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Posts posted by Terminator

  1. Incidentally, In my opinion, Lucifers on Walking Street has to be the worst example of a death trap waiting to happen. It only has one exit and thats just about 1m wide for about a 10m long corridor to the front door.

    plus you can try to jump over the balcony into the bay!

    its well known that most bars and clubs in thailand have poor fire safety systems in place, try nana plaza during a fire, or even patpong with to way the stalls are crowded in.

    and the owners now get his bum kicked which could have been easily avoided if the proper authorites had done their job...ah moolah :o

    feel sorry for the families though as they were innocent victims!

  2. I wish I had time to do this, I think a great idea for Bangkok.........

    They run a service called the RoadAngels in Kuala Lumpur. They offer you a driver to send you home after a night of binge drinking. So now, you AND your partner can enjoy a drink together and have us as your designated driver.

    Our rates are reasonable and our service reliable. Please try us out the next time you're out and about. Please visit us at www.roadangels.com.my for more info.

  3. Well, we all know about the Thai 1 Year Visa's. Does Cambodia also issue 1 Year Visas? If yes, what are the requirements and conditions? Anyone?

    easy fly into phnom phen, get a business visa valid one month US$25, then you can get an express visa service to apply for 1-year visa, US$265 per year. get to know a local expat with the right connections and you can get it for about US$125, please dont ask me for one :D

    and then you can get in and out as many times as you like, handy if you need to do your monthly visa runs :o

  4. in the west we get engaged first and than get married at least you have 2 years to work her out, here they on it after 2-3 shags!

    And still most Marriages in the west end in divorce and she gets to keep the house.

    So do you actually have a point? :o

    yes i do, i would give anyone a house after six months like steve or so many others do, and then get killed for it as well, met a few guys who got kicked out their houses because it was in their lovely teeruks name!!!

    i never have sen anyone in the west to do that, plus if you smart in west you still can get to keep most of your assets, its just that so many people are so naive!

    get my point now!

  5. Knowing Thais ... and the information on the thread [ very informative and appreciate those close to steve giving some thoughts ] - I would think maybe the Thai Boyfriend had a fair amount of influence. If he was one of the first, or a long time boyfriend - [ maybe they even had a child ? ] they can retain a very influencing role over the TG - especially if it seemed like he may be able to share in the financial benefits.

    Can only reitterate condolances and the tragedy of the whole affair - It does pay to delve as much as possible into your TGs background, especially if/when large amounts of cash become involved.

    Large amounts of cash should NEVER become involved! This always seems to lead to tears.

    Never let them know any of your financial details, keep it all in a safe deposit box.

    Never take her to your bank.

    Never buy a house/condo, always rent.

    Never open a joint account. You can always transfer funds from your to her account.

    Always tell them the source of your wealth is a pension/annuity or such

    which dies when you do.

    Always tell them, the new car you bought while she was out of town, is leased.

    Always have a second Thai bank account with a small balance. This card and it's ATM receipts

    are the only ones she is allowed to ever see.

    Learn how to lie like an expert, even if it's not in your nature.

    In other words, if you leave the scene, she ends up without a brass razoo! :o

    Just my tuppenceworth, seen too much of this ... although seldom so serious. :D


    this should be given out to every fresh farang upon arrival in thailand, well written and so true!

    give thais money and then try to get it back, almost impossible, but then bt.500k to a poor farmers daughter is a fortune, like bt.2 mil to a super model is a fortune, but again who are the suckers whom think with their d1ck!

    i have a friend who always want to borrow money, but when he goes out he buys 20-30 lady drinks because they are so poor, <deleted>!

    i really feel very sorry for steve and family, and reading stickmans story, it just inforces the rules that naka outlines so well, in the west we get engaged first and than get married at least you have 2 years to work her out, here they on it after 2-3 shags!

  6. i just look at the state of nightlife here and the cost of it, compared to other parts of asia and europe not that cheap anymore, i think prices for tourist are almost at par here.

    as for the LON, look at their attitude these days, instead of being the friendly hostesses they used to be they've become hungry money grabbing bitches, and the word gets spread around, believe you me!

    plus the poor infrastructure, agening facilities, crimes against tourist being committed and worsening services are al taking its toll, and that was well before this political crisis was happening.

