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Posts posted by koele2

  1. Here is a Rough guide for separated foreigners with thai spouse and family Trying to get back into thailand.  I came in from USA and am in quarantine right now.  It was a very difficult process with a lot of moving parts, it’s a work in progress for them, with things changing constantly.  I already had a spouse visa that had not expired, which made it slightly easier.


    - Apply online at thai consulate for the Certficate of Entry (COE).  You will need to submit several documents.


    $100,000 health insurance.  You need to obtain this before you apply, they are checking and won’t let you move forward without proof of insurance.


    Plane ticket reservation.  This one made no sense because whatever reservation you have will currently not get you into the country because all they have right now are government charters.  The only way to get on the list for a gov. charter is to show them your plane reservation that you will probably have to end up cancelling.  I had a return ticket for April, that was cancelled, and I changed it to Aug when I found out they were letting spouses back in.  Only then did they let me know I was on a list and to contact certain travel agents to get on a charter flight, which I had to pay for.  And now I am looking to get a refund on my original ticket.  Not sure if they are still requiring this, but I had to go through this.

    Confirmed hotel reservation.  You have to pay For the quarantine hotel before they issue the COE.  I was very weary putting up non refundable money before I got COVID results timing correct.


    Marriage certificate, spouse ID, some other easy stuff.


    - After they approve everything and you get your plane ticket, they issue the Certificate of Entry (COE).


    - Get a Fit to Fly document.  I went to a doctor on a list they provided in my state.  All he did was take blood pressure, read my pulse, ask me simple health questions, and then issue me a written document saying I am healthy, not sick, and patient is Fit to Fly.  Those exact words need to be written by the doctor.  Must be done within 72 hrs of flying.  

    - COVID 19 test.  This one is the trickiest.  I was lucky enough to find somewhere that got me results within 48 hrs.  Some states are backed up like crazy.  They are saying within 72 hrs of when the results are issued, not when test was taken, but you never know, they can change their mind.

    At least they stopped requiring these two items to be uploaded to the consulate before you got the COE.  Now just printed copies or originals are required before boarding the plane, along with the COE.  


    Final advice is if you don’t need to come, just wait.  It’s too hectic and very expensive.  There were way more immigration and healthcare workers at the airport screening us than people actually on the plane.  We were mixed in with Thais returning home.  




  2. If you suspect money laundering, my guess would be Top Charoen. Why are there so many eyeglass stores? I have never seen so many eyeglass stores in my life. And new ones keep opening up. It's almost like 7-11 but all they sell is eyewear, can someone explain that as a business model?

  3. They should offer chiang mai immigration free rent there and give them a huge space, then ther would be a never ending flow of potential customers during the day. The Farangs can catch a movie and eat out and have plenty of parking and not stress out so much like they do now at the current crappy immigration location, which has no parking.

    We will see how smart the owners are.

    That has been talked about in jest and seriously. I agree with you.

    It is not like they don't have the space. Eventually I would think immigration would come up with there own building and parking but that is a long way off. I am waiting for the Ex Pat interview to be presented. I was there but had a little bit of trouble understanding every thing said. Except that they prefer you mail in 90 day reports. Which I in all good intentions meant to do but forgot.

    I'm sure all the restaurants and the movie theater would love to see that. It's like a couple hundred farangs every day mon thru fri nonstop, and you know some will be spending money. There is a black hole near the banking area, perfect place to put the new offices, no one ever walks around there.
    • Like 1
  4. The fact that no one seems to know which side to give way to doesnt help. Give way to the left or right? Oh well, i will just start driving across the ontersection (btw you are supposed to give way to the LEFT here!)

    I wouldnt blame the pick up driver at all. The motorcyclist was in dream world ld, never touched his brakes.

    Thailand is based on the British Highway Code.

    You give way to traffic coming from the right.

    That would put the m/c in the wrong at an unmarked junction.

    Same thing happened at my house
  5. A while back I worked in the US and what I experienced in the cinemas/theaters there was in now way better than what's going on in Thai cinemas. One particular ethnic group seemed to relish in strolling around and making a commotion. No one ever reacted to this because of fear of the race card being played.

    Why on earth were the dark folk strolling about?! Did they have ants in their pants?

    If you've never been to a movie theater in inner city America, you are missing out. When they start yelling at the movie characters and telling them what to do, it's more entertaining than the movie itself. You won't get that type of movie experience anywhere. Plus you can always rent the movie again later.

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  6. It comes down to trust. Do you think the police are doing everything in their power to find the real killers? Or do you think some internet kid overseas with some made up facebook page is trying to find the real killers? Who stands to make the most money from either outcome. In certain countries, you always have to consider this.

    • Like 2
  7. If the father is looking to sue people for damaging his family's reputation and business, he should start with the police force because they are the ones who put out there that they were looking for his son as a person of interest in the first place. That is what led social media to latch onto the boy as a suspect, otherwise, no one would be the wiser. I wonder if that will happen.

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  8. The samples taken from her body have been handled by the Koh Tao police. What if someone decided to do a switcharoo? How can anyone be confident in the chain of custody for the DNA sample taken from her body? DNA evidence is a dead end once you can't be sure that the DNA sample from her body is actually the DNA sample from her body. The only people who are sure are the police, not suprising.

  9. I understand how money and influence affect things here in thailand, a sweet land deal here, fast tracked permits, business monopoly there, but you would think a line would be drawn with murder. It's fascinating to see how money from one side and pressure from the top to catch the culprit on the other side produced the Burmese guys. 10 yrs ago the case would be closed, but now with social media,a third source of pressure is being applied. Which side wins? We will see if things are truly changing or if it's more of the same.

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