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Posts posted by Gtto

  1. I am a scuba instructor in Thailand. Most speedboats I have been on have been captained by people that seem to only care about how fast they can drive. When the weather is bad small boats should be forbidden to leave port. End of story. I was in Cozumel, Mexico and was supposed to dive. Captain of the port said the weather was too bad. Closed the port. No boats allowed out under penalty of arrest. No diving that day even though much money was lost. Cozumel decided that negative publicity from an incident was worse than short term loss of income. It is time Thailand did the same.

  2. I also have a non B but never got a work permit. I was supposed to work but before I applied for the permit the situation with the company changed and I didn't start the job. I will try and apply for an extension of stay based on retirement tomorrow in Phang Nga but my visa runs out on May 22 and I suspect that might not be enough time left. I had planned to go on Thursday not realizing it was a long holiday weekend. I have done the visa run to Ranong twice. Once without incident and once was asked to pay 500 baht to someone standing on the dock. None of these was via Andaman Club. If Phang Nga denies my extension what are my options? If I go to Ranong is it best to say I forgot my WP or just tell them I never had one? If I get another 90 days can I then apply for an extension of stay or is it not possible because the original visa has run out? Thanks for any help.

  3. Just returned from Immigration in Phang Nga to try and get an extension of stay based on retirement. I had the notarized proof of income form from The American Consulate but they asked for bank statement verification. Has anyone had the same experience in Bangkok or do they usually accept the Proof of income form? I am thinking instead of going to Penang to get an "O-A" visa. Is it possible to get a one year visa? Is it usually an overnight process? Thanks.

  4. Just came back from a run to Myanmar. I have a non immigrant one year B visa but the job I was supposed to have didn't work out so I have no work permit. I have gone in and out before with this visa without any problems. Upon presenting my visa before departing I was asked for my work permit. I told him I didn't have one and he made a bunch of noise and told me to come inside. I was then informed I would have to pay 500 baht which I thought was crazy but not worth hassling over. When I tried to give him the money he said "Not to me. give it to him." and pointed to some guy that I saw standing around outside seeming maybe to be "in charge" of some long tails. The guy had earrings and necklaces and jeans on. Very strange. I gave him the money and was on my way but I wasn't happy about it. Afterwards I thought I should have told the immigration guy that I needed a receipt. I really didn't want to be scammed but I also didn't know what could happen if I refused. Anyone else had this happen? If so, what did you do?

  5. Not sure if this is the right place to post this.......

    I need to get a box of stuff ( midi keyboard, small speakers and a few more small things) from Bangkok to Khaolak. I am flying to Phuket but Don't think these will pass as luggage. Does anyone know how a relatively inexpensive way to ship this stuff? Maybe a truck that drives down south? Thanks.

  6. It took me 4 days to download! Network kept resetting and I would lose any progress I made. Finally paused the download before going to sleep and resumed in the morning. That worked. I have been having mail problems and it seems a lot of others are having the same. Kept getting asked for passwords and then got a dialog that they couldn't be verified. Somehow lost all the mail in an old account but it was just a backup account and there was nothing important there.It is working now. I really like the split screen feature but that might not be a big deal for most people.

  7. I second the Doi Chaang recommendation. I prefer the AA and the Peaberry when compared to the normal premium but by Thai standards it is expensive. In Bangkok you can find it at Villa in Ploen Chit center. Don't judge coffee when it is made in a cafe. There are far too many variables. Water temperature and water quality play a very important role in the brewing. Remember a brewed cup of coffee is 99% water.

  8. I am currently working as a scuba instructor with a current work permit. I was told by my employer that I would have to pay taxes but it seems that because I am 63 I don't have to pay anything. The other instructors I work with got some kind of card allowing them to get medical care but I got nothing. I really don't understand it all.....What do I need to do to get a card that lets me into the hospital system? Hopefully someone knows what I am trying to explain....

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  9. Today I went to the Thai consulate in New York to apply for a Non Immigrant multi entry B visa. As part of the application process I had to sign a form saying that they could keep my money even if I was denied a visa. I handed the person working there my application and the $200 fee. She never asked to see any of the papers I had with me concerning my future employment, bank statements etc. When I asked her if she wanted to see the papers she said OK and took them from me without really looking at them and told me to come back Monday. I thought it was strange of her not to check to see if I had all the necessary papers but maybe they think that is my problem and not theirs. I don't know. When I applied for a visa two years ago in Miami they were much more pedantic about having everything that was required before accepting my application. I sure hope there is a visa waiting for me on Monday.

  10. I am an American and will be in BKK for four days before leaving for Indonesia. I will then be returning to Thailand in September and applying for a work visa through a Thai company. If I get a tourist visa ( single or multiple entry ) can I get it so that it doesn't start until September and just use the visa on arrival for the 4 days I will be here? Or does it not matter since I will need a non immigrant visa in order to get the work permit? Thanks for any advice.

  11. Yes, it was a three entry visa. It was good until March but I have now entered the country three times. My ticket out of Phuket is May 23 and the last entry satmp is good until April 1. If I understand correctly, I can get a one month extension and then exit the country on May 1 and return with 15 more days allowed. is this right?

  12. I went to the Thai consul in Miami and told them I needed a visa for 8 months. They gave me a 6 month multiple entry visa and said this was really good for 8 months since I would get 2 more after the last entry. The visa started in the beginning of October. Last week I did a visa run to Myanmar and was given two more months but was told the visa was not good after that. The immigration guy said to come back in 2 months but I am not sure what this means. Will I be able to get 60 more days or do I need to do something else to get this extension ?

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