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  1. I did stand ín the row of read light. It turned green. Nobody moved, I see forward, just 4 (four) cars go thorough the red light. Regularly they overtake ín the unforeseeable curves. Very dangerous the thai traffic
  2. They was not asleep! They did know, what are they paying, and they expected, change their money for dead jews!
  3. Are you serious? His wife was missed. He need report to the police, and start a search. He did not done. He is innocent?
  4. The man need to sue the dog owner, about animal cruelty, because his/her unattended dog kill 8 chicken animals
  5. I am believing her. At here, very difficult realise your rightful interest, againist a local, especially he/her are wealthy, and have good connections. You can finish ín the monkey house, with a fake accusation of defaming the royal family, for Example.
  6. No imagine the lack of manpower! Very easy, You go to immigration office, they ask your tax return file. So simple, no necessary any New clerks.
  7. The reality are proven the opposite. The poor have more childreen, as the upper classes. The real reason for the decline of population, at first, the selfishness. Secondary the nature "feels" the present overpopulated state, and regulating back. Thailand have a lot of forest, before mid 1900 years. A lot of forest was chopped.
  8. Yes Sir! That was the correct description of what happened. Earlier the guy jump down in time, from the no dangerous heights. This time he was late. Maybe the strong wind lift up the chute faster as usual.
  9. The most of thai women are saying, this is not a case of scam. The girl was much smarter then the Korean man.
  10. A lot of youths, gathered ín groups, should like to show their superiority. So very little word is enough for a fight.
  11. the Malaysian authorities have a simpathy with muslim terror groups. They no want a hard wall, for prevent their criminal activities. The border walls are working well, at Israel, around the arab villages.
  12. Sorriful it is true. A lot of arab workers on the payment list of UNRWA are members of the terror organisation. That is impossibile, the UNRWA leaders was blind, and see nothing about them.
  13. Are you fool? Are you believe, live together, with two stepchildreen, in her house, cost free? You would be asked for money, for school, food, electricity, water, fuel, maintanence, etc. No any cheap lunch.
  14. What about the sovereignity of Ukraina, when the elected goverment was chased out, by USA paid coup?
  15. One reason is, drink no enough water. The body retrive the necessary water from the poop, ín the last part of intestine.
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