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Posts posted by Terminator

  1. Can find any information on this!


    My ex to be is Indonesian is is with my 3-year old son on my WP residence visa.

    My Residence visa is up for renewal 15 Feb 21.

    We plan to have an uncontested divorce prior to this date, as I will not, if at all possible extend their visas, as they hopefully by then will be able travel back to Indonesia.

    So how many days are they allowed to stay for after all the formalities? Do they have top leave by the 15th of Feb or immediately after the divorce?


    Thanks for your info!

  2. On 6/14/2020 at 5:57 PM, ubonjoe said:

    a) He is not fined for an overstay when leaving the country for as long as he under the age of 15 but does get a overstay stamp. But that does not mean he is legally in the country.

    b) It probably will not be a problem until he get to the age where he would attending school.

    The best thing to do is get him a single entry non-o visa from an embassy or consulate so you can apply for a extension of stay that will be valid for as long as yours is for being a member of your family.

    Thanks Joe! We shall do it next year before he goes to school...

  3. I am getting conflicting responses on whether my 2-year son needs a residence visa or not.


    I have a WP and residence visa, as well as my spouse, the mother of our son.


    Th comments [advice?] I am getting:

    a) He can hop on and out of Thailand but will technically on overstay and he can do this until he is 12-years old, so that is what what we have been doing for the past 2-years, SEA and Europe. We had no problem whatsoever going in or out!

    b) He needs visa otherwise he is an illegal in Thailand, if so what are the implications?


    Your input will be must valued, either way we are okay!



  4. On 5/9/2019 at 9:19 AM, Mangkhut said:

    Indonesia is great me thinks too. Bali - not so much, at least the lower southeastern part of it as someone mentioned earlier in this thread, pollution and superugly shopping malls full of McDonalds, Starbucks and other cholestrol doublers are not in my definition of great or nice or attractive.


    I have travelled extensively in Indonesia, Sumatra, Java, Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, Flores, West Timor, Sulawesi and some smaller islands too as for example the Comodo islands, Siberut island. And I have to say its fantastic! The nature, scenery, the cultural and gastronomic diversity, the friendliness of the people etc etc. 

    Even the local cops who I was warned about were beyond friendly, I was somewhat lost on my motorbike travel in northern Sulawesi and contacted some local police to ask for help and directions - and they took me to their bbq party and feed me well, then followed me to a hotel which I didnt have to pay for. Such a thing wont never happen in Thailand.


    But in all fairness - there are negative things about Indonesia as well. The road standards are lightyears behind Thailand. For example the trans-Sumatran highway road is a very narrow twolane road, were each lane is so narrow that a bus or a truck have to drive with their outer wheelpair in the opposite lane for long distances as its simply not any space for the whole vehicle in one lane.

    Also the road standards in general are often horrible, potholed and rutted roads as main roads. Not to mention the traffic, just on Java it lives twice as much people as in Thailand on 1/4 of the landsize of Thailand. I remember a couple of years ago media reported about a huge traffic jam in the outskirts of Jakarta - and that traffic jam lasted 3 whole days. Several people died in that traffic jam as they were completely stuck - no chance to get out of it, no water, no medicines and no chance of an ambulance to reach them in the middle of the jam! If you call traffic jams in BKK or even CM bad you should think about that. 

    Not to mention all the suicide drivers - I can assure you its faaar worse than in Thailand and I have tens of thousands of kms on a motorbike both in Indonesia and in Thailand as well - so I know what Im talking about.


    Prices - well as the thai baht is getting stronger and stronger Indonesia certainly has an advantage. In general I found Indonesia to be a bit cheaper for most things, depending of what things or services you compare.


    English skills - well they might be good in the tourist area of Bali, but you dont have to go far from that area to find that english is almost non -exisiting! 

    Indonesian language is however as mentioned earlier on probably easier to learn than thai. Its written with western letters and its non tonal. 

    But remember that only around 10 % of indonesians speak bahasa indonesia as their main language. 90 % do speak it as their second language though.


    Visas - yes you can get a 60 day visa that can be extensioned up to 4 times of 30 day each. But you need an indonesian national to be your sponsor and you will need to go to the immigration office 4 times each for one extension. You will easily be relatively locked up for 1-2 weeks in this process. 

    And from my understanding - even if you are married to an indonesian citizen you still cant stay in Indonesia more than 6 months pr year. 


    Food - in Bali the food is fantastic and cheap. And in other main areas of tourism as well. But out in the remote parts of Indonesia your food choices often come down to noodles or rice, some places even without any meat to add. Maybe eggs if youre lucky. For that thing I would prefere remote Thailand to remote Indonesia. 


    All in all - I still like Indonesia a lot and would love to travel more there and spend more time there, but move there - nah Im not so sure about that.

    And from my understanding - even if you are married to an indonesian citizen you still cant stay in Indonesia more than 6 months pr year.  Not so true, you can get Kitap, Kitas and stay as long as you like...

