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Everything posted by koele2

  1. This is what happens when you give major contracts to friends or siblings who have no idea how to do anything except kiss up. Extrapolate that onto the whole country and you have thailand. The amount of incompetence up top is mind blowing.
  2. The Pai locals barely get any real benefit. All the good land and big businesses were bought up by bangkok people years ago when Pai was recognized as the next big thing. It’s the same all over the country’s tourist hotspots. Locals own barely any of it, all the money made goes straight to bangkok, and the place is ruined because it costs too much to fix.
  3. The Pai locals barely get any real benefit. All the good land and big businesses were bought up by bangkok people years ago when Pai was recognized as the next big thing. It’s the same all over the country’s tourist hotspots. Locals own barely any of it, all the money made goes straight to bangkok, and the place is ruined because it costs too much to fix.
  4. The Pai locals barely get any real benefit. All the good land and big businesses were bought up by bangkok people years ago when Pai was recognized as the next big thing. It’s the same all over the country’s tourist hotspots. Locals own barely any of it, all the money made goes straight to bangkok, and the place is ruined because it costs too much to fix.
  5. If Thais don’t like you, usually it’s something wrong with you.
  6. Thailand does not seem to understand conflict of interest.
  7. See Lots of the Chinese in cm are thick stocky males, some with tattoos, smoking wherever they want. Always in small groups looking tough. My bet is they are involved in all this kidnapping and call scam center stuff.
  8. Once all the rich oligarchs, generals, and police heads figure out the distribution of the money, it’s a go. Everyone’s hands need to be greased to their satisfaction so no trouble is caused in the future. They could give two effs about casinos affecting Thai society. It’s all about the money, always has been, always will be with these people. Same pretty much all over the world. Chinese money laundering? No problem, how much is my cut?
  9. Russians don’t know how to joke around.
  10. If you live in pattaya, you should expect this type of disturbance. With all the degenerate farangs that migrate there for illicit fun. Gotta take the good with the bad. This is Thailand. Pattaya is party central. If you don’t like, move somewhere else where large amounts of ladyboys don’t party into the wee hours of the night with horny farangs.
  11. Good thing I was running late, I had to go home because I forgot my illegal drugs. otherwise I would have been caught up in the gay police sweep and caught with my pants down.
  12. Looks like the elites are planning another kabuki theater for her return to Thailand. Just like her brother, all this song and dance but at the end of the day everyone knows she won’t spend one day in detention. Total waste of time and resources by thousands of people to act like justice is being done and the law is being followed. He relaxed in a hospital, she might get home confinement in her penthouse for a month. And the authorities will claim justice has been served.
  13. It’s not really an investigation. More like a training session on how to do it properly so you don’t make the police look bad.
  14. The spoiled drunk driver should spend at least a few years in jail, on top of paying the injured people. But we all know all the family has to do is pay off the cops and it will all go away for their spoiled little son. The cops will do everything they can to make sure nothing happens to the spoiled boy, because they love money. Some cops here are so rich, they can buy 50 luxury vehicles.
  15. Lots of the rich and elite Thais have an evil smile when you really look at them. The genuine Thai smiles are found in the regular Thai people. You don’t see a warm smile in many hi-so Thais.
  16. When a police chief has to pay 15 million baht to be promoted, you know the whole system is corrupt. The police and generals are some of the richest people and landowners in this country. And they really don’t do anything.
  17. The inspection officers are rubbing their hands together right now. They are in for a huge under the table pay day. Bus owners will fill their wallets with untold riches and all buses will be declared safe for driving when the news dies down. And everything will be back to normal, as how it should be. Until the next accident.
  18. They need to charge the owner of the bus company for taking shortcuts and putting a death trap on the road. It’s the rich owners who have connections in high places that have as much blame for those kids deaths. Maybe start getting some competent and moral owners instead of rich people whose best quality is kissing butt and fake smiling.
  19. What kind of human being runs away when 6 year olds are burning on a bus?
  20. No means no. Even if fat cows say it.
  21. With the internet today, you can watch all this happen in real time with commentary. They are all scheming and planning for years, and then when it happens, the public already knows the plan. The fun part is watching them know that we know and they have to still continue on with the show, pulling all these elaborate schemes, and just wasting everyone’s time. All so they and their friends can have more money.
  22. The Chinese Thais who own and run a big chunk of Thailand are now selling out the country that adopted them. Thais will soon be second class citizens to the Chinese. If you allow too many of them in, they will take over and the Thais will have nothing. They will betray anyone for money and power.
  23. You live here long enough, you know there is a big difference between what they say and what they do. And then you realize the only thing they care about is money. The fact that so many poor women here work in pattaya in that industry is of no concern to them until it affects the country’s “image”. You can’t just rebrand pattaya as family friendly after decades of smut.
  24. What kind of kabuki theater are the rich hi sos playing now?
  25. It’s always about money. Although killing 5 people over a $280,000 debt is crazy. There is more money involved or something else.
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