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Posts posted by joepublic



    There IS no credible mediator. Neither side trusts the USA with President Obama in power.


    Is there not a thread anywhere, where you don't denounce Obama & blame him for something?


    Why don't you address what I actually said? Is there something there that is not true?  He is the president right now. Do you really think that either side trusts him?  Are you folks going to blame this one on Bush too?    



    Because of some feeble criticism of Neta-Nut-Job by Obama, the Zionists have made Obama a target. Don't ask Ulysses why - he does not know either - its just part of the Zionist playbook he has been given.


    The truth is that Obama has been as compliant as any other US President when it comes to blindly supporting Isreal. Heck, he just gave the IDF new supplies of weapons to continue the blood sport of killing women and children, and bombing schools and hospitals. Instead of being grateful, the Zionist keep complaining. 

  2. There IS no credible mediator. Neither side trusts the USA with President Obama in power.


    Nothing to do with Obama - the USA has never been credible, regardless of who is placed in the Whitehouse - AIPAC sees to that.  Its not that Americans are bad, its just that when it comes to Israel, you are not dealing with Americans, you are dealing with  Zionists who hold American nationality - a fifth column if you will.


    Before accepting  the words of any US politician, policy maker or opinion former, you should check their heritage, their CV, their funding and donations,  and their connections with AIPAC. The truth becomes self evident



    Their loyalty is to Israel, not to America.

    • Like 2


    One day Americans will figure it all out.


    They already have and they reject all your dishonest talking points and spin. rolleyes.gif



    A potential future president speaks:


    clap2.gif http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1U3UpXwUV4clap2.gif



    Yes, we can see that he has bowed down and kissed the AIPAC pinky ring - this organisation, a defacto agent for a foreign power, can break any politicians chances for election. There is next to no chance of changing American policy unless this vipers nest is smoked out.



    What does Israel expect ?  They invaded the country, and enslaved the resident population..


    ^^ enslaved ?  Are you high? 

    God help. oh, but "God helps those who help themselves." So, we need to do somwething about the "sicular", the brainwashed, they are even more of a problem than the religious cult followers.  Amazing, the link between Mohameddans and Left-liberals. Would be amusing if it weren't that innocent people are killed as a result of that foolishness.



    As I said in a previous post, closing borders and stopping trade and resupply can be construed as economic slavery.


    Am I high ?  No, I do not like Bullies, and Israel is for sure a Bully.


    I think they are closer to Sadists than Bullies - there comes a point where the ROI on the turkey shoot that is Gaza is pointless - unless that ROI includes blood lust

  5. Anyone who talks about "ethnic cleansing" in relation to the Palestinians is either stupid or a liar. They would be long gone, if Israel wanted it so. Brian Eno turned out some decent music long ago, but he seems to be very ignorant when it comes to the conflict in Gaza. 



    Following this twisted and inhumane logic, there was no ethnic cleansing of the Jews, and no Holocaust, because the world still has a viable number of Jews.  



    Its part of the standard Misinformation Package that Zionist Apologists are trained to regurgitate. 

    • Like 2


    WRONG. It shows perfectly that for Arab to kill Arab, the world doesn't blink. But when Israel kill a few Palestinians the world goes crazy. 




    This as disgusting as saying, "when a jew kills a jew, the world does not blink, but when the Nazis killed a few  askenszi jews, the world went crazy".  What a stupid comment

    • Like 1


    There are plenty more accounts of journalists being threatened by Hamas, they have also been caught storing weapons in a third UN school and a Palestinian missile fell short onto a hospital killing ten, but you will not hear of this in the MSN except perhaps as an afterthought at the bottom of a news report.


    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand



    The IDF has a policy of intimidation and murdering journalists - everyone knows this.  





    Here we go again.  Putin just violated the nuclear missile test treaty, US and EU put on sanctions, what's next?  WWIII?


    From current information, the US is claiming this violation happened in 2008. As yet, I've not seen them produce any evidence, but I've not yet seen the Russians deny it either.


    But why bring this up now - that's the real question.


    My current information suggests that he reason this is being brought up now, is that the USA wants an excuse to deploy its own weapons near the Russian border, to put pressure on the Russians. This is part of the USA strategy for Ukraine that was started, in traditional US style, by the engineering of the coup.


    Business as usual



    I brought us the test because it was reported in the UK Daily Mail yesterday and I saw no reference to a date of 2008.



    Sorry, I meant why did the USA bring this up.


    Regarding the alleged violation, the current lack of details (I cant find much also )seems to support the notion that the motives of the USA are not entirely benign.

  9. Here we go again.  Putin just violated the nuclear missile test treaty, US and EU put on sanctions, what's next?  WWIII?


    From current information, the US is claiming this violation happened in 2008. As yet, I've not seen them produce any evidence, but I've not yet seen the Russians deny it either.


    But why bring this up now - that's the real question.


    My current information suggests that he reason this is being brought up now, is that the USA wants an excuse to deploy its own weapons near the Russian border, to put pressure on the Russians. This is part of the USA strategy for Ukraine that was started, in traditional US style, by the engineering of the coup.