  5. 15 hours ago, seasia said:

    So do I.

    I arrived in northern Italy in July for a 4 month stay, partly a "Plan B " experiment.

    I am just outside the lakeside city of Como.

    Nice scenery, nice air quality. Nice fresh food.

    Locals friendly, people say Hello to each.

    Cars stop at pedestrian crossing ( I do not drive ) so I feel safer.


    Quality food is cheaper. Perfectly OK wine around the 2 or 3 Euro mark ( You can pay more of course )

    Coffee  in the local bar I go to is 1 Euro. Beer ( large 660 ml is 3.5 Euro.

    Far cheaper in the shops though.

    I bought some 660ml bottles  on promo at 68 cents. Peroni.

    The food that I like is cheaper and fresher than in Thailand.


    Labour costs/taxis far more expensive than Thailand.

    I am enjoying my stay but doubt I would want to be here in the winter.

    Perfect, overwinter in Thailand or anywhere in SEA for that matter...

    • Like 1
  6. 18 hours ago, Jacob Ree Smog said:

    Oh my, I've been hearing a lot about this TM30 hoo-ha over the last few months. Can't say I've ever done one nor plan to do one in the future. I'm predicting that in six months time or so this nonsense shall be dropped completely due to pressures from business and local Thai people losing money. None of my fellow peers have every filled one out either. It all seems a tad silly in this day and age.

    I agree total waste of time, in the last 30 years here there have been many of those rules that after a few months fizzed away...

  7. Just to refresh your memory,

    Nelson Mandela was a convicted felon and a terrorist backed by the communist regime of the Soviet Union.

    He got himself educated on Marxism Leninism( hard core Marxism) in his prison cell on the Robben Island which some call the Robben Island "University" now


    Nice profile for a Nobel prize winner?

    Well, think again

    Yes indeed. A truly heroic man. Funny how the awkward bits can be forgotten when the enemy is so obviously repugnant.

    Mandela was educated in it,

    but did he apply radical Marxism to the country as head? No.

    The communist regime in USSR backed any groups fighting against capitalist countries.

    And with their backs to the wall I doubt if some support from any corner was unwelcome.

    But did he turn S.A. into a Marxist nation. Nope.

    I know about Marxisms, but doesn't mean more than 'I know about it'.

    Weng is clearly a pragmatically opportunistic radical, willing to join any group for the moment.

    4 years in the jungle, for ideology or just to save his ass, after helping cause unrest?

    He is a classic S.E.A. Maosit agitator, and barring the possibility of communist take over,

    he is essentially using his old skills to gain power, in what ever group he can fit into for the moment.

    The fact ideology allows him to switch sides to what is convenient shows, the glaring bankruptcy of his ideology.

    Veera is no less a grump old man who takes off if he doesn't get his way.

    Didn't like the Dems leader, or didn't get included in the spoils list enough?

    What ever, his own party try failed, he popped into this or that party for a spell,

    never found a home. But now he finally has a party of sorts to work on,

    except it is as morally bankrupt as anyin the land.

    Another equal opportunity opportunist.

    Why is there no Red manifesto, and no party ideas for the future?

    Because they have not thought that far ahead, don't think it matters,

    or just plain can't. If not for Thaksin's TV this guy would be nowhere.

    Arisman and Suporn?

    Politicians?, Leaders of society?

    Not hardly, rabble rouser's and loose cannon trouble makers.

    These two couldn't winnow a national budget to save our lives.

    Arisman got adicted to the applause a long time ago

    and now this is the ONLY way he can get his fix.

    Nuttawat, just a talking head with sense of humor.

    Again TV and repetition makes for a smallish star.

    Any one with big money can make most anyone a TV star, and thus a trend setter or modifier.

    If they are immoral enough a truly fine pitch master for the bosses product line.

    Without waving the bosses flag too hard.

    Jatupron... verbal loose cannon de jour, off the cuff instigator and antagonist, bully boy,

    that this guy is still allowed to have MP immunity boggles the mind.

    Why has he not been voted out of his chair by fellow MPs for malfeasance in office?

    The Three Buddies of Truth Today:

    If not for Thaksin's political shirt tails all these guys would have been scrabbling for traction.

    But Thaksin offered them the counter PAD tv gig and they grabbed at it. And the possibility of a bigger payday.

    I've heard a rumour that Arisman is a court declared bankruptee. Rumour is that he owes more than THB 15,000,000. I suppose he might have a friend from overseas who can help a poor rouged performance artist at the dag end of a career.

    he's got a few million around his neck too, what a frigging showman <deleted>...