  7. Terminator

    Some might say your views are mysogynistic or embittered.....not me though......There are women who want genuine relationships who actually have their own money but for many guys they come to Thailand to get a "young model" and this usually involves the guy having some money and the girl marrying the guy with the money as the deal clincher. I don't think there is anything wrong with this as long as both parties are aware of the situation. Guys need to be savvy in these sort of situations and make sure they leave a good portion of their assets offshore and only spend what they can afford to lose in Thailand.

    i agree, unfortunetly not so many guys are as savvy as you and me :o

  8. Maybee the Manager is so pre-occupied with the big game coming up that he feels that he will face a lot of criticism in the press if they dont go through.. he definatley has a pesonality defect, he can never admit a mistake and never gives any credit to teams that give his side a going over, its always someone else's fault !

    He is probably the most disliked Manager in the football world right now and if he is encouraging his players to be like him well....

    He is doing more harm than good for football right now

    But what to do?

    Thats the question!

    well, we are trying to figure this out with toxin right now aren't we, they're so alike :o

  9. So beware..! White men BEWARE!!!

    IF you want a Thai wife you need to be careful of your selective family because when you marry someone it means you marry a whole family. Unlike western world. :D

    It is not just being with someone you love but the whole culture and it is even more complex when you have to live in Thailand. :o:D

    This is actually very good advice. When you are about to marry your prostitute you have fallen in love check out her whiskey swilling father and tattoed brother. They now belong to you....hmmmm..."but she was such a nice girl in the bar on soi 6 for the two weeks I knew her before asking her to marry me. Her family was soooo friendly"


    its an old fashioned idea to get married anyways, look in the west where the bitches walk away with 60-70%, once they get old insecurity sets in, so they screw ya, then you guys come here and fall in a hole hoping that things are different here, forget it plus :D

    just stay single and dont fall in the insecurity trap, saves you lots of dough too :D

    What is Dough, Terminator?

    If you meant Money, I'm sure there are some good one somehere that is not after your Dough :D

    well women in thailand/world one way or another is going to cost you, whether married or not, if they have the money they don't need you :D

    but that's a subject already been covered on TV many times :D

  10. I spoke to a Farang friend of the victim last Sunday. He went to his dead friends house the day after the incident and spoke to his dead friends wife, who re-iterated the story of Mark being drunk and beating her and her father stabbing him, because of it. He was also a drinking partner of the deceased and confirmed that Mark was a heavy drinker "who could get a bit silly when drunk". He witnessed many rows between the couple and described the marrige as tempestuous. Though he saw many rows, he never ever saw Mark strike or threaten to strike her. He went back to visit last Sunday, The father-in law was at home, out on 15,000 Baht bail (negotiated). He noticed a large bruise had emerged on the Lady's forehead, which wasn't in evidence on his last visit. As he left he gave her the usual "If there's anything I can do to help you". 4 hours later she phoned him to ask for 200,000 Baht. He declined pleading poverty. Another business associate of mine, Thai (well educated and highly articulate) described the father-in law as a little snake. (apparently he is of small stature) This is only an opinion you must understand. More gruel for the little pot you've got going here.


    if this story is true, that the old boy walks free, because we all know they are the only ones left to tell the story, and we all know that thai's believe that telling lies to save their arse is okay :D

    its us against them, so don't do business or get anything involved with money with them, just pay the lady to leave in the morning, saves you a lot of grief and $$$$$$$$$$ :o

    i stay alone, but never come alone :D

  11. I doubt that he would choke or hit his Thai wife and it is unlikely to see farangs beat up their Thai wives in the wive's country. IF they are smart enough, they should know the circumstances from doing so. Most farangs have less advantage living in Thailand when it comes to law and regulations unless you have tons and tons of money or they are friends of a high rank policeman or some sort or if it is a small case they might let you walk away because they don't know your language and they would waste their times more trying to sort the little and harmless cases.

    A lot of farangs I heard about were being ripped off by their Thai wives. One in my village was left with her son who is selfish and mean to this poor farang in a brand new house that he built for her. She was ripping him off while she was with her Thai husband which the poor farang husband didn't know about. She asked him for a bike, he gave it to her. She asked for a car -- he traded the bike in so he had enough money to buy it for her after she got the car --- she took off with the Thai husband to Pattaya .. again back to her old job.

    He was left with nothing.... absolutely nothing. No money, No job... No future... He didn't even have money to extend his stay -- he was illegally living in Thailand. Her son was mean to him that he didn't let the farang step father used the bike to get around while he lives in the farang's house. Worst of all... the house is in " The so-called Thai wife's name " -- so he couldn't sell it.

