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Posts posted by Hulkster

  1. The government has shown incredible restraint so far.

    and should continue to do so. the military should not fire a single shot at ANYONE no matter what. the military/government should protect the people, not be the cause of violence.

    You have protesters hijacking government buildings, inciting violence, intent on overthrowing the democratically government by any means necessary. Lethal force should be a last resort, but should it get to that stage I have no problem with the police and/or military using it to maintain control.

    • Like 2
  2. The red shirts are government supporters. if the government agreed with them that they should go home now, as I suspect has happened, then it can only mean one thing. That thing is simple, that the government sees that the anti-government protestors need to be fought and removed by force. So, once the red shirts are safely out of the way and once the protestors have been asked to go peacefully and refused, the army and police will move in and use force. My guess is the use of force will start next Saturday.

    Of course they need to be fought. You can't let them hijack government buildings.

  3. At this point it's probably a formality for the FIA to approve the circuit and redevelopment of the roads and surrounding area will commence in order for an F1 race to take place in 2015.

    A month before the actual race, the FIA will do a final approval and If the circuit isn't up to standard, the race simply won't take place if the issues can't be rectified in time.

    If a year out from the race the Thai organisers are behind schedule, Bernie will simply pull the event from the tentative 2015 schedule. Bernie doesn't mess around and the organisers will be well aware of this.

    This isn't like Futsal where you can't take the event somewhere else and FIFA is stuck with Bangkok hosting the event. The race will simply be yanked.

    Of course it will. How can you close the main arteries of bangkok to produce a racing surface? It will be mayhem for months.

    An F1 surface will deteriorate so fast under Bangkok traffic, will they permenantly be repairing it forever?

    Just build a track in bangna and have done with it.

    They have street races elsewhere (Monte Carlo, Singapore), I'm sure Bangkok can manage. They can work at night. They don't have to close down streets during the day. Labor is dirt cheap in Thailand, so no problem in getting a job done quickly if you throw enough people at it.

    I'm sure an F1 surface can hold up to the demands of Toyota Corolla taxis. You worry too much.

    Just sit back and look forward to attending the race (assuming you're not an english teacher on 30k a month).

    • Like 1
  4. At this point it's probably a formality for the FIA to approve the circuit and redevelopment of the roads and surrounding area will commence in order for an F1 race to take place in 2015.

    A month before the actual race, the FIA will do a final approval and If the circuit isn't up to standard, the race simply won't take place if the issues can't be rectified in time.

    If a year out from the race the Thai organisers are behind schedule, Bernie will simply pull the event from the tentative 2015 schedule. Bernie doesn't mess around and the organisers will be well aware of this.

    This isn't like Futsal where you can't take the event somewhere else and FIFA is stuck with Bangkok hosting the event. The race will simply be yanked.

  5. its crap,do not bother,wetter than wet,poor observation spots. If you have to go take a tunable Walkman to tune into race commentary,and buy tickets at the site cheaper

    Poor observation spots?? You can see about 30-40% of the track from most stands blink.png

    It's only been red flagged for rain twice since the inception of the Grand Prix in 1999. Hardly ever rains on race day. Perception doesn't equal reality. Last year, qualifying for the British Grand Prix was red flagged for 90 minutes because of rain. 2011 Canadian Grand Prix was red flagged for two hours because of rain.

    • Like 1
  6. i noticed also it says on teh site Friday "is a free entry day to all seat zones"

    does that mean we can go into the posh seats for a few photos and have a good nose around the stadium???

    access all areas.....

    Yeah you can sit on the pit straight, hairpin, wherever. Hardly anyone turns up which makes it even better not having to deal with any crowds.

    • Like 1
  7. hey guys

    we are just about to book our tickets and i looked at the prices here on the official formula 1 site and they are about 2100B


    then i did a quick google search, and tickets direct from sepang circuit website are 1200B


    nearly half price!! do you think these are the same tickets and i will have no problems from buying direct from sepang circuit site??

    I bought mine from the Sepang circuit site. They send you a pdf file and you print it out.

    • Like 1
  8. Unless money is an issue i'd get a seat. If you don't want a seat, then go with C2. It's shaded, but it's really crowded and you'll have get there early for a good spot under the shade. Also, keep in mind it's a bit of a walk from the main entrance. I sat in F stand last time. It's a good spot, but you'll need to take the courtesy bus to get there and back. I think K1 is the best option.

    You don't need earplugs unless you're on the straight, and even then you'll probably only wear them after it becomes a bit repetitive.

    how much of a walk is it hulky?? i will be cool with it, but taking the thai mrs along and she aint massively into walking.... also when u say "get there early"..... how long before the race starts do you mean? is one hour before enough time to get a spot in the shade??

    thanks for all the great advice guys...... gonna get online and get my tickets today for C2 i think

    From the main entrance maybe a brisk 15-20 minutes to walk it. I watched from C3 and C2 in 2000 and 2003, so my memory is a little fuzzy. It was brutally hot and dripping with sweat. If the missus hates walking she won't like it. There's a courtesy bus but I have only taken it to the back of the circuit, though I'm pretty sure it stops close to C2.

    In 2003 I rocked up about 30 minutes before the race and stood at the back of C2. I'm tall so had a good view, but you're standing the whole time basically.

    • Like 1
  9. Unless money is an issue i'd get a seat. If you don't want a seat, then go with C2. It's shaded, but it's really crowded and you'll have get there early for a good spot under the shade. Also, keep in mind it's a bit of a walk from the main entrance. I sat in F stand last time. It's a good spot, but you'll need to take the courtesy bus to get there and back. I think K1 is the best option.

    You don't need earplugs unless you're on the straight, and even then you'll probably only wear them after it becomes a bit repetitive.

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