  8. it's amazing that this army can't even surround a hotel and remove some fat middle aged men from a room without incident. If the army can't protect the country against a bunch of farmers with sticks, what the heck would they do if say someone like Cambodia decided this would be a nice country to have? I wonder how many countries out there are looking at Thailand as possible fair game, seeing how helpless they really appear. Maybe the moral of the story is, image is just that, all show and no substance. Time to get it together and prove it has what it takes to protect the women and children, or maybe the women and children should do it instead? :)

    The problem is that the government and the army/police are trying to avoid mass casualties. If the Cambodians (in an extremely hypothetical situation) were to invade I think the Thai army would have no qualms about slaughtering them. On the other hand, you have to wonder how they are unable to arrest even one of the crooks calling themselves "leaders" of the red shirts. Personally, I think Abhisit is making the best of what is an impossible situation, and I'm sure he wishes he had something more effective than the Keystone Kops to rely on.

    Unfortunately, this will likely all end with Abhisit resigning and probably moving overseas where he can probably make a good living under far less stressful circumstances. Thailand will have lost one of it's most intelligent, and educated Prime Ministers in decades and will end up with someone of the caliber of a Samak Sundaravej or a Chalerm - just what the country really deserves, so it can remain the underdeveloped, corrupt, laughing stock it seems to want to be. I used to love Thailand and respect its people. The last several years since the election of Thaksin have made me reconsider.

    Well said.

    The government is not fighting back, because it is not actually fighting. Like the saying ''when your back is against the wall you really fight back." I'm sure Cambodia or anybody would find that if Thailand were under serious threat they would defend themselves with strength.

    There is no reason for an educated and compassionate gentleman like Abhisit to use more force than is neccesary.

    I have my own feelings about why the hotel arrest incident was 'bungled' , specifically that it wasn't.

    The police knew that Mr.So-Called-I-Am-An-Honest-Red-Spokesman-For-The-Rural-Poor-And-I'm-Here-To-Overthrow-The-Decadent-Bangkok-Elite-With-Their-Fancy-Hotels-And-Big-Lunches, was infact staying in one of those enemy elite hotels and stuffing his fat, lying face with foie-gras, he had gone straight from 'revolutionary' to being 'the new boss,same as the old boss' but had forgotten the actual middle part, the actual successful coup part & had gone straight for the after-coup self-indulgence, prematurely. Mr Abhisit could not have bought better Tv coverage than what was shown in the 'bungled' raid.

    Abhisit and the police knew he was there, with his face in the swill, and they couldn't think of anything more hilarious and damaging to the Red's so-called cause, than to see one of their heroic anti-elite leaders fat a$$ tumbling ungracefully from the 3* elitist fancy hotel on every public TV set from here to the deepest Amazon.

    It is the first time I've seen Abhisit smirk for ages, yesterday, and I'm not surprised.

    i agree with 100% on this one, just to many holes in the story that does not make sense, plus he's picked up another charge for resisting arrest...

  9. I guess I have flown in/out of Thailand 6-8 times since this post started and including yesterday never got asked to show anything. in fact I have never been asked for it in the past 20-years. And yes I do carry a $1,000 in various spots on me as you never know what can happen to you in this crazy world!

    And the ones who are worried about robbers, think about this one, a friend of mine got hold up with gun pointing to his head when he was taking some cash out a ATM in Cambodia, and was forced to clean out more until the ATM ate his card, cost him $2,500, but thank goodness he still had $1,500 cash tucked away so he could get out of that place!

  10. power to the people !! why should,nt the rural poor have a say in how they are governed ? seems to me that a government was elected and because the elite did,nt care for it a military coup was engineered . some of the right wing crap spouted on here telling the thai people how to run their own affairs would make a pig vomit ..how many of these know alls are actually taking advantage of the poor girls from these regions .maybe they prefer to keep them poor and uneducated ..just a thought ................

    Very uneducated thought, the poor had their time with Toxin for eight years and he f..d.d them over, get real, why can't the elite have their turn for a change!

  11. Is the right answer!

    It makes me sad to think that Patpong, Nana, and Soi Cowboy are considered "Ex-pat" hangouts by the OP.

    I don't think it's fair to pin this on the OP.. Just looking around Cowboy or Nana it's really quite obvious that most foreigners there are in Thailand for an extended period of time, not tourists fresh off the plane. There are a couple of course but by no means a majority.

    Evidently not all expats have the same tastes; some abhor that sort of nightlife and prefer to visit other areas, or stay home with the family for that matter. Fortunately there are options for all in Bangkok.

    Thanks all for backing me up, nowhere in my OP did I mention "Ex-pat" hangouts, as far as I am concerned all colors are welcome! :)

  12. I think that ppor enforcement of order by the police has had an adverse effect on Nana particularly, with those whose specifics we must not discuss lining Sukhumvit road, and the illegal pavement bars; the ladyboy pick-pockets on the South Side of Sukhumvit are not a welcome attraction. I'd like to see Sukhumvit cleaned up, and all the muckiness kept behind closed doors (or at least heavy velvet curtains) - at least the publicans have an interest in keeping things ticking over safely and cleanly.


    You are absolutely right, we definitely need a clean-up in that area, and curtains we have that already in those 'specific services' establishments.

    Also I think commercialism has taken it to the cleaners by becoming to greedy in the end...

    Maybe Soi 11 may be the next spot???

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