    Business as usual

    • Like 2


    Whist i feel sorrow for the ordinary Palestinian people's in this war, they need to come to the realisation that having Hamas as leaders or even sharing leadership will never bring about a peaceful solution to the problems. You cannot bring a terrorist organisation who openly admit their aim is the destruction of the Jewish State to the bargaining table.


    So who else will resist the Zionist occupation and blockade, or get them their land back. You cannot bring a terrorist government who openly refuse to hand back stolen land to the bargaining table.


    People, ask yourselves - what choices do the Palestinians have to get their land back? 


    Unless there is an answer to that question, and progress with a solution, Hamas will continue to flourish - after all, no one wants to live with the Zionists jackboots pinning their faces to the ground.


    While there is occupation, and no just solution to the "right of return", all resistance is not only valid, but needs to supported by the international community




    People, ask yourselves - what choices do the Palestinians have to get their land back?


    I'll make it easy for you! It's a very simple choice, all they have to do is accept the state of Israel's right to exist, lay down their arms and make peace. Then they the Palestinians would have their land and economic prosperity. 




    This is an oxymoron




    We can do this all day. There are lots of opinions, but it really does not matter, because no one can do anything to stop Israel from blocking weapons to Hamas.



    Exactly - when it comes down to it, the Zionists will do whatever they want, because they have might and power. Ipso facto, the Palestinians need to develop or acquire effective weapons to be able to get justice.



    So you want a blood bath!



    Respectfully, We have a blood bath already - I want the Palestinians to have a deterrence against the IDF. Or should the bath only be full of Palestinian blood?


    Do you understand yet ?

    Nope. You are trying to justify the atrocities of Hamas - a terrorist group that purposely targets civilians. Sounds like spin.



    Hamas is a democratically elected organization that is resisting occupation and collective punishment , and is trying to end the blockade - sorry Ulysses, your propaganda will be countered and corrected every time you mislead.


    Other propaganda terms are "anti semite, human shields, terrorist, international community".

    I invite readers to add to this list of Zionist double speak, and call it out ass soon as these tactics are employed

    This way, the focus can be kept on the issue, not the labels

    • Like 1
  13. Tuesday’s incident was the third instance in which Palestinian armaments were found in UN facilities in the Gaza Strip. On July 22, the UN agency found rockets stockpiled in another school which “is situated between two other UNRWA schools that currently each accommodate 1,500 internally displaced persons.”

    A week before that, UNRWA found some 20 rockets in a school under its auspices, also during a standard inspection. A spokesperson for UNRWA said the organization gave the rockets to “local authorities,” which answer to the Hamas-backed unity government led by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas

    Read more: Rockets found in UNRWA school, for third time | The Times of Israel http://www.timesofisrael.com/rockets-found-in-unrwa-school-for-third-time/#ixzz38vQxHbnM
    Follow us: @timesofisrael on Twitter | timesofisrael on Facebook



    Hahahha......So we are to believe the IDF and Time of Israels - hardly impartial sources. 


    To the general reader, the majority of the Israeli and Western press have given up completely on impartiality and humanity and simply re iterate the "blame the victim" propaganda.   Even the most horrific acts of barbarism goes unquestioned at best, and applauded at worst. Haaretz is a lone exception. Question everything you read and hear and look at a number of news sources before coming to your own conclusions.


    But  I warn you, when you see what the IDF are doing,  tears will stream from your eyes...

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  14. "The Americas will broker a peace deal" - Don't know if to laugh or cry.


    The Americans are dishonest brokers - they, or should we say their AIPAC puppet masters make sure that the Americans will do nothing except push the Zionist line, when they are instructed to do so.


    America became irrelevant to the Palestinian perspective long ago, due to the systematic installation of Zionist 5th Columnists, in all American power structures. From the State department, to the Pentagon, from the World Bank to the New York Times, America is another Zionist Occupied territory.


    Don't believe me? Simpy look at how Bloomberg, one of the most powerful men in USA, was bitch slapped by the Zionist lobby to fly to Occupied Palestine, in defiance of a aviation warning. 



    We have seen this play out time and time again, when  the ROI on the Zionists extermination reaches the point that there are so few targets left, they roll the Americans in to 'broker' a peace deal.


    And what is the meat of the 'deal' from the Palestinian perspective? Return to the daily humiliation and collective punishment being handed out by the Zionists, and we will stop sending cluster bombs and F16s at your children.


    The entire world sees this sham for what it is, and the protests around the world attest to this. There is no justice possible for the Palestinians under the Americans - unless they care to provide the Palestinians the same 3 billion USD in aid and weapons. 


    The Palestinians will never get justice on the basis of sympathy or international law, they need might - but that's a separate topic





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  15. We can do this all day. There are lots of opinions, but it really does not matter, because no one can do anything to stop Israel from blocking weapons to Hamas.

    Exactly - when it comes down to it, the Zionists will do whatever they want, because they have might and power. Ipso facto, the Palestinians need to develop or acquire effective weapons to be able to get justice.

  16. A ceasefire, so that Hamas - the terrorist group - can rearm and they are tying it to the preventive military blockade that prevents them from doing so easily. Yeah, that's going to fly. xwacko.png.pagespeed.ic.jGW10VtQsI.png

    You are wrong.

    They are saying there will be no ceasefire until the Zionists lift their illegal blockade of Gaza.

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