Cashew nuts it takes 3 years from planting to the first crop, but up to 8 years before they become an economical crop, then you have to find your market, it would have to be middleman, buying the whole crop, then you are at his mercy for prices, sell them from a back of a pickup somewhere would not work.
Most fruit trees take a few years to produce a crop, limes can be just a few years, but very often most farms/gardens have some lime trees for the they own use, we are hardly ever short of limes, look at growing them in concrete rings, that works, but again, is they a market where you can make some money.
Ok, my main field, go for cattle again, the market is low at the moment, cattle would be cheap, buy some Thai Native X cattle, put an Angus or Beefmaster bull on them, sell the progeny, use you land to grow some grass, not Nappier