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About simon43

  • Birthday 06/16/1959

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    Khao Lak

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  1. Jeez! There are a lot of far more important things to stress about than someone checking your till receipt......!
  2. Brian - don't rise to his baiting - this guy is in a psycho ward somewhere in Oz. They should take his internet access away 'cos it certainly ain't helping his recovery....
  3. I'm making $$$$ from live-streaming myself eating Kellogg's cornflakes every morning....
  4. Oversize number plate?! That's nowt! I were fined for driving down road near Don Muang Airport, and that road (t' motorway) was only for them Thai folks, not for foreigners - well that's what t' pig said when he demanded 1,000 baht off me..... "Thai folks only on this road, no foreigners, OK?" !
  5. You can live very healthily and happily in Thailand on less than $1,000 USD/month! Granted, I'm not eating imported wago beef... πŸ™‚
  6. I have a locally-bought old Mazda car with a Maserati decal.........
  7. Off-topic, but briefly to clarify.. "..registration, insurance, maintenance and petrol into account?" registration? insurance? Don't know about those things! I just drive to the shops.beach etc πŸ™‚ For my medical insurance, I am somewhat healthy for my age, no statins etc, no high blood pressure etc, so my premium is low and has never risen since I have never claimed. $500 deductible on a claim and only my prostate bph/utis excluded (prostate cancer is fully covered). As for frugal living, I don't consider that I live a frugal life. My rented home was built just a few months ago, so all modern and well-built. I have hearty home-cooked meals every day, swim in the mountain river outside my door every day, go to the beach a few times a week, enjoy my ham radio hobby, teach as a volunteer at the local Burmese school blah blah blah. My stress levels are zilch, nada, non-existent πŸ™‚
  8. In that case, he needs to urgently contact the overseas pensions office in the UK because he is 100% eligible to the annual increase, thanks to the social security agreement between the UK and the PI.
  9. From the report, what exactly is a humiliating haircut? πŸ™‚
  10. - detached studio little house next to a mountain stream - 9,000 baht/month - car (old but reliable), 1,000 baht/month petrol - $1m medical insurance - 5,700 baht/month - Food/drink - 5,000 baht/month 20,700 baht/month. Obviously throw in extras like loo paper etc, but I'm still well-short of my (estimated) 35,000 baht UK state pension. If the PI doesn't appeal, there are other warm climates where the UK pension is linked, such as Mauritius (where I lived for 6 months after Covid). Nice place, nice beaches.
  11. Same here - I was able to top up my NI at the cheap Class 2 rates whilst working in south-east Asia - definitely worthwhile to do.
  12. You would need a PI forwarding mailing address AND a friend in the PI who can post the form back with a PI stamp! I imagine such people exist πŸ™‚ As for me, I'll stay in Thailand after I retire, but I'll move to PI if exchange rates/inflation etc turn me into a pauper...
  13. From what I understand, if you stay in the Philippines for more than 180 days, (with bank account, visa etc to demonstrate your residence in the country), then you can move back to Thailand after 180 days and you will continue to receive that increased pension. Rinse and repeat every 180 days - but I imagine most cannot flit between Thailand and the Philippines every 180 days....
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