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Posts posted by koele2

  1. Please let the cigarette companies first decide where they are losing the most money before coming up with a final policy on e cigs.  We have to make sure the Thai cig makers get their money and of course the politicians they pay off.  Only then will a good e cig policy be made.  Maybe just figure out how to give them a cut, then the kids can smoke e cigs all they want.

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  2. Why should van driver be held responsible for her death?  She is a pedestrian, which means she had no car and therefore no money.  Not an important person if she is walking.  Only poor people walk, and poor people are worth less than rich people, who have money and status.  If you have a car and money, then you are more important than pedestrians.  

  3. The only logical step for the Thai govt to take is to legalize gambling.  This will keep the masses entertained and hopeful while the rich get richer.  The destruction of families and meager savings of regular people has never been something to stop the rich from accumulating more wealth.  That has never been a concern, so of course gambling will be legalized in Thailand.  The right people will get rich off of it.

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  4. Why should the authorities do anything about the pollution if they are receiving tons of money from the polluters?  The common peasants don’t pay them anything, but the rich families and companies give them so much to look the other way while they pollute.  This allows them to buy nice things like houses and watches.  Oh, and nice cars too.

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  5. 36 minutes ago, atpeace said:

    Good for you and I always the respect the guys that react so quickly in scary situations  Do you think this was a Thai thing or just a human being a fool. 


    For the life of me, I don't sense Thais are ethically any different than westerners. I've been here decades so it is not a newbie viewpoint  Obviously there is more corruption and  I don't know how that plays into ethics for the society as a whole.  Also, Thai hustlers in tourist town are a product of their environment and don't reflect the average Thai's ethics. 


    Done rambling and off to hug some random Thais...

    Might be a Thai thing, of course not all of them, but I would say maybe more than you would like.  It was like a disdain for my appearance.  Like that is more important than a kids life, because now I look ridiculous with all the wet clothes.  It was not a look of relief on his face.  It wasn’t his kid, it was someone else’s.  Made me realize what a certain segment of the population places their values.  Sad really.

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  6. How exactly will they stop this?  It’s in their blood.  It’s part of the culture.  It’s like trying to take rice out of their diet, no one will know how to live.  Every single higher up has done this or seen this happen, they know how it works, it’s a requirement to get the job in the first place.  Everyone has to get their hands dirty to gain trust and get promoted.  What normal countries require you to pay millions of baht to get the top police job in provinces?  This is next level corruption, where will they even start?

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