    He was a big man earlier but since his Thai wife left him his body shrunk because he had no food... nothing... He survived by the girl's aunt that has a little groceries store in the village and she fed him with bananas!!!!!

    Don't say that because of his stupidity, NO! it's not... It was because he TRUSTED his so-called Thai wife. So, think about it fellows , think about it...

    In this murderous case, THE WIFE IS THE KEY. If the father gave her a threat that would be another sotory and would be very very very sad for the victims and the Thai Society.

    Don't accuse ones who cannot speak up for themselves especially the one that doesn't breathe until all information is finalised. :D

    after 20-years here this is a typical classical story, only fools get parted with their hard earned money, sadly also so common in the west :o

    does not mean somebody needs to get killed over it though :D

  12. So beware..! White men BEWARE!!!

    IF you want a Thai wife you need to be careful of your selective family because when you marry someone it means you marry a whole family. Unlike western world. :D

    It is not just being with someone you love but the whole culture and it is even more complex when you have to live in Thailand. :o:D

    This is actually very good advice. When you are about to marry your prostitute you have fallen in love check out her whiskey swilling father and tattoed brother. They now belong to you....hmmmm..."but she was such a nice girl in the bar on soi 6 for the two weeks I knew her before asking her to marry me. Her family was soooo friendly"


    its an old fashioned idea to get married anyways, look in the west where the bitches walk away with 60-70%, once they get old insecurity sets in, so they screw ya, then you guys come here and fall in a hole hoping that things are different here, forget it plus :D

    just stay single and dont fall in the insecurity trap, saves you lots of dough too :D

  13. the best way to hedge, is by the use of multi currency sandwiches, whereby you borrow low,lets say $200k in yen @ +/- 2% interest, using $100k as security with the bank and than invest in a basket of currencies. some baskets return in excess of 20-30% after costs tax free.

    Jyske Bank in denmark http://www.jbpb.com/default.asp?sLangID=uk has these kind products for private clients, i use them for years.

    I will retire to Thailand in two years at the ripe old age of 48. I will have a bit more than $1million. $500K will be locked in a 401K Rollover account and the other $500K in a regular stock fund. Both are under my total control and direction. I also will have my BKK condo completely paid off. I assume I will withdraw and transfer $50K a year to Thailand for life starting at 48 :>

    The worry I have is that the value of the US Dollars will steadily decline over the next 30 years relative to other currencies ( I do not subscribe to the gloom & doom scenario of the Dollar collapsing – if that happens the rest of the world will be worse off than the US… and I have land in rural Montana :o )

    I would predict that the dollar to baht rate will erode to a 20 to 1 rate over the next 20 years… My question is what I could invest a portion of my portfolio in to hedge the decline of the dollar?

    I presently have the funds in a group of well diversified mutual funds. I was thinking of investing 1/3 of the funds in some investment (preferably one that could be purchased thru my US Fidelity stock account) that is invested in assets outside the US that has a track record stability and return?

  14. try walking the reeperbahn on a sunday morning :D

    i mean this sh1t happens all over the world, because some people are just so fkg naive, you can see them all over thailand thinking this is paradise till they get fkd over, and then they wonder why :o

  15. well there is always money to be made with adwords and adsense!

    after 1.5 years, i've 120 automated sites each costing about $150 to set-up, some making about $10/m, some about $250/m, and they have nothing to do with sex or gambling.

    takes about 12 hours a week of my time and we're launching 2-4 sites every week, my goal is 500 sites making about $250/m. admit have a webmaster partner who gets a small cut and his staff spend total about 15-20 hrs per week on my sites, submitting, updating etc. all done from los, but sites hosted from my servers elsewhere. here is an example: http://www.ezinejet.com/weddings/Articles/Wedding_Rings.php btw not my site for obvious reasons, but simular to one of my sites!

    op and bolognamare, you are on the right track, but and others note, there is also plenty of other ways to make money on the net!

  16. the point is all politicians are self centred crooks, only interested in filling their cookie jars either now or after politics. bush, toxin, hamas, blair, they're all the same! :D

    <deleted> them all, thats why i've moved away into freedom, rather being stateless and save my taxes for my own personal use! :D

    suckers, welcome to the club!!! :o

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