my push bike, I do 60-70 km/week, not in one hit, an hour of an evening, living in a rural area very little traffic, often more dogs than vehicles.
  7. I would not a famous Youtuber if one was served up with my lunch time plate of fried rice, not interested. If they make a pile of money doing it ,thats all right as long as they pay tax on the income.
  8. And what about the 300 plus people that die on the Thai roads during the Songkran festival, plus the thousands that are injured, and need hospital care, the cost of that lot would make a big hole income from tourist.
  9. Cashew nuts it takes 3 years from planting to the first crop, but up to 8 years before they become an economical crop, then you have to find your market, it would have to be middleman, buying the whole crop, then you are at his mercy for prices, sell them from a back of a pickup somewhere would not work. Most fruit trees take a few years to produce a crop, limes can be just a few years, but very often most farms/gardens have some lime trees for the they own use, we are hardly ever short of limes, look at growing them in concrete rings, that works, but again, is they a market where you can make some money. Ok, my main field, go for cattle again, the market is low at the moment, cattle would be cheap, buy some Thai Native X cattle, put an Angus or Beefmaster bull on them, sell the progeny, use you land to grow some grass, not Nappier
  10. 50km ,will that be first or second time round? on the speedo, the symptoms will be noise, nonmale not a problem, the drive belt may need replacing if it is first time round? 13 years old could be a slightly perished , give it oil and filter change, have a look at the air cleaner.
  11. I said bushes, not brushes, on each end of the motor shaft, are bushes, and as our resident sparky also said, those bushes dry out, Thais call them boots. And yes, I did know you cannot oil brushes.
  12. We have a problem with fans not spinning, most times it is the bushes on the motor running dry, I take the front and back covers off exposing the motor I just put a drop or two of 2-sroke oil into the bushes, and most times it works, did one a few months ago, still working well.
  13. That has been the vein of my life ever since the Morch bus terminal opened 25years ago now? getting they, coming up from the city by BTS, having to get off at Morchit , then a bus to the main terminal, with the BTS line just up the road why not put a station in for the bus terminal, ......answers on a post card to.....
  14. Yep, you are right, also you cannot just grow bananas in a rice field, they will just die, rice fields are designed to keep water in any waterlogging ,and the crop will die so the rice fields will have to be drained, not a cheap job, by far way beyond most rice farmers. As for exporting them to Japan, a joke does anyone know what bananas the Japanese like, it will not be the ones you buy from a roadside stall, they will want a specific variety, with no blemishes, the Japanese consumer is very fussy, something Thailand I would say cannot supply. This idea comes from the government, and what does a commerce's minister know about growing bananas, about as much as I know about brain surgery. Another idea that will never grow ..........like bananas for Japan.
  15. They will get they in the end, more than can be said for the UK's HS2 ,2019 costs 20.5 billion GBP, recent estimates Jan 2025, 49 billon GBP, and it will be at least 6 years over the original completion date, the section near me, Mortlec Saraburi is about done. Now, how cold not organize at rice pudding at Ambrosia.
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